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Best WADs to have never won a Cacoward

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Hey guys. I've been a lurker on the Doomworld forums for many years and have registered now so that I can ask this question. What are the best WADs to have never won a Cacoward?


CACO WINNER    | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2002 | 007: Licence to Spell Doom - Stephen "The Ultimate DooMer" Clark
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2000 | 10 Sectors - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2002 | 2002: A Doom Odyssey - Various Authors
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2008 | 32 Inch Nails - Alexander "Eternal" S.
CACO BEST MP   | D-Match | Client/serv | 2011 | 32in24 11 - The 32in24 Team
dew            | D-Match | Client/serv | 2007 | 32in24 4 - The 32in24 Team
CACO BEST MP   | D-Match | Boom-compat | 2007 | 32in24 5 - The 32in24 Team
CACO BEST MP   | D-Match | Client/serv | 2008 | 32in24 7 - The 32in24 Team
CACO BEST DM   | D-Match | ZDoom       | 2004 | 8 Bits Deathmatch - G0dCells
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | 99 Ways to Die - Warren Marshall
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Action Doom - "Scuba" Stephen Browning
fraggle        | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2000 | Adventures of MassMouth, The - Mike "Cyb" Watson
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2007 | Aeternum - Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2002 | Alien Vendetta - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Aliens TC - Justin Fisher
fullmetalvaran | Doom    | GZDoom      | 2011 | Aliens: Colonial Marines - Oriol "Deimos Anomaly" Comerma
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | All Hell is Breaking Loose - Joel Huenink
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2005 | Altar of Evil - Dutch Devil
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2010 | Arcadia Demade - JP LeBreton
dew            | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2010 | Arch-Vile Jump - termrork
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1996 | Army of Darkness - Various Authors
fraggle        | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1998 | Artica - Mike "Cyb" Watson
fraggle        | Doom II | MBF or Boom | 1998 | Artica 2 - Mike "Cyb" Watson
fraggle        | Doom II | MBF or Boom | 1999 | Artica 3 - Mike "Cyb" Watson
fraggle        | Doom II | MBF or Boom | 1999 | Artica 4 - Mike "Cyb" Watson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Artifact, The - Paul Schmitz
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 1999 | Assault on Tei Tenga - Sam Ketner
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Boom-compat | 2000 | Atomic Tomb - Brad "Vorpal" Spencer
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2006 | Austerity: A Simplicity Tribute - Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer
Xaser          | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2010 | Awakening - Emil Harold Brundage
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2008 | Axiom - Didy
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2008 | Back to Basics - Espi
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2010 | Base Ganymede: Episode 2 - Adam "Khorus" Woodmansey
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1999 | Batman Doom - ACE Team Software
Snakes         | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1997 | Beginning of the End Part 1, The - Emil Harold Brundage
lupinx-Kassman | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | Bella - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis
lupinx-Kassman | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | Bella II - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis / Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Boom-compat | 2008 | Beyond Horrible! - Hardcore_gamer
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2010 | Beyond Revival - Fiend
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | BF Thud! - Christen David Klie
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2008 | BGPA Missions: Liberation - Nigel "Enjay" Rowand
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2004 | BloodRust - Simon "SlayeR" Judd
CACO WINNER    | D-Match | Vanilla     | 1995 | Boothill - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2003 | Brotherhood of Ruin, The - Kristian "Nebula" Aro
CACO BEST MOD  | D1 & D2 | ZD/Skulltag | 2011 | Brutal Doom - Sergeant_Mark_IV
T-Rex          | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1998 | Call of Ktulu, The - Rudy "Hellcat" Jurjako
T-Rex          | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2001 | Castle of Eternal Carrot in the Sky - Fredrik Johansson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | COD Engine  | 2002 | Caverns of Darkness - The Chaos Crew
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2002 | CH Retro Episode - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2007 | Cheogsh - Shadowman / KoLoBoK[iddqd]
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2009 | Cheogsh 2 - Shadowman / Guest
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2008 | Chex Quest 3 - Charles Jacobi
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2000 | Chord 3 - Malcolm Sailor
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1999 | Chord G - Malcolm Sailor
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Chord NG - Malcolm Sailor
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Chosen - LilWhiteMouse
vdgg           | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2000 | City of Doom Part I - Paul "Nowotny" Maurone
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | City of the Damned - Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2007 | City of the Damned: Apocalypse - Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2006 | Classic Episode Part 2, The - Jan Van der Veken
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2000 | Classic Episode, The - Various Authors
