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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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On 10/4/2020 at 12:57 AM, invictius said:

There was a recent one (last two years) that tried to emulate a deus ex stealth-like experience?  I believe it was only the one level.  Lots of zdoom features though not as demanding as boa.

Diabolus EX

Oddly enough, never seems to have made it to the /idgames archive.  Actually a good map for running with one of the hard-as-nails tactical gameplay mods like Hideous Destructor or Brutal Doom's realism difficulty.

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I thought this was skymaybe, but it has relatively normal gameplay.  There was a section where you were told as long as you stand behind something, the cyberdemon cannot shoot you, but you can shoot it.

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A minimod that makes the projectiles of vanilla doom monsters shootable. I think it's called crossfire but there's another mod with tht name.

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Hi, i'm looking for a megawad. It starts you in a small area in front of the door with two windows to the sides with zombies inside them, from the back you're surrounded by cliffs with a bunch of imps walkin around. Hope it sparks anyone's memory, thank you in advance.

seattle wad start i think maybe i hope.png

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2 hours ago, unno said:

Hi, i'm looking for a megawad. It starts you in a small area in front of the door with two windows to the sides with zombies inside them, from the back you're surrounded by cliffs with a bunch of imps walkin around. Hope it sparks anyone's memory, thank you in advance.

seattle wad start i think maybe i hope.png

That's Nova. Here's the link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/nova&ved=2ahUKEwij-PWB1q_sAhUXfSsKHcr8BqEQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw2Ic5F950En7rVkaEK1svzI

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I want to find a wad I played decades ago, but all I can give to identify it with are three things:
1: I remember there being a lot of UAC textures for things like doors and boxes.
2: I remember a Cyberdemon.
3: I remember one of the maps had a song that was a MIDI version of White Reflection from Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz.

As a bonus, I remember it popping up semi-often in multiplayer lobbies.

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Hi, i dug up this screenshot from a while ago, does anyone recognize what megawad this backdrop is from? Thanks in advance.1552212065_seattlewad.jpg.b163cb14b8e8d47628e3dc68c1ff9187.jpg

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Idk if this is the right thread to ask in. But I'm looking for wads that are good for trash ass doom players like me. Any help in any direction is appreciated.

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27 minutes ago, Treatz said:

Idk if this is the right thread to ask in. But I'm looking for wads that are good for trash ass doom players like me. Any help in any direction is appreciated.

I'd recommend choosing something accessible then lowering the difficulty to Hey, Not too Rough. Seriously. A lot of WADs' lower difficulties are balanced around beginners and are often about as hard as Doom 2 on UV.

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2 minutes ago, Egg Boy said:

I'd recommend choosing something accessible then lowering the difficulty to Hey, Not too Rough. Seriously. A lot of WADs' lower difficulties are balanced around beginners and are often about as hard as Doom 2 on UV.

Oh really? I can just pick out anything and there is a good chance that playing on HNTR is easy enough for a noob? Thank you very much!

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On 10/18/2020 at 5:18 AM, Fire Storm said:

I want to find a wad I played decades ago, but all I can give to identify it with are three things:
1: I remember there being a lot of UAC textures for things like doors and boxes.
2: I remember a Cyberdemon.
3: I remember one of the maps had a song that was a MIDI version of White Reflection from Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz.

As a bonus, I remember it popping up semi-often in multiplayer lobbies.

I knew this rang a lot of bells... took me a while to place it, but here it is:


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21 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I knew this rang a lot of bells... took me a while to place it, but here it is:


MY HERO! THAT'S IT! MY GOD, THAT'S IT! I haven't seen or played this since the days of ZDaemon. Everytime I jumped into a CO-OP lobby, this was the beast that was there. Oh man, I'm SO happy to finally have this bothersome mystery solved. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

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I'm looking for a tech wad that doesn't rely hard enemies (like hell knights or barons of hell).

Edited by Vicajuss
Forgot something on original

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9 hours ago, Vicajuss said:

I'm looking for a tech wad that doesn't rely hard enemies (like hell knights or barons of hell).


