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Which doom have you played through the most?

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Title pretty much says it all. Which Doom have you played through the most? I mean all the way to the finish.

For me, most likely DOOM 2, as I cannot stand the second episode of Ultimate Doom.
Though I have played through both atleast twice.

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Doom II mostly because most wads are made for it, and after I've finished them, I think, "Well, I've gone this far, might as well play some more."

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Probably Doom II, but I usually get bored shortly after MAP07, so I'm not as familiar with everything after that. I've played through episode 1 of doom so many times though, so maybe that.

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The one I've played the longest with mods is Doom 2, the one I've played the longest without mods is Doom 64 via the N64 console, emulator, TC and the EX port.

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Doom/Ultimate, E1 is the most played of them. Doom2 is probably the next, but I like Plutonia more, which is the third most played. TNT is probably one play through behind Plutonia, and tied to the fourth place with Doom64.

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Ultimate Doom and TNT because they have pretty levels. I can't stand Doom 2 because of its very ugly levels. Seriously it should have been an expansion rather tahn a straight sequel, it brings too little to the franchise. Oh, yeah and a lot of Doom 3 as well, it's grown on me over the last year.

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Doom1 E1, many hundred times. E2 and E3, each episodes almost as much as E1. E4, only 2 times if not counting coop playthroughs.
Doom2, only 2-3 times.
Final Doom TNT, at least one time or possibly 2.
Plutonia, once.

Doom1 is the ultimate here.

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Doom2 by far. I've played the other iwads no more than I have the major pwads, and probably less than HR.

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Doom 2 by a long shot... even after Map11, come to think of it. I tend to start jumping around my favorite maps after that, but I still think I've played Map12 more than most anything else, and that's probably the map I care for the least.

Plutonia next. Probably 5 or 6 times for each map, but the ones I'm particularly fond of way more.

Ultimate Doom as a whole I've played very few times... maybe 4. Episode 1 too many to count, E2 quite a lot, and E4 some... I think I've really only played E4 two times as I tend to view it as any other good Doom PWAD.

TNT before Map06 - a lot. TNT after Map07 - 1-3 times on each map. I do make sure to run through Habitat on -nomonsters to remind myself what it means to make a truly fuckawful map, though.

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Snakes said:

Ultimate Doom as a whole I've played very few times... maybe 4.

lol ok mr Doom cred, that's a "few" times :P

Let's see I've played Ultimate Doom front to back twice (as in, gone through each episode in sequence). E1 I've played maybe 10 times. I think I've played through each other episode a couple of times separately. I've played through Doom 2 once. I've barely touched Final Doom.

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Doom especially Episode 1. Even now I frequently (ie most weeks at least once) load up Doom with perhaps a weapons mod or similar and play Episode 1 just to unwind at the end of the day or something. I have played SoH and Inferno less but still pretty frequently. I don't play Episode 4 because I just don't like it that much.

I play Doom2 quite a bit but only the first few levels. Usually I end up playing it from map02 onwards because I have played a single map replacing map01 and just kept going afterwards. However, I find many of the Doom2 levels pretty dull and map05 in particular is a real turn off so I often quit when I reach that one. If I fancy playing a single Doom2 map, I'll probably play map07, 08, 20, 23 or 29. I especially like 29 simply because it contains most of the enemy types in a single map.

Final Doom I hardly ever play.

But yeah, hands down winner by along way for me is Doom, especially episode 1.

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Completed Ultimate Doom Episode 1 the most, but most likely fully completed Doom2 the most.

Im not sure I am a fan of Doom 2 levels, but after Ultimate Doom EP1, some of the levels are not that great.

I have also completed one of the Final Dooms a few times, but cant remember if it was TNT or Plutonia, but I do remember them having much better, harder and more interesting levels then Doom 2 and so should really get back into completing those sometime :)

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PSX Doom, especially since i played the hell out of it on the PSX in 1997 before i ever got the PC versions (3 years, bought them as a collectors set in 2000).

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Probably Doom 2, followed by Ultimate Doom. Hard to say for sure, since I've spend tons of hours on both of them. I also played both games on PC and PSX along with Final Doom. Not playing Final Doom so much, altough I always liked the level designs of Plutonia. TNT might probably be better than Doom 2 in level design.

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