Snakes         | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2009 | Claustrophobia 1024 - Various Authors
Not Jabba      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2010 | Claustrophobia 1024 2 - Various Authors
vdgg           | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Cleimos 2 - Rand Phares / Steven Phares
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2008 | Cold as Hell - Jon "JonnyFive" Washburn
Processingcont | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2003 | Community Chest - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2004 | Community Chest 2 - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2007 | Community Chest 3 - Various Authors
CACO MOCKAWARD | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2008 | Community is Falling 3 - Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZD/PrBoom   | 2005 | Congestion 1024 - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2002 | Congestion Control - Karthik Abhiram
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2000 | Containment Area - J.C. "SailorScout" Bengtson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Crestfallen - Martin "cocoon" Friberg
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2005 | Crimson Canyon - J S Graham
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Crossing Acheron - John W. "Dr. Sleep" Anderson
CACO WINNER    | D-Match | Boom-compat | 2006 | Crucified Dreams - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1999 | Crusades - Richard Wiles
T-Rex          | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2005 | Cursed Generation, The - Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Cyberdreams - Gonzalo Perez de la Ossa / Albert Valls
CACO MENTION   | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Daedalus: Alien Defense - TeamTNT
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Dark Covenant - Keith Phipps
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2002 | Dark7 - Bryant "Gunrock" Robinson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2002 | Dark7: Mission Pack - Bryant "Gunrock" Robinson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1999 | Darkening Episode 1, The - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2000 | Darkening Episode 2, The - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2001 | Darkest Hour, The - Rex Claussen
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2010 | Dawn of Reality - Reinchard
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1997 | Dawn of the Dead - Jan Van der Veken
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Dead Perfect - Yonatan Donner
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1999 | Death Tormention - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1999 | Death Tormention 2 - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis / Kristian "Nebula" Aro / Chris Harbin
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Boom-compat | 2005 | Death Tormention 3 - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis / Kristian "Nebula" Aro
The Ultimate D | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1996 | Debut - Tony Sideris
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Decade - Russell Pearson
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2010 | Deimos Deja Vu - hervoheebo
T-Rex          | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2011 | Deimos: Slight Return - Rex Claussen
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1999 | Demonfear - Adam Windsor
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1998 | Demonized - NokturnuS
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2007 | Demons of Problematique - Dennis "Exl" Meuwissen
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2009 | Demons of Problematique 2 - Dennis "Exl" Meuwissen
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2004 | Deus Vult - Huy "Converted Doomer" Pham
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2008 | Deus Vult II - Huy "Converted Doomer" Pham
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Diabolos - T. Elliot "Myscha the Sled Dog" Cannon
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Dickie 10 - Richard Wiles
dew            | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2008 | Diet 32in24 - The 32in24 Team
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1996 | Dinner - Damian Pawlukanis
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2002 | Dissolution - Bryant "Gunrock" Robinson / Kevin Robinson
Snakes         | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2009 | Doom 2 Reloaded - Andy Stewart
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2011 | Doom Core - Michael Jan "Valkiriforce" Krizk
CACO MENTION   | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2011 | Doom II Redux Demo - Tarnsman
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | Doom Raider: Crypt of the Vile - Russell Pearson
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2003 | Doom Redemption - Simon "SlayeR" Judd
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2001 | Doom Resurrection Episode I - Tommie "Fatal" Quick
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2003 | Doom: Mercenaries Demo - Jacob "ellmo" Zuchowski
CACO MENTION   | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2010 | Doom: Threshold of Pain - John "scalliano" Gourley
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Doom64 TC   | 2003 | Doom64: The Absolution - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Doomsday of UAC - Leo Martin Lim
fraggle        | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | Doomworld Forum Adventures! - Anonymous Author/s
CACO MOCKAWARD | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Doomworld Forums 3 - Anonymous Author/s
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Limit-remov | 2011 | Double Impact - RottKing / Ralphis
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2010 | Drip Feed - Trevor "iori" Primmett
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Eternity    | 2002 | DSV Episode 4 - Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal / Yves "evil lair" Allaire
