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Recommend my next WAD playthrough

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I've been playing coop and survival games with my friends lately and we're not sure what to play next after we finish Momento Mori. We seem to prefer more open levels with a lot of monsters and hate switch and key hunts. We've never really played too many WADs (just Ultimate Doom and Doom II over and over again) until playing through TNT, Plutonia and now Momento Mori. We aren't very good and wouldn't even think of playing Plutonia, TNT or MM on survival. Something a little tougher than Doom II would be perfect. So far MM has been the best.

What's next? The obvious next step would be MM2 but maybe someone has a better idea.

Edit: More for me than you, here's what we've done, in order of how much we liked them (or how much I liked them, at least)

- Momento Mori 1/2
- Vanguard
- Scythe 1/2
- Hell Revealed 1/2 -- TOO HARD but fun
- ScytheX
- Sunder
- Alien Vendetta
- Plutonia: Meh
- TNT: Meh
- 2002: A Doom Odyssey: Way too easy
- Epic 2
- Plutonia 2: We didn't like this one

On tap:
- Eternal Doom
- http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=8008
- http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/61105-doom-2-in-name-only-tentative-title-maps-available/

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The Abyss Is pretty good if you like oldschool stuff.

I recommend Richard Wiles' Dickie series if you don't mind loading multiple PWADS. They're really good barring a stupid trap on MAP08:


Don't run straight to the yellow key, look around after hitting some switches instead.

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Scythe X is worth a look. Visually impressive and not too tough. 12 levels all up, great mapset.

Also one of the most widely regarded megawads is Alien Vendetta

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Well, my buddy liked MM so much we started MM2. I think Alien Vendetta sounds most interesting after that. Thanks!

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Yeah, do Alien Vendetta or Hell Revealed next. The former has well designed and interesting levels that get quite difficult towards the end, and the latter contains massive battles that get brutal (map26 in particular). Both are big staples of the doom gaming community, and both warrant your attention.

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probably one of the scythe wads, they are short and the difficulty builds up throughout the wad, starting off pretty easy, sounds like your cup of tea. Though as you liked MM, perhaps after MM2 try requiem though some of the levels are long.

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  • 3 months later...

Ok, here's our current log. Probably more for my own sake than anyone else's, but if anyone is interested.. We normally play on UV, always coop.

- TNT: Meh
- Plutonia: Meh
- Momento Mori 1/2: Probably the best we've played
- Alien Vendetta 1/2: Pretty good but forgettable
- Hell Revealed 1/2: Too many cyberdemons.
- Plutonia 2: We didn't like this one
- Scythe 1/2: You're right, it does go from easy (REALLY easy) to hard (impossible) They were a lot of fun though
- 2002: A Doom Odyssey: Way too easy

This weekend we tried to play Holy Hell, but once you've died in coop you can't go back through the first teleporter. I didn't even consider trying to survive.

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Random ideas of the top of my head:

-Whispers of Satan
-Plutonia Revisted (though it may not be up your alley)
-Eternal DOOM (huge maps, lots of space)
-Reverie/Doom Core
-The Darkening/The Darkening Episode 2
-Doom the Way Id Did
-Khorus' Speedy Shit
-Base Ganymede

Mind you, I haven't played much co-op in my day and don't really know which of these play well in that mode (save Eternal DOOM).

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I guess there really is no such thing as "too hard" in coop because we make no qualms about coming back in to a fight after dying and obviously have unlimited lives. I'd definitely rather die a few times than make it too easy.

The problem with coop is the extra cyberdemons that tend to show up every few levels (or more) in most wads. I get adding additional monsters, but additional cyberdemons is pretty high stakes.

Like I said though, I can deal with it. What I don't like is levels that are just unreasonable, ie any of the Scythe 2 levels with the evil marine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We finally played again last night where we left off in Epic 2. I got stuck at spawn points in each of the first 3 levels we played so we moved on to Eternal Doom. Apparently I loaded the wads wrong or something, because what I saw was a bunch of 1s and 0s floating in the air and a grid of boxes hiding Cyberdemons. Cybersweeper I guess it was called. I said "wtf?" and closed it. (Edit: Oh. I get it.)

So we ended up playing Vanguard. It's right up our alley except for one level that was a big circle with nothing but viles. Didn't like that one.

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that's the first time i've ever heard Alien Vendetta described as "forgettable"!

if you like Memento Mori 1/2, you'll definitely like Requiem

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esselfortium said:

There isn't. qoncept is referring, of course, to Alien Vendetta one-half. :-)

Doh, I must have gotten cut and paste happy or something.

We've been working a lot lately and playing less so we're still working on Vanguard. Really liking it, but Memento Mori is still the best. Xaser's Metallica-music wad sounds fun, and I want to try Eternal Doom again. REALLY looking forward to this.

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hex11 said:

Icarus:AV is pretty fun in coop.

That's actually how I ended up playing Vanguard. Didn't realize what I was getting. Worked out though.

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  • 4 months later...

For anyone interested.. We've slowed down a bit, but over the last week we played through Whispers of Satan. One of the best yet.

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  • 2 months later...

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