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Threshold Of Pain II - ACT 2 RELEASED

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You knew it would never be over. You knew the demons would never stop. You knew the scientists would never learn.

But you didn't know everything.

Until now ...

Threshold Of Pain II is the sequel to 2010's Cacoward-also-ran Threshold Of Pain. It attempts to build upon the principals of the original while addressing some of the criticisms which were levelled at it, and adding more stuff into the mix.

Along the way you'll find out more about the Triton disaster, things that not even your military superiors were briefed on, and what exactly happened at the end of the first game.

Features include:
- Everything that ToP I had
- 10-12 new levels
- More varied level design
- 3D floors a la Doom64
- Deep water
- New monsters and weaponry, including a new final boss
- Elements from other incarnations of Doom (such as Doom 3 and Doom RPG)


UPDATE: This is the first two parts of the mod, consisting of 7 maps (6 plus 1 secret) which I have decided to release as completion of the final act hs as taken longer than I had originally anticipated, due to RL issues and work on other things. This does NOT mean that the mod has been cancelled - work on the final six maps is well under way, but this release is to assure those interested that I'm still here and still working on it. Release of the full mod should happene sometine this year, but in the meantime, enjoy!

All feedback is welcome, as always.

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This is a major surprise. Didn't know you were even thinking of a sequel, but I'm glad because I liked the first "Threshold of Pain" so much, I really wanted to see more. I'd be happy to beta test this project when it's ready for such a thing.

Good luck with it!

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I just had an orgasm in my brain.

Threshhold of Pain - best PSX-style Doom since PSX Doom. You didn't fail to win a Cacoward, the Cacowards failed you.

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The screenshots look great, they have the same ominous, straight-forward style that defined ToP. I loved the first installment, and this is highly anticipated.

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I can not express how awesome this will be other than this

also, Im working on a wad somehow connected to this
the triton complex is so large, The Realm Of Hate actually have a spot in there, on this vast, cold planet

once this is sequel finished my big face will fly like an owl in the night

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D_GARG said:

once this is sequel finished my big face will fly like an owl in the night

I want to have this tattooed on my forehead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would be happy to work on an original ambient soundtrack similar to the PSX Doom music. Its very easy for me to do. Ambient strings + slowed down samples and lotsa reverb. If you are interested PM me and its your choice if you want to reuse playstation Doom music or want something similar but original.

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I can do Dark Ambient / Industrial style if need be ;)

I never even heard of ToP and now there's an awesome looking sequel. Must check out the first one...

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If there was one issue i had with the first one it was the overreliance on imps on high ledges, got a bit tedious after a while constantly sniping imps on high ledges :P
Hopefully that will be toned down this time.

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As far as timeframe goes, I'm not expecting this to be finished this side of Christmas, but by the time Doom turns 20 it should be out, played and long forgotten :P

Choosing the music for the levels has been a bit tougher this time around, as I'd pretty much used up all the best ones in ToP1. I had been toying with the idea of knocking up a few pieces of my own. To have a score which is inspired by PSX Doom, rather than directly lifted from it, would be amazing, and would really be inkeeping with the spirit of the mod.

As far as format goes, all music will be converted to .OGG format.

@vinnie: MAP01 has a couple, MAP02 has jack :P

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Those pieces were amazing! Scalliano would be wise to choose you as the musician (or one of several) for this project if original music is what he settles for! =)

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Good stuff! Those are all ace, but the first one in partticular is definitely in the ball park :)

To my shame I've actually had Psychophobia sitting on my HD for ages. Need to get on that shit!

In the meantime ... :P

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scalliano said:

Choosing the music for the levels has been a bit tougher this time around, as I'd pretty much used up all the best ones in ToP1. I had been toying with the idea of knocking up a few pieces of my own. To have a score which is inspired by PSX Doom, rather than directly lifted from it, would be amazing, and would really be inkeeping with the spirit of the mod.
@vinnie: MAP01 has a couple, MAP02 has jack :P

copy that Major ;)

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My music can be heard in the latest release of PsychoPhobia: http://www.moddb.com/mods/psychophobia
(Not all map music is finished in Episode 2)

That first one is definitely one I really enjoyed doing, one of my latest pieces. I can definitely go that route for you.

And thanks, CarpetolA!

Excellent! That dark, beatless style is by far the most PSX Doom-ish. Welcomne aboard!

I'm taking a quick break from mapping over the next few nights as the first 2 maps were pretty much solid, so I'll be giving Psycho a go.

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Do you plan on using the BGM for Breakdown of Doom 64? That track was terrifying and I'm sure it'd fit right into TOP.

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Marnetmar said:

Do you plan on using the BGM for Breakdown of Doom 64? That track was terrifying and I'm sure it'd fit right into TOP.

+1 Also Dark Citadel from Doom 64 and Geryon from Final Doom are terrific choices as well.

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Marnetmar said:

Do you plan on using the BGM for Breakdown of Doom 64? That track was terrifying and I'm sure it'd fit right into TOP.

Yes, he should use the version from EX as an OGG, though their is also a lot of static for some reason.

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