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | DSV Episode 5 - Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal
CACO WINNER    | D-Match | Vanilla     | 1995 | Dwango 5 - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2007 | Dying End, The - Christopher Lutz
CACO BEST DM   | D-Match | Skulltag    | 2006 | Dynamite Deathmatch - RottKing
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Dystopia 3 - Anthony Czerwonka / Iikka Keranen
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Earth - Roger Ritenour
Snakes         | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2004 | End Game - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Enigma Episode, The - Jim Flynn
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2001 | Enjay ZDoom 2001 - Nigel "Enjay" Rowand
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2007 | Epic - Alexander "Eternal" S.
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2010 | Epic 2 - Alexander "Eternal" S.
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2001 | Equinox - B.P.R.D
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2008 | Escape From Castle Chezcrea - Paul "Creaphis" Hiebert
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Eternal Doom - TeamTNT
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2008 | Eternal Doom IV - TeamTNT
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Eternity - Bjorn Hermans / Holger Nathrath
darkreaver     | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2001 | Europa - Erik Alm
darkreaver     | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2001 | Europa 2 - Erik Alm
darkreaver     | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2002 | Europa 3 - Erik Alm
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Evil Unleashed, The - The Innocent Crew
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2006 | Extremal Doom - Mikle Ilyin
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2010 | F_Episode 2 - Matthew "Foodles" Edwards
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1995 | Fava Beans - Sean Birkel
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Final Gathering II, The - Daniel "Stormin" Norman
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Fistful of Doom, A - Dethset
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2001 | Flay the Obscene - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2005 | For Whom the Bell Tolls - Didy
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2006 | Foreverhood - Brian "Skadoomer" Goodsell
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1999 | Fracture - Adam Foster
fraggle        | D-Match | Boom-compat | 1999 | FragFest Initialized - Parallel Team
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2001 | Fragport - Stephen "The Ultimate DooMer" Clark
fraggle        | D1 & D2 | Boom-compat | 2009 | Freedoom - Freedoom Project
The Ultimate D | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Full On - Tim Ackroyd
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Galaxia - Pavel Hodek
The Ultimate D | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2004 | Garrulismo - Eye del Cul
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | Gateway Experiments, or Doesn't the Military Ever Learn?, The - Ethan "GooberMan" Watson
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2007 | Genesis of Descent - Hobomaster22
CACO WINNER    | D-Match | Skulltag    | 2009 | Ghouls vs Humans - Cutmanmike
CACO WINNER    | D-Match | Vanilla     | 1997 | Gothic DM - Anthony Czerwonka
CACO WINNER    | D-Match | Vanilla     | 1998 | Gothic DM II - Anthony Czerwonka
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2008 | Gravity - Alexander "Eternal" S.
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDaemon     | 2009 | Great Bicycle Mystery 2, The - TheCupboard / Worst-vd-Plas
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZD/Legacy   | 2004 | Grove - B.P.R.D
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | H2H-Xmas - Various Authors
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2009 | Happy Time Circus II - Ray "Shitbag" Schmitz
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2009 | Harmony - Thomas van der Velden
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2007 | Hatomo Battles the Yomi Demons - Tobias Munch / Pablo Dictter
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2005 | HedRox - Rodrigo Acevedo
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2000 | Hell Factory Hub One, The - Tomi Rajala
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GLBoom+/GZ  | 2009 | Hell Ground - Alexander "Eternal" S.
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | Skulltag    | 2010 | Hell on Mars - Sean "Flesh420" Wheeler
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Hell Revealed - Yonatan Donner / Haggay Niv
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2004 | Hell Revealed II - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Hell's Eventide - Marty Ihlen / Travers Dunne / Rick Clark
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2006 | Hellcore 2.0 - Devon "Darkfyre" West / Robert "Fusion" Babor
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2003 | Helpyourselfish - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
CACO WINNER    | Heretic | Limit-remov | 2010 | Heretic: Curse of D'sparil - Kristian "Kristus" Kall / Karl Kall
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 1999 | Herian 2 - Ian Wilson
fullmetalvaran | Hexen   | ZDoom       | 2010 | Hexen: Scourge of Viscerus - Matt "Mista T." Tropiano
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Doom Legacy | 2005 | Hi-Tech Hell 2 - Simo Malinen
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Hidden Mountain Factory, A - Grzegorz Werner
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2006 | High/Low - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2007 | High/Low 2 - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2009 | High/Low 3 - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2010 | High/Low 4 - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
The Ultimate D | Heretic | ZDoom       | 2008 | History of Fruit, The - TheCupboard / Worst-vd-Plas
