Sephiroth Posted March 21, 2002 ok i have met alot of sick people from nazis to religious fanatics, all of them make me sick but this one is probaly the most disturbing. there has been alot of sick trends in my school, mostly belimia and anarexia have been riseing aswell as pregnacy. well a girl is prenant and she is also a religious fanatic, so it is bad for her. well her is where it gets insane. she wants to kill her baby, she dont believe in abortion, even if there is no difference here. she has been starving herself in an attempt to kill the baby, she also has tried to pick a fight so she can get beat up. personaly i dont know why this sick fuck cant admit she is pregnant and give the child up for adoption. second i dont see why my school tolorates such insane acts, but if u mention doom your in trouble. personaly this bitch needs draged out into the street, have her legs shot off, tie her to a truck and drag her down the street, then feed her to the hogs and those other people who think such bizzar and barbaric acts are reasonable 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkstalker Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by Sephiroth there has been alot of sick trends in my school, mostly belimia and anarexia have been riseing aswell as pregnacy. Ohio must be a very disturbing state to live in.Is it an Ohio's trademark to have crazy people or it's just a weird school ? I mean I've never seen a school like what you desribe. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 21, 2002 I'm not shocked, the stress of having a kid when you're young would make you do such things. 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkstalker Posted March 21, 2002 Maybe but to get in fights and not eating for killing a baby is crazy. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 21, 2002 I'd like to meet this girl....and then shoot her for being such a hypocrite. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 21, 2002 it's the only way if you don't want your parents to know. You can't really have an abortion without your parents knowing. Having a kid would ruin your life, so she's just basicly doing what she thinks is the best way of solving the problem. If she can't kill the kid this way she better have an abortion cause chances are the kid will be fucked up and it's life will already be ruined. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted March 21, 2002 Tell her to swallow cyanide...that should probably do the trick. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted March 21, 2002 it is no excuse for her to do that, first her parents know, she at least half-way through a pregancy. if u dont want a child give it up for adoption, there are plenty of people who cant have children and who would make far better parenets. my one cousin is a horrible mother, the white trash kind, she should have never had a kid and now she is pregnant agian 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 21, 2002 Well, that sure is an uplifting tale. Personally I think people should be legally barred from having children until they're 24. They like to think they're ready for everything about it but teenagers, really, don't have a fucking clue. So the stupid little whore got herself pregnant trying the only way she can figure out to be popular. Well there's still thousands of people waiting in line for an adopted child. If she really wants to get rid of that little bastard she needs a 12 step program. The stairs between the first floor and the basement. Don't drink or eat anything for a while and take a gut first dive. Sounds amusing but I know chicks that did that. It's a lot easier than trying to convince someone to beat the shit out of you. Of course, anyone who calls themselves her friend would gladly pound her in the belly with a baseball bat. She's going to do more damage to herself by starving herself than she will to the child. Women get them hunger cravings because the baby is literally sucking all the nutrients from them. The baby will still get them until she's dead. If nothing else, you could visit my site, print out 'coke abortion' and give it to her. It's probably the easiest and cheapest route she could go. Of course, when you give it to her, make sure to call her a filthy whore with no self esteem just for me. Stupid fucking bitch. Most kids are born out of wedlock in this country nowadays. Morality is flying right out the fucking window. 70% of all black kids are born out of wedlock. When I started 6th grade, 6 (that's right, SIX) little black girls (each 10 years old) had to be excused from school because they got pregnant. SIX of them. They were 10. If six of them were ready to bear children how many of the rest were sexually active? We're a culture of whores now. It bothers me when people act surprised by this. Like you. You act like this shit is unheard of or strange or unpredictable. How many of you ever got a phone call from the woman you love and the first words out of her mouth were that she just took a whole bottle of sleeping pills? At this point I wouldn't mind a virus cascading across the planet taking down anyone without sufficient common sense. If only I had access to the Syphon Filter. 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkstalker Posted March 21, 2002 If it weren't for Doom, the world would be a sad place to live... 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by Darkstalker If it weren't for Doom, the world would be a sad place to live... exactly how does doom help the world? 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by deadnail When I started 6th grade, 6 (that's right, SIX) little black girls (each 10 years old) had to be excused from school because they got that even possible? And what sick pedophile got them pregnant in the first place? 