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Pirate Doom! [GZDoom pwad] - new map 06/05/14

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Cool humorous set with funny sprite edits, considerable amount of originality and diversity and nice steampunk touch to it. All makes up for unique and memorable experience combined with positive emotions. Tried to refrain from playing until the final version is up, but couldn't hold much longer. How many more maps do you actually plan to make?

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I love this mod!

Lots of nice new textures. Is there a Rayman 2 texture pack somewhere?

Lots of awesome sprite replacements, with all these little things like Hell Knight tatoos, grog barrels of Mancubus and the winged cannonballs of Revenant (I thought these were some insane parrots at the first glance... cool either way). The only thing thatstands out weirdly is the old armor, but I have no idea what could it be, myself.

Maps! Booty bay was the single map that made me think "oh man, more of the same". And otherwise, every single map is totally unique and different in some way. Not even counting all the scripted events.

Overall, one of the best mods I played.

And some small bugs:
- the altfire option for cutlass is neat, but you should take it into account while mapping. On the Meele Island, I thought it's the valid way to obtain the spinach and ended up somewhere outside the map. Maybe there are more areas you can exploit this way, but I wasn't trying.
- I wouldn't advice assigning scripts to items you won't always pick up. On the final circus stage, I got stuck for some time before I figured out that ammo box activates the script, and shot some bullets in the air. Had it not been for the locked way back, I'd probably wander around the whole level.

I hope I'll see more good Pirate Doom stuff in the future!

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Thanks for the feedback!

Rayman textures are from MSpaint´s unfinished Rayman Doom.

Fixed those bugs you pointed, thanks Scypek!

Revenants actually fire a parrot carrying a bomb:

How about these jackets replacing armors?

Demonologist said:

How many more maps do you actually plan to make?

Fourteen. Final boss is done, and I´m starting to map the last level. There are some more things I´d like to add, but I better leave them to a sequel or something.

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I am just posting to write my support for this.
I was watching all your videos on youtube and what I saw was nothing short of awesomness.
The wait for final version will be surely worth of it.

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Darch said:

Revenants actually fire a parrot carrying a bomb:

And the parrot screams HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?

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heh no, he just makes a bird sound, but I know what enemy you´re talking about. I thought about making the parrot shootable like this screaming bomb man, it would make it drop its bomb, but then I decided not to change original monster behavior.

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OMG I searched a lot of sprites to find that parrot, but not even tried to google "a parrot carrying a bomb".

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  • 1 month later...
Darch said:

Last map is done, is someone interested in beta testing this before the release?

Oh so it won't be a megaWAD?!

I'm a sad panda(mori) :c

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Darch said:

Last map is done, is someone interested in beta testing this before the release?

Holy shit sauce! This is excellent news, I have been looking forward to this for a long time. I would have helped on the beta testing front but I have other things on my plate sadly. Good luck with the rest and this is definitely cacoward material in my eyes.

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This is pretty awesome, but I expected the BFG to be like the SBC Cannon from Serious Sam, where it fires a gigantic cannonball that rips through small enemies and explodes on impact with big enemies or after 10 seconds.

Antroid said:

lol serious sam 2

We don't talk about Serious Sam 2.

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SavageCorona said:

This is pretty awesome, but I expected the BFG to be like the SBC Cannon from Serious Sam, where it fires a gigantic cannonball that rips through small enemies and explodes on impact with big enemies or after 10 seconds.

That´s a great idea, actually! I´ll test it as alt fire for the cannon.

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A pity that there's only one new map left to add, you introduced all the reworked enemies only in Grog Factory and now everything comes to and end so soon without much time for player to familiarize himself with them. Unless this last map is a huge leviathan filled with all kinds baddies that'll take a couple of hours to beat, of course. Anyway - waiting for it and for the final version.

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I agree.. and weapons 4 and 6 were only introduced in later maps, too. I would like to add some more maps, but for now, I think this is it. Its been one year and a half already.

All monster will be back in the last map, and there´s an option to combine pirate doom weapons and monsters with any other wad.

