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Team Future Teases us Once Again

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Wow, DoomUK, despite all the ok-face persona you're trying to show here, you're making complex maps for DOOM 3? Congratulations!

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printz said:

despite all the ok-face persona you're trying to show here, you're making complex maps for DOOM 3? Congratulations!


I used to be a much more active contributor to Phobos. But I still help out from time to time.

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Arjak said:

Yeah, that's cool...but when is RTC gonna get finished? :p

This. I remember speaking to Maonth (was he called 'Ravenous' and then 'Shaviro', or am I thinking of a different dude?) way back in 2001 or something about this cool new thing he was up to, and it was RTC.

Go count, that was like A DECADE ago.

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Oh hai Jay.
RT-what now?

Actually looked into a few different options for that recently.
For now it's Phobos though. It's not totally unlike RTC.

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I like it a lot.

But I can't find it as exciting as Doom/2 maps, because at least in those, I have a chance of implementing some of the designs I see.

Still, I look forward to playing this.

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