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by orion exactly how does doom help the world? It allows us to keep our sanity...or at least mine...... 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkstalker Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by orion exactly how does doom help the world? Because all the frustration about the world can be calmed down by killing a few Cyby and other demons. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by Crendowing And what sick pedophile got them pregnant in the first place? The point is that they had sex of their own volition. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 21, 2002 if you need to make pixels bleed red pixels to keep sane seek a shrink. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by Crendowing It allows us to keep our sanity...or at least mine...... I prefer Civilization over Doom...I'm a closet Megalomaniac. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Stitches Posted March 21, 2002 well it is sick. but you must pay the piper. so she should have this baby. the most common case with teenagers trying to lose babies w/o abortion is that they are afraid of their parents. so she needs to confront the rents about it. or it can be even sicker, like her parents dont want her to have the baby but dont want her getting an abortion and could lead her to try to kill her baby making it look like an accident. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted March 21, 2002 yea i would say this is a culture of whores. i mean come on of my senior class many of the girls are pregnant. I say the US should enforce population control laws. second this bitch, and the others who think it is alright need to be sold as slaves to a 3rd world country and after 10 years of hard work eaten by vultures 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by Sephiroth yea i would say this is a culture of whores. i mean come on of my senior class many of the girls are pregnant. I say the US should enforce population control laws. second this bitch, and the others who think it is alright need to be sold as slaves to a 3rd world country and after 10 years of hard work eaten by vultures No, enforcing population control is not right. China for instance. Have you ever seen 'The Dying Rooms'? 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted March 21, 2002 It's not about population control. It's about teenage girls/dudes knowing when they are and aren't ready to bring up a child. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted March 21, 2002 Exactly. Its about rethinking certain societal aspects. *cough*religion*cough* 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted March 21, 2002 Originally posted by the_Danarchist Exactly. Its about rethinking certain societal aspects. *cough*religion*cough* It's not a religious thing really. Her religion didn't kill her common sense. If she wasn't such a dumb fuck she'd just abort the baby or put it up for adoption. Atheists could do similar things. It pisses me off when people hear that an idiotic person makes an idiotic desicion and atheists assume that their religion is the source of their idiocy. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis` Posted March 21, 2002 Why don't you mind your business seph? I don't think you should be talking about sick nazis and shit and then talk about blowing the girls legs off. It's her life, not yours. You also need to learn how to spell/type/whatever because every single one of your posts look retarded. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 21, 2002 Oh my fucking God, we're already dissing the new generation? But I'm only 18! 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 21, 2002 she wants to kill her baby personaly this bitch needs draged out into the street, have her legs shot off, tie her to a truck and drag her down the street, then feed her to the hogs and those other people who think such bizzar and barbaric acts are reasonable That should do the trick :) On a serious note, there is a legal time limit after which it is illegal to abort the baby, if she is past that limit, her actions are legally an endagerent to the faetus and it is protected by law, someone should sic the child welfare people on her, she can be prevented from doing anything that harms the baby and can be prosecuted, and she damn well should be! 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 21, 2002 lol, by the time your 35 them 6 year olds will be hardcore, getting drunk, laid, shooting heroin. =] there's something to look forward to. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted March 21, 2002 mind my buisness, not when it is something of this nature. are u saying if u witnessed a murder or a suicide you would do nothing? i mean what this girl is doing is a serious problem and should not at all be tolorated. if we ignore problems like this they will just grow. second i never said it was becuase of her religion that she was dumb. i just said that she is doing what she is doing becuase abortion is wrong in her religion, yet i dont see the difference. i wish i could mind my own buisness, but this will effect the child. she is too pregnant to get a leagal abortion she is about 5-7 months pregnant and if she has been putting herself through this for a while the child will be deformed and that is a horrible thing to do to another human. as for my spelling i just type fast, plus english is not really my native laguage so some words are hard for me 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted March 21, 2002 Okay so the abortion should look like an accident? So she got a warm Coca-Cola©®™ from the kitchen, took it into the bathroom, took a piss, smelled her own rank twat, grabbed the douche kit, put the nozzle on the wrong bottle and PROBLEM SOLVED. 0 Share this post Link to post
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