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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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Okay so I once made a cool video in a single GZDoom map but I forgot what it was. What I remember from it that there was a part with dark mazy corridors, some colourful lights in the dark, 

In the main big hall there is a train station and Doomguy says something like "oh shit, the train is leaving"!


Question 2: Also looking for any horror/gothic themed gzdoom exclusive wads.

Edited by game

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  On 2/9/2012 at 11:09 AM, gruntkiller4000 said:

mod edit: Este es el hilo para preguntar sobre pwads específicos que recuerde (por ejemplo, los jugó hace años o escuchó / vio información sobre ellos) pero no puede localizarlos. Tal vez no pueda recordar el nombre, o la búsqueda basada en lo que recuerda no ha tenido éxito. Bríndenos tanta información específica como pueda para ayudar a identificar el fajo, y tal vez alguien pueda ayudarlo.

No , no utilizar este hilo para pedir warez, o fajos que no pueden ser distribuidos legalmente.

No haga solicitudes generales para ciertos tipos de mapas (por ejemplo, un mapa con muchos ciberdemonios). Estos deben hacerse en otros hilos y se eliminarán de este.

Ahora de vuelta a la publicación original:
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¿Saben ustedes dónde se puede encontrar este mapa de fatalidad personalizado? Parece que lo jugué hace 3 o 4 años, pero no recuerdo cómo se llamaba. Creo que perdí el archivo hace mucho tiempo. Pero recuerdo algunas partes del mapa. Esto es lo que incluía el mapa:
- Creo que la historia trataba de un experimento que salió mal.
- Incluye escenas de laboratorio importantes, así como algunas al aire libre.
- Incluía sprites de monstruos / armas totalmente diferentes.
- El jugador comenzó (creo) dentro de una habitación similar a un garaje y luego en un patio abierto.
- Hubo en algunos puntos un diablillo de modelo 3D sin animaciones aparte de intentar atacar al jugador, y un tipo de modelo 3D (creo que era rojo). Explotará cuando toque al jugador.
- El cielo estaba azul claro.
- El mod fue para ZDoom.
- Esto también involucró las principales características de ZDoom como pisos y pendientes en 3D.

¿Podría identificar este mapa de zdoom porque es casi imposible para mí encontrar uno en Internet sin saber su nombre? ¡Gracias!


No se si sigues vivo xd, pero desde hace bastantes años busco el wad llamado LAVA-WORLD que estuvo en Zdaemon, pero la cosa es que no lo encunetro para descargarlo asi nomas. No te confundas con LA-WATER WORLD, porque creo que son los mismos creadores pero no es el mismo wad. 


Tampoco encuentro otro wad modificado, la cual era BARACK ZONE, pero lo que busco es la versión de Zdaemon o el mod que tenia, ya que tenia otro hud y ademas lo que hacia el mod especial era que tenia una modificacion que tampoco encunetro, de balas rapida e infinita. Ayudaaa 

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Does anyone have resurrection of doom 2 skulltag version 


And does anyone have the hellcat wad by rampagedoom 


And does anyone have hell after dreams v3.2 


Thanks in advance.





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okay, this one is going to be a huge shot in the dark


Back in like, pre-2012, I was on Youtube and came across a gameplay video of a vanilla-looking doom wad that had a midi version of The Cranberries' song "Zombie" playing. The map looked pretty alright, but I've never been able to find it again since then.

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  On 9/18/2021 at 4:19 PM, SMG_Man said:

okay, this one is going to be a huge shot in the dark


Back in like, pre-2012, I was on Youtube and came across a gameplay video of a vanilla-looking doom wad that had a midi version of The Cranberries' song "Zombie" playing. The map looked pretty alright, but I've never been able to find it again since then.


I don't like to speak about it, but "Plutonia 3" MAP01 uses that song. "1monster" MAP05 also uses it.