T-Rex          | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Hollow Minds - Kristian "Nebula" Aro
j4rio          | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2006 | Holy Hell - JK
CACO MOCKAWARD | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2006 | How Not to Be Seen! - Wills Hines
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2006 | IC2005 - Ian Cunnings
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Icarus: Alien Vanguard - TeamTNT
CACO WINNER    | Heretic | Boom-compat | 2011 | Icebound - Christopher Lutz
lupinx-Kassman | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Infected Area - Chuck Grant
dew            | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1998 | Inferno - Christopher Lutz
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1995 | Infinity - Bjorn Hermans / Holger Nathrath
lupinx-Kassman | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Insertion - Various Authors
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1994 | Interdiction Zone, The - Jim Flynn
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1997 | Invasion - Paul "Moe" Fleschute
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Invasion II - Paul "Moe" Fleschute
kmxexii        | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Invasion... Level 1 - Andy Chen / Claude Martins
kmxexii        | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Invasion... Level 2 - Andy Chen / Claude Martins
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2005 | Island 2, The - Jason Farlow
CACO MOCKAWARD | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2007 | It Only Gets Worse - Wills Hines
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2005 | Italian Doom - The Italian Team
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2008 | Italian Doom: Lost Levels - Alberto "Ismaele" Sposito
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1999 | Jagermorder: Chemical Lab - Derek "Afterglow" Mac Donald
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2011 | Jenesis - James "Jimmy" Paddock
dew            | D-Match | Vanilla     | 1996 | Judas - Brian "Stragenl" Vannatta
d@ngib5on      | D1 & D2 | Boom-compat | 2003 | Kaiser Series - Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2005 | Kama Sutra - Adolf "Gusta" Vojta / Jakub "_Method_" Razak
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2011 | Khorus' Speedy Shit - Adam "Khorus" Woodmansey
lupinx-Kassman | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Kill! Zone - Donald R. Howard / Heuristic Software
lupinx-Kassman | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Kill! Zone II - Donald R. Howard / Heuristic Software
CACO MOCKAWARD | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2009 | Killing Adventure - Ruba
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2007 | Knee-Deep in ZDoom - KDIZD Team
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 1999 | KZDoom - Kurt Kesler
Gez            | Doom II | ZDoom       | 1999 | KZDoom 2 - Kurt Kesler
Gez            | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2000 | KZDoom 3 - Kurt Kesler
Gez            | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2000 | KZDoom 4 - Kurt Kesler
Gez            | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2000 | KZDoom 5 - Kurt Kesler
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2000 | KZDoom 6 - Kurt Kesler
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2001 | KZDoom 7 - Kurt Kesler
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2009 | Legacy of Suffering - Logan MTM
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2011 | Lunatic - Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2011 | Mandrill Ass Project - Aluqah
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Boom-compat | 2009 | Mapgame - Ravage
The Ultimate D | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1996 | Mars Plague, The - James Stewart / Ryan Weiss
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | MassMouth 2 - Mike "Cyb" Watson
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Massmouthmas - Mike "Cyb" Watson
CACO BEST MP   | D-Match | Skulltag    | 2010 | Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch - Cutmanmike
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Memento Mori - The Memento Mori Crew
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Memento Mori 2 - The Memento Mori 2 Crew
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2008 | Mini-Level Megawad - Wim "The Mole" Vanrie
The Ultimate D | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | Mock 2 - Various Authors
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2006 | Monolith Series - Richard Wiles
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Mordeth - Gaston Lahaut
fullmetalvaran | Hexen   | GZDoom      | 2009 | Necrosis - Chris "CodenniumRed" Oliveri
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2008 | Needs More Detail - Fiend
The Ultimate D | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2004 | New World - Daniel "Daniel1982"
The Ultimate D | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2004 | New World 2 - Daniel "Daniel1982"
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2006 | NewDoom Community Project - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2009 | NewDoom Community Project II - Various Authors
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2004 | Nilla Doom - Use3d
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Doom Legacy | 2002 | Nimrod: Ixnay on the Hombre - Unholy Software
CACO BEST DM   | D-Match | Skulltag    | 2005 | Nimrod: Project Doom - Team Future
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2010 | No Rest for the Living - Nerve Software
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Nostromo's Run - Rich "Nostromo" Johnston
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Nuke Mine (Come Get Some) - Jason Hargreaves
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2001 | Null Space - Russell Pearson
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Number One Kill: The Next Generation - Angelo Jefferson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Obituary - The Innocent Crew
