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Isn't this f---ed up?

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Originally posted by the_Danarchist
Fuckin' A! He ruined the whole movie for me! Now WTF will I do?

Not read articles with blatant spoilers?

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There are reasons to believe that the review is fake... for one, ALL the events he describes are shown in the trailers.

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Lucas probably OK'ed the leak himself in a desperate attempt to get more buzz around the film, which compared to both recent movies ('Harry Potter', 'Resident Evil', and 'Lord of the Rings'), and upcoming movies ('Spider Man', 'The Martix 2', and the upcoming 'Lord of the Rings' movies), Star Wars: Episode 2 has gotten almost no hype.

...that was a long sentance...

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They've done the "no hype" thing for a reason. Episode I had TOO MUCH hype, and when it didn't do well with the public, companies lost money (KFC, Pepsi, etc.). Also, it was the ultra-hype that gave the wrong impression to viewers in the first place. Lucas, along with a variety of companies, wanted to illeviate the problem by lowering the level of hype for Episode II. REALLY lowering the hype....like down to zero...

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prime, change your avatar back to the squinting Cacodemon, if it's still available, else when you hit 1000.

Heh, I always think of it under your name.

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My previous avatar isn't there, hence the change. When and if I ever get to a thousand posts, I'll change it to something a bit more...personalized.

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