This isn't exactly the thread for this question, unless you're looking for a specific tech wad that didn't have a lot of hard enemies. And if that's the case, you should probably provide some more detail, if you can remember it. But, I'll assuming you're looking for general recommendations.


These may not be exactly what you're looking for, because there are some hell knights, mancubi, revenants, and archviles (on UV), but I wouldn't say either option relies on the mid-tier enemies. But both are good options, particularly if you turn down the difficulty.


Try Dark Resolution 2008 Map 02. It's a techbase-themed map by Death-Destiny, and the entire first half of the map is zombieman, sergeants, and chaingunners. The enemy placement is exquisite and they will shred you if you're not paying attention. Imps, demons, and hell knights don't even make an appearance until somewhere in past the halfway point of the map.


Try Abcess by Steve D. The first 2 maps have a tech base theme, and you have to get part of the way through the 2nd map before you start to engage with the mid-tier enemies.

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7 hours ago, Pegleg said:


This isn't exactly the thread for this question, unless you're looking for a specific tech wad that didn't have a lot of hard enemies. And if that's the case, you should probably provide some more detail, if you can remember it. But, I'll assuming you're looking for general recommendations.


These may not be exactly what you're looking for, because there are some hell knights, mancubi, revenants, and archviles (on UV), but I wouldn't say either option relies on the mid-tier enemies. But both are good options, particularly if you turn down the difficulty.


Try Dark Resolution 2008 Map 02. It's a techbase-themed map by Death-Destiny, and the entire first half of the map is zombieman, sergeants, and chaingunners. The enemy placement is exquisite and they will shred you if you're not paying attention. Imps, demons, and hell knights don't even make an appearance until somewhere in past the halfway point of the map.


Try Abcess by Steve D. The first 2 maps have a tech base theme, and you have to get part of the way through the 2nd map before you start to engage with the mid-tier enemies.

Thanks,also sorry for the miss use of this thread.

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5 hours ago, Vicajuss said:

Thanks,also sorry for the miss use of this thread.


Don't worry about it. And by the way, I forgot to tell you this before: Welcome to Doomworld! Enjoy your time here.


By the way, you may also want to look at 1 Monster. Each map consists of only 1 monster, and the hardest enemy in the first 11 maps is the arachnotron. I think the 7 of the first 8 maps all have a tech base theme. Links for downloading the original and "fixed" versions are at the bottom of the doomwiki page.

Edited by Pegleg

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4 minutes ago, Pegleg said:


Don't worry about it. And by the way, I forgot to tell you this before: Welcome to Doomworld! Enjoy your time here.


By the way, you may also want to look at 1 Monster. Each map consists of only 1 monster, and the hardest enemy in the first 11 maps is the arachnotron. I think the 7 of the first 8 maps all have a tech base theme. Links for downloading the original and "fixed" versions are at the bottom of the doomwiki page.

Thanks,will check.

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This wad had relax by frankie goes to hollywood in the first level, you were on a surface shaped like a plane over a scrolling landscape, and have to avoid fireballs that, I think, pushed you off the surface if they hit?

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Jeez, what a goofball I am.. *goes back in time 6 years and slaps self for mislabeling*


While it's not an answer, map11 of Pud Whacker was originally in the 28 slot, and it wasn't until just before release that a few people told me they hated the map, so I swapped it out last minute - unfortunately it looks like I never updated the credits to reflect the new map choice..

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21 hours ago, Tony_Danza_the_boss said:

Any WADS or TC's that feature Jurassic Park-themed locales or just dinosaurs in general? I love JP and the franchise and haven't seemed to have found one yet. Yes I've played Turok

"Do not make general requests for certain types of maps (e.g. a map with lots of cyberdemons). These should be made in other threads and will be removed from this one." Also try Turok 2 

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Can't remember the name of a notorious wad sold by an insane woman back in the 90's. It had advertisements all over the place, and an ad for a sonogram or something. Considered one of the worst wads ever made.

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11 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Can't remember the name of a notorious wad sold by an insane woman back in the 90's. It had advertisements all over the place, and an ad for a sonogram or something. Considered one of the worst wads ever made.

Laura Beyer's Doom?

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