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Odessa 14 - Bob Evans
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Odyssey - T. Elliot "Myscha the Sled Dog" Cannon
CACO MENTION   | Doom II | Eternity    | 2006 | Ogro Power Facility - Stephen "SoM" McGranahan
Snakes         | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2002 | One Bloody Night - Erik Alm
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2006 | Oniria - Aluqah
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2006 | Operation Overlord - Nigel "Enjay" Rowand
lupinx-Kassman | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1999 | Operation: Biowar - Chris Harbin / Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis / John Bishop
Processingcont | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Oracle - Jim Flynn / Scott "MadMax" Harper
kmxexii        | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Osiris - Glen Payne / Marshal Bostwick
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Limit-remov | 2007 | Outer Darkness, The - Varun Abhirama Krishna
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2000 | Painful Evil - Tomi Rajala
CACO MENTION   | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2010 | Paranoid - The Persecution Complex
T-Rex          | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1999 | Pax - Ty Halderman
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Pazuzu - T. Elliot "Myscha the Sled Dog" Cannon
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Doom Legacy | 2001 | Phobia - Kristian "Ebola" Kall
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Doom Legacy | 2006 | Phobia: The Age - Kristian "Kristus" Kall
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Phobos - Roger Ritenour
The Ultimate D | Doom    | GZDoom      | 2011 | Phobos Directive, The - The Persecution Complex
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2004 | Phobos Revisited - Rex Claussen
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Boom-compat | 2003 | Phobos: Anomaly Reborn - Christopher Lutz
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Phobos: Relive the Nightmare - Shams Young
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2006 | Phocas Island 2 - Chopkinsca
CACO WINNER    | Final D | Vanilla     | 2009 | Plutonia 2 - Plutonia 2 Team
CACO WINNER    | Final D | Vanilla     | 2011 | Plutonia: Revisited Community Project - Various Authors
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Polygon Base - Rick Lipsey
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Post - Tony Sideris
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2002 | Project Slipgate - Bryant "Gunrock" Robinson / Kevin Robinson
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1995 | Raven Series - Tim Willits / Theresa Chasar
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2003 | Real World - Alexis Neuhaus
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2004 | Real World 2 - Alexis Neuhaus
CACO MENTION   | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2010 | Realm of Cheogsh - Shadowman
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Realm of Shades - NokturnuS
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2004 | Reanimated - Karthik Abhiram / Varun Abhiram
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2003 | Rebirth, The - Bjorn "Bobjet" Ostmann
Snakes         | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2007 | Remain - Alexander "Eternal" S.
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2008 | Remain 3 - Alexander "Eternal" S.
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Requiem - Various Authors
jute           | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2011 | Return of the Triad - Leon "el zee" Zawada / Simon "5hfifty" Rance
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Return to Phobos - Michael Kelsey
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2011 | Reverie - Michael Jan Krizik
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2001 | Revolution! - Thomas van der Velden
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2011 | Riot Control - Dutch Devil
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2002 | Rip It, Tear It, Smash It! - Christian N. "c-cooper" Hansen
Memfis         | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | RRWARD02 - Richard R. Ward
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | RTC-3057 Demo - Team Future
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | RTC-3057 Hub 1 - Team Future
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2002 | Ruma - Espi
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1998 | Run Buddy - Michael Krause
The Ultimate D | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Sapidus - Eddie Nguyen
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2002 | Scientist - Scientist
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2005 | Scientist 2 - Scientist
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2006 | Scimitar - Cycloid
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2003 | Scythe - Erik Alm / Kim "Torn" Bach
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2005 | Scythe 2 - Erik Alm
T-Rex          | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2009 | Scythe X - Erik Alm
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Sector 666 - Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2009 | Selfish Series - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Serenity - Bjorn Hermans / Holger Nathrath
CACO MENTION   | Hexen   | GZDoom      | 2010 | Serpent: Resurrection - Stephen "The Ultimate DooMer" Clark
Not Jabba      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2007 | Sigma - Didy
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1995 | Sillouhettes of Phobos - Michael Lundy
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2005 | Simplicity: Because Complexity Sucks - Matthew "Agent Spork" McGee
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Limit-remov | 2010 | Simply Phobos - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis / Kristian "Nebula" Aro
