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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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I'm looking for a really old wad, I think it's called "Run Guy Run!" or something like that. Apparently it was made when big maps weren't really a thing yet. I remember a friend of mine playing it. Also, the demons in the level sound like enemies from Quake? It's a super big level and there's a space ship in one area.

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I saw this HUD from one of Doomkid's videos and wanted to know where I can find it, I especially want to use the custom face in my own WAD.image.png.78ff4b03302e7ba83d9d251a4e36264a.png

Anything can help, thanks in advance.



EDIT: The pipe themed statbar is from here https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/pipebar
And the stat face called "Hemet Marine" is from this skinpack https://doomshack.org/wads/150skins.zip

Edited by PSI Boredom Ω
Found the wads...

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5 hours ago, FEDEX said:

Hi everybody, i'm looking for boomhouse.wad by @Arbys550


I've got a thread for the WAD. I'll edit this post once I grab the link. You can also do a search for "in the doghouse," which is its real name, boomhouse was just the filename at the time.


Here you go: 


Edited by Arbys550

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There is a mod out there somewhere (I lost it) that turns all the DOOM weapons into Jedi Outcast/Academy weapons.

What is it called and where is it?


EDIT: I was looking for Wardust's work, for some reason I thought it was 3D models but it was actually hi-def sprites. So anyhow, ignore this post.

Edited by Breeder

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Because I did a derp, does anyone know this map:







Above is a crudely drawn map of the spawn room, which was huge. You start on an elevated walk way that splits of left and right, below you are Mancubi and Arachnotrons. In cages to your left and right (higher elevation than you) are 20-30 revenants and 2-3 archviles. 

Behind your spawn is an archvile. In front of you are 2 ledges with Cyberdemons (I think)


To the left, right, north and south of the room are long hallways with a lot of Arachnotrons, Pain elementals hiding in monster closets and revenants. 


It was a late/end map of a megawad


I wish I could remember more, but it's been ages ago. And it's been plaguing me for quite a while.

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37 minutes ago, tescari said:

Because I did a derp, does anyone know this map:


Above is a crudely drawn map of the spawn room, which was huge. You start on an elevated walk way that splits of left and right, below you are Mancubi and Arachnotrons. In cages to your left and right (higher elevation than you) are 20-30 revenants and 2-3 archviles. 

Behind your spawn is an archvile. In front of you are 2 ledges with Cyberdemons (I think)


To the left, right, north and south of the room are long hallways with a lot of Arachnotrons, Pain elementals hiding in monster closets and revenants. 


It was a late/end map of a megawad


I wish I could remember more, but it's been ages ago. And it's been plaguing me for quite a while.

That would be Alien Vendetta MAP26.

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I am looking for 2 maps that are probably part of the same megawad.

First One. It begins by going down some stairs in the shape of a semi circle, when you go down a door opens revealing hitscanners, at the end of the stairs there is a warehouse with 3 places to go, in front there is a closed door, next to it an elevator, and to the left there is a room with wastewater with a mancubus and common enemies, there you can get a key and when you take it, an archvile appears.

Second One. You start in a cave, when you leave you see a destroyed road or train tracks and you have to enter through a small building next to it, after facing a few hitscanners you arrive at a large room with a lot of toxic waste in the middle. I remember fighting in a small square shaped arena with pillars in the corners with Revenants on top. Almost at the end of the level there is a trap where the ground falls and locks you in with some pinkys.

Edit: Maps were from Alien Vendetta lol

Edited by AntonLiniares

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I'm looking for a WAD that was SP or Coop, is pretty old i think 2004-2008 era.

The final map was like a dark temple or arena where the boss was a doom marine running around really fast with a rocket launcher (he replaced the cyberdemon).

Anyone know which .wad this might have been?

Edited by Da_maniaC

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Hi I'm trying to look for a megawad that has this level

I remember it may have had some kind of castle / mansion with a gigantic courtyard and you entered through the basement instead of the main door and a snowy medieval level that came after a level where there was a exploding icon of sin


UPDATE: I found the megawad, it's called "Chainworm Kommando"

Edited by Olli

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