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Odamex Saturday Nitro #40 - Lazarus FFA

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Here is a wad I've always been very fond of. Although it may be most well known for Map04 becoming a dueling favorite among many of the Doom community's top players, there are 25 other maps that deserve just as much attention. This week, you'll have a shot at playing all of them. Chaindude was joined by such mappers as Midian and Hobomaster (and many more) in creating a wad that will take you up, down, and will probably even spin you around. I know the text file likes to warn us about having a player limit of above 6, but that would be incredibly boring. We'll start with 12 and see where it takes us.

WAD: lazarus1j
Maps: 25 (01-03, 05-26)
Mode: 12-Player DM
Fraglimit: 50
Server: CoffeeNet - MWI1 & DTX1
Date: Saturday, May 26th, 2012 @ 8pm EDT

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