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2001 | Sin City - Ed C.
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2007 | Sine Die - Didy
Memfis         | Final D | Limit-remov | 2011 | Skepland - Monakhov Vladimir
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Slaughter Until Death - The Innocent Crew
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2001 | Slayer, The - Richard Wiles
T-Rex          | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Soldier of Fortune - Lisa "MadPup" Moore
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2007 | Songs of the Damned - Trevor "iori" Primmett
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2007 | Southern Cross - Bryant "Gunrock" Robinson / The Solution
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2010 | Speed of Doom - Joshy / Darkwave0000
Xaser          | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2010 | Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion - LilWhiteMouse
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Strain - The Alpha Dog Alliance
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZ/Skulltag | 2010 | Stronghold - Various Authors
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Super Sonic Doom - Stephen "The Ultimate DooMer" Clark
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 2005 | Suspended in Dusk - Espi
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1997 | Talosian Incident, The - The Black Star Coven
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Tantrum 2 - Ola Bjorling
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2005 | Temple of Chaos 2 - Matthew "Agent Spork" McGee
CACO MENTION   | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2010 | Temple of the Lizard Men 2 - Alan "Alando1"
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2008 | Thunderpeak - Bjorn "Vader" Ostmann
scalliano      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | Titan - Jesper Krag "Ixnatifual" Rasmussen
scalliano      | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2009 | Titan 2 - Jesper Krag "Ixnatifual" Rasmussen
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2005 | Total Control - Dutch Devil
T-Rex          | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2005 | ToxicHole - Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2004 | Tremor Part I - Ross "zarkyb" Mathieson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Skulltag    | 2009 | Tribute - Zalewa
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1996 | Troopers' Playground, The - Matthias Worch
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2001 | Trust - Tommie "Fatal" Quick
CACO MOCKAWARD | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2006 | TurboCharged Arcade! - Xaser "The Conqueror"
CACO MOCKAWARD | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2010 | TurboCharged Arcade!: The Sequel Episode! - Xaser "The Conqueror" / James "Jimmy" Paddock
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZD/Legacy   | 1999 | Twilight Warrior - Black Shadow Software
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1999 | Twilight Zone II, The - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2010 | UAC Ultra - 40oz / Super Jamie
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2007 | Ultimate Torment & Torture, The - Daniel "Tormentor667" Gimmer
CACO WINNER    | Doom    | Vanilla     | 1994 | Unholy Trinity, The - Steve McCrea / Simon Wall / Elias Papavassilopoulos
CACO BEST MP   | D-Match | Vanilla     | 2009 | Unidoom Deathmatch X - Clan Unidoom
d@ngib5on      | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1999 | Union Aerospace Corporation - The Stimpack-team
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | GZDoom      | 2010 | Unloved - Paul "BlueEagle" Schneider
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2008 | Urban Brawl: Action Doom 2 - "Scuba" Stephen Browning
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2006 | Vae Victus 2 - Derek "Dittohead" Braun
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2010 | Valhalla - Ed C.
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2011 | Vanguard - Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Eternity    | 2011 | Vaporware Demo - Esselfortium
d@ngib5on      | Doom    | Boom-compat | 1999 | Vengeance - Paul "Moe" Fleschute
T-Rex          | Doom II | Boom-compat | 1999 | Vengeance: SkyBase Sirius IV - Paul "Moe" Fleschute
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Vanilla     | 1998 | Venom - Ola Bjorling
dew            | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2004 | Vile Flesh - Gwyn Williams
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2003 | Void - Mike "Cyb" Watson
Memfis         | Doom II | GLBoom-Plus | 2011 | Voodoo Guns - Alexander "Eternal" S.
T-Rex          | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2000 | Vrack - Fredrik Johansson
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2001 | Vrack 2 - Fredrik Johansson
Snakes         | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2003 | Vrack 3 - Fredrik Johansson
fullmetalvaran | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2009 | We're All Dead Here - Arch
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2009 | Whispers of Satan - Paul "pcorf" Corfiatis / Kristian "Nebula" Aro
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom    | Vanilla     | 2007 | Wonderful Doom - Wraith
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | Limit-remov | 2008 | XXXI CyberSky - Alexander "Eternal" S.
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoomGL     | 2000 | ZanZan - Edmundo Bordeu
CACO WINNER    | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2004 | ZDoom Community Map Project: Take 1, The - Various Authors
CACO RUNNER UP | Doom II | ZDoom       | 2006 | Zen Dynamics - Xaser "The Conqueror"
T-Rex          | Doom II | Boom-compat | 2006 | Zero Tolerance - Dutch Devil
Gez            | Doom II | ZDoom       | 1999 | Zort Series - Mike "Cyb" Watson
The Ultimate D | Doom    | ZDoom       | 2008 | ZPack - Various Authors