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Hi doomers

I'm looking for GhostLevelsV0.7.zip

Thx in advance 

Edited by FEDEX

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Looking for a fairly big WAD. I know it was Co-op but I can't recall much else except there was a big map with

this as the soundtrack. I want to say that it was an invasion map but I don't remember for sure.



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Please help me to remember a map.. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I remember just a few screens, few fights. I'll try to describe all i've seen. It's surely an after Doom 2 official (probably TNT or Final Doom or something close to it). Areas:

1. Long wide (around 128px) tech platform, central section is probably used for lift, on the ground sitting mancii or spiders are, on the other side are chaingunners. Blood or lava on the floor, not hurting.

2. Still floor blood (or lava). Rocked mini mountain, with some secret item, can't remember. Lost souls and some crippy obstacles.

3. Crossroads on the blood.


I had strong feeling that this map is from TNT: Evilution, but can't find it.

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  On 9/27/2021 at 3:41 PM, neurocore said:

Map 14 is full of tech. In the other hand, maps 26-29 are too hellish. That map contains tech elements on hellish environment. I'm bad at describing LUL sry


Then it could be Plutonia, I think it's Map 29, it doesn't have lost souls but it has Pain Elementals.

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  On 9/27/2021 at 4:09 PM, Hitboi said:

Then it could be Plutonia, I think it's Map 29, it doesn't have lost souls but it has Pain Elementals.


Unfortunately, this is not. But visual style of that map close to Alien Vendetta + middle maps of Plutonia

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Okay, so there's one map I've been trying to remember a couple of years now. I played it probably around 6 or 7 years ago, and I'm fairly sure it was in a slaughterwad or otherwise difficult wad. I only remember one specific portion of it, and I recreated what I can remember. I'll have the zip with the map I made in it attached here.


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I've been hoping to find more of Michael Daniels' WADs. He provided a list in one of his WAD's readmes of his other works.




I was able to find 'The Grid... ', 'Pud Whacker!! ' and 'Spartz.wad' but no others.


Any help / info would be greatly appreciated! :)

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  On 9/30/2021 at 6:52 PM, Arrowhead said:

I've been hoping to find more of Michael Daniels' WADs. He provided a list in one of his WAD's readmes of his other works.




I was able to find 'The Grid... ', 'Pud Whacker!! ' and 'Spartz.wad' but no others.


Any help / info would be greatly appreciated! :)


ANGUUL.ZIPFetching info...

SLEINAD.ZIPFetching info...


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  On 9/15/2021 at 12:54 AM, N2Roficial said:

No se si sigues vivo xd, pero desde hace bastantes años busco el wad llamado LAVA-WORLD que estuvo en Zdaemon, pero la cosa es que no lo encunetro para descargarlo asi nomas. No te confundas con LA-WATER WORLD, porque creo que son los mismos creadores pero no es el mismo wad. 


Tampoco encuentro otro wad modificado, la cual era BARACK ZONE, pero lo que busco es la versión de Zdaemon o el mod que tenia, ya que tenia otro hud y ademas lo que hacia el mod especial era que tenia una modificacion que tampoco encunetro, de balas rapida e infinita. Ayudaaa 



Adjunto Barracks Zone!

De ZDaemon no será La-Lava World? en wad archive hay varias versiones, no sé cuál buscas, hace tiempo que no uso ZDaemon.


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Hello everyone

im trying to find a creepy/crappy wad featured in one of aquarius199 videos, it's not in youtube anymore, the name of the wad started with vlaew and some numbers next to the title, the wad was for doom 2 and it had a picture of some creepy guy with a hat in the title, he also kills you with one shot after going through some new entrance in the yard from the first level and that's it 

Edited by Doritosking

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Hi back-upers!

I'm looking for a level that 'antares031' originally created to celebrate Hellbent's birthday in 2015. It was released on November 7,2015 the original post was https://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1520202

but seems to be down nowadays. 

He retouch this level later (nov5th.wad), but i want the original version.

Thanks everybody

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