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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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Trying to find a wad (which i remembered being called darkskies.wad) all it did was replace Doom's EP1 and EP2 skies with fixed up alpha skies. i was only able to find episodes 1's sky in an old wad i made. but if anybody can find the original file that would be awesome.


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On 5/5/2022 at 9:20 PM, Sarmenti said:


Adding to this, it was in a floating void with flying isles, most of the walkable surfaces had earthy, brown tones, you could speak to the NPC's, and i remember there being dead trees.

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I can't remember the name of a WAD that I played in early-mid 2010's (as it was released, I think), but it had like four maps in an Egyptian theme, very yellow-and-black and I think it used a Shinobi III music MIDI for one of the map musics. Any help?

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4 minutes ago, Jayextee said:

I can't remember the name of a WAD that I played in early-mid 2010's (as it was released, I think), but it had like four maps in an Egyptian theme, very yellow-and-black and I think it used a Shinobi III music MIDI for one of the map musics. Any help?

It's a bit later than you're thinking, but maybe Tyrant?

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3 minutes ago, Not Jabba said:

It's a bit later than you're thinking, but maybe Tyrant?

Okay, my bad (and I misremembered how many maps there were, and which Shinobi game the midi was from...) -- but yeah, this is it! Thank you so much! :)

Edited by Jayextee

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Hey! I'm looking for a wad that I've played a couple years back, but haven't been able to find since. It's got a simple hub (almost completely blank, filled with differently colored portals) and I recall one of the maps playing Resonance by Home.

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Hi. Could anyone please help me. I am looking for Skirmish4c.zip & Skirmish4e.zip. Can’t find them anywhere. If anyone can help please put the links to the two wads here. Thank you. @Doomlover77  

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Trying to remember the name of a map on here I wanted to download. It was called something like "6spiders" and it had really unorthodox, weird puzzling gameplay. I remember a screenshot with a lot of nukage (??) and the intricate and unusual way it looked in an editor.

Edited by slugger

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Hello, I'm looking for a wad that I played around 2010, when it was really popular on ZDaemon. What I remember from it is that it was mostly, if not all of it, the default STARTAN2 texture, and that as time went on the level would change; new objects would rise from the ground, monsters/items would be spawned, new sections would open up, and this would go on for a while. Theres not much to go off of but I hope someone can help.

Edited by Alienator99

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On 5/5/2022 at 9:20 PM, Sarmenti said:

Trying to find a real weird one. Was some sort of "walking sim" esque wad, i remember few things, the skybox was an off-yellow color, the characters were mostly a black humanoid mass with some sort of face, and the name invokes parenthood.

Ok, I found it! And I was very wrong about the description, the TC i was thinking of was Foreverhood.

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On 5/13/2022 at 2:29 PM, slugger said:

Trying to remember the name of a map on here I wanted to download. It was called something like "6spiders" and it had really unorthodox, weird puzzling gameplay. I remember a screenshot with a lot of nukage (??) and the intricate and unusual way it looked in an editor.


One spider less



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In October 2020 I downloaded some old Doom2 deathmatch wads by Iceman but unfortunately I couldn’t play them as they were invalid zipfiles. They were called 187arena, Gitsome2, Gitsome3, boxed & dusk. Now I can’t remember the web address. Can anyone out there please help me. @Doomlover77

Edited by Doomlover77

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How are they Lords of the files..

i'm looking for LABERINT.WAD [its the version for Doom1] by Eye del Cul (Nicolas Monti) 


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Okay, I used to play this wad all the time on my old laptop that I no longer have. I forgot its name, and I can't for the fucking LIFE of me find it now. You're basically on an urban type map. There are buildings you can enter, roofs you can get on top of, and there was even a small subway that connected to two points on the map that you could hide in that most monsters wouldn't move into. The premise is that you and a whole lot of other soldiers survive against waves of teleporting demons. There were 3 or 4 waves that you had to survive against before you won, each spawning deadlier demons than the last. Starting from Imps and Pinkies to Hell Knights and Cacodemons. You had weapons that were different from vanilla; you had an M16 with a grenade launcher and an MG42. I'm pretty sure you had other weapons, but I don't remember. You also had a radio that you could use to teleport in reinforcements. Your radio had a cooldown period every time you used it. There was also a cutscene before the game started. That's basically all I can remember about it.

Edited by croccandbaultorcure
Minor grammar mistakes and more details

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On lundi 16 mai 2022 at 11:07 PM, Alienator99 said:

Hello, I'm looking for a wad that I played around 2010, when it was really popular on ZDaemon. What I remember from it is that it was mostly, if not all of it, the default STARTAN2 texture, and that as time went on the level would change; new objects would rise from the ground, monsters/items would be spawned, new sections would open up, and this would go on for a while. Theres not much to go off of but I hope someone can help.

The description reminds me of E3M0: Sector from ZPack, but I don't know if that works on ZDaemon.

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14 hours ago, croccandbaultorcure said:

Okay, I used to play this wad all the time on my old laptop that I no longer have. I forgot its name, and I can't for the fucking LIFE of me find it now. You're basically on an urban type map. There are buildings you can enter, roofs you can get on top of, and there was even a small subway that connected to two points on the map that you could hide in that most monsters wouldn't move into. The premise is that you and a whole lot of other soldiers survive against waves of teleporting demons. There were 3 or 4 waves that you had to survive against before you won, each spawning deadlier demons than the last. Starting from Imps and Pinkies to Hell Knights and Cacodemons. You had weapons that were different from vanilla; you had an M16 with a grenade launcher and an MG42. I'm pretty sure you had other weapons, but I don't remember. You also had a radio that you could use to teleport in reinforcements. Your radio had a cooldown period every time you used it. There was also a cutscene before the game started. That's basically all I can remember about it.



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hey people

I have really enjoyed Wonderful Doom - now I'm wondering: is there something similar (in both concept and quality of execution) for Doom II?


I'm aware of both Switcheroom wads, but I would not consider them comparable to WD



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I do not remember much about this specific WAD, I got it probably over a year ago and can't seem to find it.

It is somewhere on the idgames archive.


It was for Doom II. 

I believe is has a person's name as the title of the wad, and it utilized lots of custom textures that were grey and blue I think and some custom enemies, it had a bizarre layout that went back itself a lot with cramped hallways, between open areas.


The theme was sort of abstract horror ambiance.


One notable thing I remember was a custom archvile that showed up about halfway through.

My deepest apologies about the vagueness here I don't have the best memory.

Edited by Breadbunbun
Added a tiny bit more detail to hopefully help

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On 5/26/2022 at 10:34 AM, Breadbunbun said:

a person's name as the title of the wad, and it utilized lots of custom textures that were grey and blue I think and some custom enemies


This made me think of Struggle - Antaresian Legacy.

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4 hours ago, TIIKKETMASTER said:

im looking for a wad that remade the first 11 (i believe) levels in doom 2 into more of a hellish version. thank you in advance

Sounds interesting, hope The Masters can indentify it

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