CACO BEST DM = Cacoward for Best Deathmatch WAD
CACO BEST MOD = Cacoward for Best Gameplay Mod
CACO BEST MP = Cacoward for Best Multiplayer WAD
CACO MENTION = Cacoward Honourable Mention
CACO MOCKAWARD = Cacoward Mockaward (Best Comedy WAD)
CACO RUNNER UP = Cacoward Runner Up WAD
CACO WINNER = Cacoward Winning WAD

D-Match = Doom II (Deathmatch)
D1 & D2 = (Ultimate) Doom & Doom II
Final D = Final Doom

Boom-compat = Boom-compatible port
Client/serv = Client/server port
Limit-remov = Limit-removing port


70 for Ultimate Doom (18.6%)
298 for Doom II (79.0%)
3 for Final Doom (0.8%)
3 for Heretic (0.8%)
3 for Hexen (0.8%)

61 for Boom-compatible ports (16.2%)
3 for client/server ports (0.8%)
1 for COD Engine (0.3%)
5 for Doom Legacy (1.3%)
1 for Doom64 TC Engine (0.3%)
3 for Eternity Engine (0.8%)
2 for GLBoom-Plus (0.5%)
24 for GZDoom (6.4%)
32 for limit-removing ports (8.5%)
3 for MBF (0.8%)
6 for Skulltag (1.6%)
142 for vanilla (37.7%)
1 for ZDaemon (0.3%)
92 for ZDoom (24.4%)
1 for ZDoomGL (0.3%)

17 from 1994 (4.5%)
16 from 1995 (4.2%)
23 from 1996 (6.1%)
15 from 1997 (4.0%)
20 from 1998 (5.3%)
24 from 1999 (6.4%)
16 from 2000 (4.2%)
17 from 2001 (4.5%)
17 from 2002 (4.5%)
21 from 2003 (5.6%)
29 from 2004 (7.7%)
19 from 2005 (5.0%)
23 from 2006 (6.1%)
22 from 2007 (5.8%)
23 from 2008 (6.1%)
24 from 2009 (6.4%)
30 from 2010 (8.0%)
21 from 2011 (5.6%)

221 Cacowards
156 Recommendations
377 WADs mentioned in total

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Off of the top of my head, I'd say:

End Game
One Bloody Night
Claustrophobia 1024
end1.wad. Saves Xaser the trouble :P
Vrack 3
Doom 2 Reloaded

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Somebody should sticky the first post in this thread as the definitive response to "What are the best Doom wads?" - a question we get every other week, it seems. A true win would be if it had links to /idgames archive downloads and said what port and IWAD it was for though ;)

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Thanks for the recommendations so far guys. I plan to give all of them a try. That's a good idea Phobus. When I noticed some of the recommended WADs were links, I though it would be handy to do it for my list as well. I've started adding info to the list. Any suggestions for extra fields or list formatting are welcome.

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@Snakes: You farg! I mean, thanks. :P

On a somewhat end1-related note, Awakening from the same author is megagreat. That and Chibi Rebellion were both missed for whatever reason, and they're fantastical.

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judas23_ (the sexiest, smoothest, most respected deathmatch map EVER)
avjump (recognize the genius!)
chris lutz's inferno
vile flesh
32in24-4 (a very experimental ctf wad with many hit-or-miss maps, but that actually produced a lot of stunning, inventive work, unlike the boring -7 and the usual dmscene ctf wads)
32in24diet (not kidding! it's so much fun!)

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savagegrant said:

When I noticed some of the recommended WADs were links, I though it would be handy to do it for my list as well. I've started adding info to the list.

Good work so far! The addition of year is useful too, as it gives people a bit of an understanding of wat to expect :)

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Osiris is a pretty good Stargate style PC I wish got more love.

INVADE1 and INVADE2 are phenomenal OG Doom maps from '94.

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Just looking in the megawads folders quite a bunch I recall being good that aren't already mentioned:

Ultimate Doom/Doom I:
Needs More Detail

Doom II:
Number One Kill The Next Generation
Mini Level Megawad (not unlike Scythe or KSSHT)
The Rebirth
Scientist (2)
Great Bicycle Mystery 2
DSV4 (5 is also very good, just not as many levels)
Enjay ZDoom (2001)
Twilight Zone II (the first TZ, not really that good)

Also the last one reminds me of Death Tormention I-III, three separate E4 replacements. As well as Simply Phobos (E1 with bonus E2M9).

