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DoomUK said:

Don't want to be an asshole, but none of these bands belong in a metal thread :p. I'm sure there's other egregious examples of non-metal being listed in here but I've not heard enough of these artists' stuff to make a more informed assessment.

Though I do like Deftones very much. Their discography has been consistently good throughout their 20yr+ history. Too bad their original bassist is unlikely to ever return to making music though :(

True but I thought that nu-metal means rap meatl but though...the point is that you may find new good songs from the lists in this thread,I found good songs from other suggestions too.

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DoomUK said:

Don't want to be an asshole, but none of these bands belong in a metal thread :p. I'm sure there's other egregious examples of non-metal being listed in here but I've not heard enough of these artists' stuff to make a more informed assessment.

I've always been a bit confused on where Linkin Park are meant to sit. I hear "Nu-Metal" used a lot (same for Korn and Slipknot), so they must be a very "soft" version of that (particularly considering Slipknot share the category) if they're metal at all. The actual sounds of the guitars in some of their songs (One Step Closer springs to mind) are kind of metal, but could quite easily lumped in the (Pop-)Punk category with Blink-182 and The Offspring. Hence my previously-stated approach of saying it's either Heavy Metal - older/softer stuff like KISS, Linkin Park and Black Sabbath straight through the spectrum to Scar Symmetry, Asking Alexandria and Threat Signal - or Rock (Evanescence, Anberlin, System of a Down, Disturbed etc.)

The real problem is guaging "heaviness" I guess - particularly when you have bands like Asking Alexandria or even Nirvana that vary from song-to-song considerably. For the former (as we're in a metal thread), compare these two:

Someone, Somewhere - probably their softest by my reckoning:

Morte et Dabo - almost definitely their heaviest, even with the "soft" chorus:

Easier to just ignore genre and listen to whatever songs you like, IMO :)

EDIT: Wow, the grammar in that second video I linked is awful! ("your" would be correct for the part it's showing before being played)

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DoomUK said:

Deftones and nu-metal = not metal

The newer Deftones stuff probably doesn't quite qualify as metal, but I can't think what else you'd call the older stuff from Adrenaline and White Pony. As for Nu-metal, that debate will never go away, so I'll agree to disagree, heh.

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I'm starting to get out of touch, as I don't recognize a lot of bands in some of those lists. A lot of what I listen to now is what I was listening to when I was seventeen. That being:

Iced Earth
Blind Guardian
Demons & Wizards
King Diamond
Mercyful Fate
System of a Down
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden

"Newer" discoveries that I wouldn't yet consider timeless enough to permanently list as favourites (despite me listening to some for years):

3 Inches of Blood (had one good album, Advance and Vanquish; turned into a "college metal" band afterwards)
Ghoul (these guys were great live; their studio work doesn't compare)
Head Phones President (I just haven't looked into them much, despite listening to them on and off for six years)
Powerglove (just a cover band, ehh...)
Serpentcult (I think they only have one album so far)
Swashbuckle (a lot of bad songs in between solid gems; all that glitters is not gold yarr)
Turmion Katilot (pretty great, just waiting to see if they have lasting power)
Warbringer (they're on the fringe of being one of those douchey "college metal" bands, but they're still pretty good)

Some artists I've recently been getting into:

Eric Calderone

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Some of my most listened to...

-Sepultura (Cavalera days)
-(old) Living Sacrifice

-Solution .45
-(new) Living Sacrifice

-Turmion Katilot

Symphonic / Progressive / Power:
-Symphony X
-Brainstorm (German Metal Band, not the Latvian pop-rock)
-Dawn of Destiny

-Memento Mori

-Judas Priest
-Iced Earth
-King Diamond

-Old Man's Child

I got tons more, but I can't think of any.

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I like Toxic Holocaust, Municipal Waste and D.R.I. Stormtroopers of Death is okay too.

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I knew this would turn into yet another "But is X metal?" thread.

Hmm...is Metallica metal? [/obvious_trolling]

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That's why I prefer punk/Oi! and so only "stick" to debates whether e.g. left wing or right wing ska/punk/oi! is the real deal ;-)

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flubbernugget said:

I've been recently trying to find grindcore/noise metal that doesn't suck.

Try Dragbody, or Gaza. Converge has got some pretty wild stuff too.

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Phobus said:

Not when it's Load or ReLoad ;)

speaking of Metallica..it is now almost mid-2012 and their last album was in 2008 when will the new one be released?
Epica released a good album,as well as nightwish, Megadeth also...

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Phobus said:

I've always been a bit confused on where Linkin Park are meant to sit. I hear "Nu-Metal" used a lot (same for Korn and Slipknot),

Yuck, this reminds me of early high-school when every other kid had stuff like Linkin Park, Korn, Slipknot and whatnot written all over their backpacks.

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saifi said:

speaking of Metallica..it is now almost mid-2012 and their last album was in 2008 when will the new one be released?
Epica released a good album,as well as nightwish, Megadeth also...

Wasn't there some concept-y thing they did with Lou Reed that everybody was panning around here not too long ago? I think that may have been "the new one".

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printz said:

Yuck, this reminds me of early high-school when every other kid had stuff like Linkin Park, Korn, Slipknot and whatnot written all over their backpacks.

I found three days ago a band that sounds like Linkin Park,almost the same style...check them out:
Artist:Tribal Ink
Album:Surrounded By Freaks
Tracks(good songs):-Don't You Push Me
-I Try So Hard
-Right Behind You
-To My Face

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saifi said:

4-Sirenia - Coming Down.

Lethargica is the song that sold me on their first album, and it's still my favorite to this day.

saifi said:

5-Lacuna Coil - Senzafine.

Another favorite, as long as you mean the version from the Halflife EP and not the Unleashed Memories album.

saifi said:

4-Dark Tranquillity - Terminus.

Or most anything off Fiction - their first album I've considered worth the purchase since Projector. Into the Particle Storm is my personal favorite from those sessions, but I realize it's not their typical sound and probably not a good introductory song.

saifi said:

1-Blackmore's Night - Journeyman.

Whoops, I didn't even realize they had a new album. Gotta get caught up with the modern music scene. I've been stuck in classical/jazz studies this last year.

Anyway, I suppose it's worth mentioning Hollenthon despite the fact that the "symphonic" elements are just rips from other classical or film music recordings that the guy plays along to. It's a cheap hack job, but still somewhat fun to listen to:

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No Testament yet?

Meh, Coopersville's is the only list that I can relate to as I've listened to most of those bands.

Malinku's list might as well be just random words that look like band names. Besides, who can seriously say they're listening to 60+ bands and that it's only a part of their 'favorites'?

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Hmm, I thought this thread would have been badly derailed by now! Times are a changin...

Anyway, I listen to a lot of metal. A lot. Here's just a few highlights I personally find the strongest:

Iron Maiden (my favorite band)
Judas Priest
Black Sabbath
Jag Panzer
Blind Guardian
Morbid Angel (R.I.P.!)

Just to be very brief. Much larger inquiry of bands (both metal and non) can be found here: http://www.last.fm/user/Bashe/library

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Lüt said:

Anyway, I suppose it's worth mentioning Hollenthon despite the fact that the "symphonic" elements are just rips from other classical or film music recordings that the guy plays along to. It's a cheap hack job, but still somewhat fun to listen to:

Thank you, I liked it...well another band joins the list.

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If your a fan of Doom metal then these pretty much are ranked at "must have"...

Cool to see Gates of Slumber get a mention as well.

I'm tempted to join the genre argument but I remember how that turned out last time. :P

Just going to say that the genre something is classified as shouldn't be a factor on how much you like it.

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