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DOOM3 must be better than Halo

The Unknown

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Yeah, we're still in the dark.

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Game Developers Conference. There's an assload of games being announced and promoted right now, not to mention new companies and hardware products.

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Originally posted by SirTacoPaNtZ


No such a thing as links, all the gaming sites are offering coverage, or just ripping it from the people that's actually in the building (quite a few since this is developers-only).

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Originally posted by pritch
if I see one more SuxBox ad I will go banannas


"The SuxBox plays many gay games such as stupidassdonkeyface and suxboxsux...INSTORES NOW!"

The Xbox flopped so much in australia, they have already had a bit of a price drop...$20...and that done nothing.

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Funny, I don't see anyone discussing new Doom 3 info. Maybe id didn't release any info this time around or maybe GDC just ain't over yet (I dunno)?

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Yay! That's the spirit son!
I just hope the forums don't die out, because then I don't have anything to divert my attention away from my anticipation for Doom 3 with.

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Nice big outdoor areas

That would suck. Just like the Alien films (can you imagine an Alien film set outside? It would be worse than Resurrection), Doom is supposed to be about close quarter, almost claustrophobic action. Huge outdoor spaces would completely ruin the atmosphere, the suspense and, most importantly, the gameplay.

If you want massive outdoor areas, that's what Serious Sam 2 is there for.

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Originally posted by Zaldron

Well, thank you...sheesh

DAMN! Now, just how did I manage to overlook that error?
Anyway it's edited now, I meant "I hope the forums don't die out..."

NIGHTMARE: A wholeheartedly agreed. Quake 4 can get all the sucky big outdoor areas, but Doom STAYS in close quarters for the most part (I really hope so).
I don't want to waste time running for ages to get from point A to point B like I did in Unreal and SS - and I don't give a rotten herring about how large outdoor areas "look" cool. The only thing that looks cool imo is good wall textures, good monsters and cool effects.
I wanna sneak around in darkened corridors for the most part, wondering what's around that corner.

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