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Liquid textures that you think are X but are really Y

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BloodyAcid said:

I find it weird when WOODMET is a door.

WOODMET2 (lion face on it) actually could make for a good 64x128 or a much bigger door be it 128x128 or even 192x128. Just use WOODMET1 around it.

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I remember rationalising to myself when I was younger that the blood hurt because it was full of leeches and insects and other nasty things too small to see.


WOODMET2 as a door

Looks pretty good actually, you don't even have to use other WOODMET textures around it, it looks good with brown/dark brown textures. Example (low quality 8-bit png):
I personally don't like when DOOR1 and DOOR3 are being used as locked prop doors.

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Vordakk said:

You'd see steam rising from the pools if that were true :)

Considering hell doesn't have the same logic as real life the blood wouldn't have to be steaming if it were boiling.

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Gentlemen. Your prattle amuses me. Surely it is obvious that, in this case, the smilie indicates an offering of man-love that is unrequited.

As for the fluids, I hate damaging water or brown sewage. Blood depends on the map and how consistently it is used. Nuke should always do minor to moderate damage and lava should do heavy damage.

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Why does Blood hurt? I'll tell you why. Because it's Doom. In Hell. IN HELL. Doom. In Hell, stuff hurts. That's what it does. It hurts. That is one of the reasons you know you are in Hell. Because stuff that wouldn't normally hurt does actually hurt. Hurts like well... Hell. And in Hell, the only reason why blood sometimes doesn't hurt is to keep you in a state of tension. Just when you think you can relax. Just when you think blood doesn't hurt anymore. BAM!! It starts hurting again. You can never know for sure.

In fact this is going to be my answer to everything from now on. Because it's Doom. IN HELL.

That said, even Hell must have rules. And one of those rules is that if Blood is going to hurt, it must hurt in the 5 - 10% category of hurt. Coz in Hell, that's just how things are. :)

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KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:

That said, even Hell must have rules. And one of those rules is that if Blood is going to hurt, it must hurt in the 5 - 10% category of hurt. Coz in Hell, that's just how things are. :)

Just like war (in practice), hell shouldn't obey any rules, LOL.

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Kinda funny how much discussion the whole "damaging blood" topic has created. I was really just stating a personal opinion; I don't make blood pools damaging in my maps because for me they just shouldn't be. If you want to make them cause damage in your own maps, feel free. Making a DOOM map is about being creative, so don't let anyone tell you what to do.

I always saw blood in DOOM as something that should evoke horror and dread in the player rather than an "ouch, my feet!" type of obstacle to be avoided. For me, the bloodfalls and gore pools represent the spiritual torment and agony inflicted each second on the countless souls trapped in the bowels of Hell. When I create blood-filled areas in my maps, I try to make them creepy and demoralizing, so that the player is filled with repulsion and terror at the thought that billions of human beings are being tortured, raped, and mutilated to create the vast sanguine rivers that flow through the Abyss.

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What I don't get is why id internally called blood and lava "hellslime" and "super hellslime". That's just retarded, especially given that the flats were named their proper names anyway.

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Makes sense that they might want to cover their bases keeping the actual actions generic in case they wanted to change the graphic for a particular area but keep the damage effect. Since, you know, a hellslime or superhellslime sector doesn't have to be blood or lava respectively.

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DooM_RO said:

Ițve always thought the blood damages you because it's boiling.

You'd see steam rising from the pools if that were true :)

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@Captain Ventris
Considering hell doesn't have the same logic as real life the blood wouldn't have to be steaming if it were boiling.
BTW, I think the smiley face indicates humor.

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Oh c'mon. We all known what brown water really is. And blood hurts because it has AIDS. FROM HELL.

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The brown water is probably just another chemical which causes red resin on surfices ala Tricks and Traps.

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vdgg said:

steps piled up a la Lainos (Object 34 Sonar)

Wow that looks really odd. Reminds me of those old wads from the 90's that had weird texturing. But it's nothing horribly bad : P

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