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Apparently neither of the Claustrophobia 1024s got a Cacoward, but I like both of them even better than the original Congestion 1024.

Sigma by didy is as awesome as Sine Die and For Whom the Bell Tolls, the other maps by the same author that got awards.

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Some Doom I episodes/series (the number is the /idgames id)

Silouhettes of Phobos 6521
High Low series 14523 14818 15582 15975
dinner.wad 4878
Beyond Horrible! 15208
Inferno (Chris Lutz) 9188
Nuke Mine 751
Extremal Doom 14156
F_Episode2 16268
Deimos Deja Vu 16270
Redemption 12228

Doom II stuff:
Realm of Shades 9040
Demonized 9788
Southern Cross (Gold) 12578
project slipgate 11600
Dissolution 11633
Anything kaiser_xx (too many to list all)
odyssey2 5387
Dark Covenant 6254
Trust 11101
Phobos - Relive the nightmare 4690
Fracture 9973
Flay the Obscene 11721
Selfish Ep 15838
UAC 10485 (is the one I am referring to)
32 Inch Nails 15454
yomi.was 15082
BloodRust 13920
Nilla Doom 12669

...and quite possibly a lot more that didn't occur on my head

Of course these aren't all precisely at the same level so by definition they are not all "best", but I probably got a good chunk of the cream of the crop stuff and regardless, they are all worth a look.

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savagegrant said:

Beyond Revivial | 2010 | Doom II | Boom-compatible port

One of these days I'm going to do something to get that typo off of the idgames page.

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This is an interesting thread...

Aliens: Colonial Marines TC
Austerity: A Tribute to Simplicity
City of the Damned
City of the Damned: Apocalypse
Claustrophobia 1024
Dawn of Reality
Diet 32in24
Hell on Mars
The Island 2
Necrosis (Hexen)
Scourge of Viscerus (Hexen)
Temple of the Lizard Men 2
Threshold of Pain
We're All Dead Here

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fullmetalvaran33 said:


Ah, yes! Thanks for that -- damn beautiful map, that.

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I had thought of several others getting read for sleep, but fullmetalavaran got some of them (I'm really surprised he/she caught Hell on Mars because I was going to bring it up and it received near zero attention or even recognition)!

At this time Riot Control, Reanimated, Sector 666, post_mep, Italian Doom (Episode 1 plus Lost Levels), the Monolith maps by Richard Wiles, and Real World (1 and 2) are the remaining ones I brainstormed that are yet uncovered (note my attention is focused on at least mini-episodes and/or series, not single levels, for now). That's going to be it from me for this evening, I think. But I do agree here: excellent thread!

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esselfortium said:

Ladies and gentlemen, let's all give 5 stars to returning hero Brandon D. Lade!

Fixed that for you.

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Why do they always find out who I am even if my posting shows no similarity?

Sorry for OT, but some magic must be at work here.

Anyways the problem this time is I'm not even able to read PMSs anymore as MegaDoomer. Being banned from the public forum is one thing, and not one I can't be honest with and handle. But I was committed to Sigvatr's PM only group back in Dec 2011 and then around March, even that allowance was revoked with no notification whatsoever. There in is where the problem I have here lies!

Probably should get back on topic otrw, though.

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d@ngib5on said:

Why do they always find out who I am even if my posting shows no similarity?

My dear boy, there is no air about your posting. The proof is in th' grammar, the syntax, and your distinct willingness to post in threads that connote category, lists, and quality control.

To greaten the D. Lade impact, however, you must prolong the length of time it takes for us to discover your freshest manifestation. It is therefore necessary that you learn how to cover up your character, and tuck in the metaphorical limbs that flail outside your vehicle of deception:
Observe your parenthesis! Do not give in to unnecessary clauses so easily! Deceive the suspecting member by partaking in meaningless threads that do not in any way lend to the classification of /idgames releases and their ratings! Abstain from excessive use of exclamation marks...!

These are but some of the keys required to unlock the means to your success. Lurk. Exercise restraint. Humanize.

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savagegrant said:

Beyond Revivial | 2010 | Doom II | Boom-compatible port

Fiend said:

One of these days I'm going to do something to get that typo off of the idgames page.

Hehe. Oh well, I've fixed it for this list now at least. ;)

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