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Demo text-files quiz #3

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Past threads (both from 2005): 1, 2

So yes, your task is to guess who was the player in the demos in question. If you can state what the demo was, so much the better.

All the text are related to somewhat new demos (no older than from 2005). No player is repeated twice.

Good luck!

1. "When lowering that lift, there's a distant deaf caco (thing 117) that I try to wake up by him seeing me"

2. "All prboom+ users should kindly press the pgdown key at this point..."

3. "But enough about my life... let's talk about the demo."
(another section from the same text file)
"Outside, I kill some Sergeants at the east end of the building, and then enter it from that side to kill some Imps and hit a switch. Leaping out, I reenter the building from the same end, but this time, I go through the newly-opened doorway and kill the Imps there. Behind them is a blue keycard. But when I approach it? Out pops a Baron of Hell! (And a chaingun, but that's not important!) "

4. "Even so, runs are occasionally ruined when the mastermind refuses to fire, apparently recording a pacifist run of his own"

5. "For the cyberdemon/cacodemon battle, I lure their rockets to the caco horde, then just sit back and enjoy. This is why I clear out the room leading to the blue key early. I handle the 2nd caco horde manually since I find it hard to get them to fight the cybers. "

6. "Sorry for the breach of toilet etiquete. When you find yourself in the ladies (however unexpectedly), always walk straight to the exit looking neither to the left nor to the right. Do NOT wink at anybody. But I didn't want to miss monsters."

7. "And indeed, lol at the barrel explosion at the yellow key door. Maybe it's very funny, but it's a trap, be careful not to stay inside the room since barrels will roll off from both hidden walls and ROFL ROFL ROFL LMAO!!!!!!!!!"

8. "Heh! I started this one aiming for a 26-second pacifist run, but decided to continue playing even after the beginning was ruined by the monsters. So this ended up being a tyson run. Quite aggressive start. :)"

9. "(although I did check in DB2 to have a rough idea of the map - what's important to know is a walkover linedef near the maze
triggers a slow crusher that kills the 500 revenants on top of the outer edges 8 minutes later)."

10. "Now, I can breathe a sigh of relief, having reached the end of this tedious demo. In closing, I'd like to give a special "thanks" to Never Again for suggesting this poorly built level. Should we ever meet in person, you've earned a smack upside the head.:-)"

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1. TimeOfDeath, some Eternal Doom demo
2. vdgg?
3. Archy, HR map06?
10. Andy Olivera, 2002ado E3M3 TAS UV-Max

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1 HEH, I've read that txt a good bunch of times. I wonder if ToD plans on replaying eternal sometime, my demos shouldn't be hard to beat.
2 dew, I guess
7 daiyu, I guess
8 aqfaq, or however was that guy called

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Very good Memfis, 1 and 10 are correct.
j4rio has everything correct, I'm particularly impressed you got #8.

This leaves 3,4,5,6,9.

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9: Phml's max of revbfeld?

lols I recognized #1. j4rio, maybe for reality or -fast, but not normal max. I rarely record anymore, usually just if I make a map and play it to beat it.

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More specifics on number 7, the map daiyu's talking about is 2002ADO E1M4, that barrel trap gets everyone the first time, including me :P
Would have guessed cack-handed D2reloaded map12 for number 6
Haven't got a clue about the other ones, obviously I don't watch enough demos.....

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9 is Phml, TimeOfDeath got it right.
6 is cack_handed, Never Again got it first.
3 is The Green Herring, thanks jongo.
cannonball got more details on 7, correct.

So far we've got

#   Player              WAD, Map      Category
1  TimeOfDeath         eternall  12    UV Max
2  dew
3  The Green Herring   mm2       26    Respawn  (C-N)
6  cack_handed         d2reload  12    UV Max
7  Daiyu Xiaoxiang     2002ado  e1m4   UV Max
8  Aqfaq               plutonia  15    Tyson    (C-N)
9  Phml                revbfeld        UV Max
10 Andy Olivera        2002ado  e3m3   UV Max   (TAS)
You (the participants) got #8, fantastic. Then I thought #6 would be the next most obscure one, not for you however.

I would say #4 is easy in comparison, no idea why no one got it.
#5 is not quite typical for the player in question, so I can understand lack of responses.

Anyway, I will give you some clues tomorrow if no one guesses them.

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2. Dew, writing about a tense moment in 0844P2E1.
4. Creaphis, describing his remarkable 9:33 speedrun for Jade Earth.
5. Revved, "Overwhelming Odds" UV-Fast in 22:59.

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Oh wow, the last answers gave me an idea how easy it was? Of course, I knew the answers to my own questions, but I don't believe I would score more than 40% when guessing anybody else's of similar difficulty. Also, SAV88, did you know all of them and were kind of nice enough to give the others a chance? :)


#   Player              WAD, Map      Category
1  TimeOfDeath         eternall  12    UV Max
2  dew                 pl2      1-10   UV Speed movie
3  The Green Herring   mm2       26    Respawn  (C-N)
4  Creaphis            jadearth        UV Speed
5  Revved              av        14    UV -fast (C-N)
6  cack_handed         d2reload  12    UV Max
7  Daiyu Xiaoxiang     2002ado  e1m4   UV Max
8  Aqfaq               plutonia  15    Tyson    (C-N)
9  Phml                revbfeld        UV Max
10 Andy Olivera        2002ado  e3m3   UV Max   (TAS)
Links: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

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Ha, the only one I knew was #4 (for obvious reasons) and I had just vague inklings about #9. Evidently I haven't been around long enough.

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