SavageCorona said:

a gigantic cannonball that rips through small enemies and explodes on impact with big enemies.

Added as alt fire for the cannon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Impressive! MOST IMPRESSIVE! Congratulations on the release, now it's finally out I can nominate it. The beta I played was top notch so it's great I can now play the whole thing. Well done.

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Thanks, Springy! :)

Suitepee said:

This looks like a fun wad, I will be sure to cover this at some point via LP/livestream!

I'd love to watch it!

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Hey! I watched the Tarnsman playthrough on his twitch, here's the vid link: http://www.twitch.tv/tarnsmandw/c/2882772

Most all the #doomtwid chan and I were gushing over this wad and how fun it looked, it's pretty darned cool!

Some common criticisms included the battleships stage, the mono-enemy gameplay of the cannibals stage, the redrock-looking hell stage that seemed really the odd man out, and the grog stage.

But basically overall everyone loved it and I've already shamed a few of them for not leaving any feedback here yet :P But I will, even though I'm a nobody around here heh! I was so happy about the steampunk four-peg-legged Arachnotrons. Great work!

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Hey I played through this and absolutely loved 75% of it. Levels 1 - 7, the swamp levels and the final level were really fun, had a great sense of atmosphere, and a unique style that was both visually appealing and endearing. However Battleships was an extremely boring gimmick level that would have been fun if you were given more than just your ship and could do stuff like board other boats. Indiana Jones and the Temple of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ really suffered from lack of enemy diversity that made the level drag on and on, while the hell cave and the grog factory were just terrible levels that dragged the whole set down. Beyond that other nitpicks include the lack of lower unpegging on steps which looks terrible and any time stock textures are used which look horribly out of place.

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Just watched the stream. Feedback is very welcome, actually the best feedback I can get is watch someone play this for the first time, especially with comments. Criticism is also welcome, I agreed with 90% of them. My only gripe is that nobody warned me about this stream, I would have loved to watch it live.

About the critics:

- Battleships map is easier now, ships are closer and player is no longer slowed down while holding the cannon;

- Lost City: this is the one I don't agree, pirate monsters don't fit there. I tried to vary gameplay by making 3 kinds of pygmys, but they are very similar, except by their sizes and masks colors. Their behaviors are also slightly different, and I added those shooting stone faces to add another attack type to the map. (they can be killed, by the way).

- Hell map: Oh, this map. I can't make abstract maps. I tried, but they suck. I wanted a ship sailing a lava river in hell, but everything else is me not knowing what to do. Maybe I can cut straight to the end. Or try to remake it from scratch. Or even if someone had a decent hell map to donate to his project, I could use.

- Grog factory: I wasn't sure if the combination with stock textures worked, now I think it's clearer :) I'm replacing these textures.

And thanks for the stream, this kind of stuff just make my day! If someone else is going to stream this, please let me know, so I can join!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just for the record, I updated the download link in the first page with a new version; here's the link:

What's new:

- An extra map, "Stronghold" (plays on slot 53)
- key sprites replaced
- "Trezer Cove": red card added for tracking purposes only (gameplay is unchanged)
- "Battleships!": difficulty tuned down, player is no longer slowed down while holding cannons; ships are closer
- "Lost City": 1 music replaced
- "Where Evil Pirates Fall": cut to the boss battle only; name changed to "Hot Winds o' Hell"
- "Grog Factory": most stock Doom textures replaced.
- end music replaced
- minor texture changes and bug fixing overall

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Then again - thanks for your effort, man, this is nothing short of spectacular. And of course it's more than worthy contender for a Cacoward.
New map is cool btw.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you, Demonologist!!

Here's one more, probably last, update to the mod. What's new:

- Cooperative and deathmatch modes added
- FreeDoom compatibility
- Weapons resolution reduced by half
- Double barrel shotgun replaced by sawed-off shotgun
- new alt fires: dual flintlocks, gatling gun, and sawed-off shotgun
- Hand sprite fixed on cutlass attack
- Gun smoke spawns fixed
- 3d elevators fixed

download link:

Other than that, I'm testing a zandronum version for online gameplay.

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