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Phobosdeimos1 - Too Young To Die


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Phobosdeimos1, an active forum goer, Skulltag player, and mapper from UK and here at Doomworld passed away just a few months ago in January at age 18. He was known for being very supportive of up and coming projects, and quick to offer contributions to community wads such as Interception and Doom the Way id Did. He also been known to be very interested in learning and improving his mapping skills by personally getting advice from his list of respected mappers. If I were to do another collaboration project, I'm sure it would have been with him.

A list of some of his bigger releases (such as Spire Complex and Raw Action) in the /idgames Archive can be found here. He has also made a wide number of DTWiD submissions that didn't land in the final project.

A fellow space marine has left us, Doomworld. Fortunately leaving with a strong contribution with our never-ending war with demonic hellspawn. May he rest in peace, but if not, bury him with a super shotgun and an infinite supply of shotgun shells just in case. He will be missed.

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Shit man, another one and indeed much to young to die

My condolences to his family and friends

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Not to be ghoulish but I was hoping this thread would have some information that wasn't already in the other thread. As far as I'm aware nobody knows his exact date of death or the cause.

I came accross an old helled thread that made very bleak reading retrospectively. I hope he didn't do anything stupid :-(

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I thought a news post would be more appropriate than an Everything Else thread that would quickly get shoved to the bottom from political banter in the adjacent threads. I also thought it would be best to not to look into what happened to him but what he should be remembered for.

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Rest in peace, fellow doomer.

And kudos to 40oz for writing a beautiful obituary. Personally I like that you even managed to squeeze a little bit of respectful humor in there. Obituaries in general tend to be overly grim, whereas I prefer them being a celebration of the life and legacy of the passed person, like this particular example right here.

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