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Mind Control Cleric?

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I was playing Hexen a bit ago and a Steam friend asked me about the cleric's mace having a mind control effect, or at least he read it in the N64 manual.

So, is he mistaken?
Is the Manuel Wrong?

I tried to look it up but couldn't find anything, so I thought I'd bring the question here. From the way he described it, apparently there is a random chance where the cleric's mace will 'mind capture' an enemy and have him temporarily attack other monsters.

Now, I think he may actually be talking of an artifact, but I wouldn't know if there is one that does that (And I don't mean the Dark Minion). Just found it interesting, so I thought I'd ask. To me it sounds though like the N64 manual is wrong, or he wasn't doing something right.

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The Mace will only cause contrition (sincere regret) in an enemy after numerous beatings. This weapon should only be used as a last resort because of its short range!

They may feel regret after a few hits, but none of Hexen's bestiary will join your side after hitting them. It sounds more like the Conversion spell from Diablo II.

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Just some classic instruction manual humor, based on the name of the weapon (Mace of Contrition).

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Quasar said:

Just some classic instruction manual humor, based on the name of the weapon (Mace of Contrition).

That joke only works on that certain "educated" level. Something like that would go right over our potato eatin' heads.

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I always got the joke. Besides if anything the Disc of Repulsion is more like the Disc of Mind Control when you push an enemy into another one and trigger infighting.

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Quasar said:

Just some classic instruction manual humor, based on the name of the weapon (Mace of Contrition).

So, is it there or not? That would have been outrageous, because the cleric already has some questionable abilities, such as summoning fire on the enemy (wtf, like a mage?!) or BFG-ing everyone and really everyone in the room with some ghosts. Let alone the ability to steal life, or some really powerful flechettes.

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He is half warrior and half mage and combines the two into a lethal composite. So the manual says. The Church branch martial and mystical from the Legion and Arcanum while furthering their own interests.

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There is absolutely no mind control effect. It's just understatement humor. It's the mace of contrition, but the enemies will need several hits before they are suitably contrite (read: dead).

It's kinda like calling a gun a peacemaker. Or LV. 2 SLEUTH DIPLOMACY.

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AH so it's only a joke. I'll tell him that, thanks.

printz said:

So, is it there or not? That would have been outrageous, because the cleric already has some questionable abilities, such as summoning fire on the enemy (wtf, like a mage?!) or BFG-ing everyone and really everyone in the room with some ghosts. Let alone the ability to steal life, or some really powerful flechettes.

Well the fire just has to do with the using ideas form both classes. Besides, at least he isn't a super hero like the fighter who could probably use his fists to complete the whole game and dominate multiplayer.

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LOL this is like when Pokemon first came out I read the Pikachu Pokedex entry.

When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.

This of course registered in my eight-year-old brain as

Get a party of 5 pikachus and it'll start a thunderstorm!

I then proceeded to ask my classmates to trade my Jolteon for some Pikachus. I was ridiculed.

On a sidenote, Wraithverge is the best weapon in any game ever.

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