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Wads in progress page

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Hello guys,

I dunno if you are aware of this(probably thought) but some dude on the "WIP" page(thedoomer1993 or something) just keeps rotening doom wads with his pointless comments that are most of the time related to him wanting some "cum" and other porn related requests.

Anyways, I dunno if this is the right place to ask, but could somebody do something about that sad little guy?

Here are some example of his elaborated comments:
-http://www.wadsinprogress.info/index.php?a=listwads&wad=818 (recent comment)
-http://www.wadsinprogress.info/index.php?a=listwads&wad=1623 (recent comment)

I hope you can all see how elaborated his comments are and I know that he must not be the first one to do this but to be that persistent and thus on many pages, I don't think I've seen anyone like that before.
This is getting rather irritating.

Anyways, I hope I'm in the right section and well even If nothing can be done, well I tried ^^"

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We've noticed it and are taking action. Thank you for your continued support.

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Yeah what the heck is going on there? Did dealing with the spammer require you to use an old backup?

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Bleh, Wadsinprogress.info already has been having too many maps that would never get completed.

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Unfortunately during the cleanup process some sort of error occurred and we lost a chunk of the most recent wads.

We recommend NOT re-posting new projects until we can definitively say there's nothing left we can do.

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I noticed this random poster "TEHDOOMER1993" on my wad, using block capitals and random nonsense is all the signs of a spammer. Plus he said my wad was good, so there is something definitely wrong. The latest wads on there seem to be from February/March 2011. I hope things get cleared up soon :)

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It got cleared up alright; we're back to 2010 ... don't know if I should laugh or what.

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I don't think it's related since Mancu II gave us the details of the fail; he MIGHT just be a coincidence. Might we get some more Mancu II details about the other regressions would be nice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow I see that, I lost my Doom Beyond entry and it hadn't been updated in years. That sucks since it was the 5th wad to be featured on Wads in Progress!

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Anyone know Wads in Progress' status? I check every now and then, and haven't seen any new entries (the 'latest' one is from 2008).

I hope this is just a lull in the action, and that the site isn't ghosting on us. Would be sad to lose.

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  • 2 months later...
Mancubus II said:

Unfortunately during the cleanup process some sort of error occurred and we lost a chunk of the most recent wads.

We recommend NOT re-posting new projects until we can definitively say there's nothing left we can do.

Hello what is the current status? I am primarly asking about the stability to ensure we won't lose more wads on there.

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So this is why I couldn't find the Jaguar TC on there when I wanted to link to it. I just assumed released projects got pruned after a certain amount of time (it's called "in progress", after all) and didn't notice how old all of the other entries were.

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The lack of response from both Boris and Mancubus II is bothering. Plus my wad hasn't been approved for a week already.

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  • 3 years later...

Bumpity-bump because I think this is as close to an official "WADs In Progress" thread that exists.

  • Now that one can get free SSL certs via letsencrypt I think it would be good if WIP was served over HTTPS.
  • It would be good if there was a 'forgot/recover password' option (yes I've forgotten mine)
  • The email address validator doesn't accept + in the local part (e.g. jon+wadsinprogress.info@...) is rejected (but it is valid)
  • The FAQ page says that PWs are stored as MD5 hashes. It would be good to verify that a salt was also used.

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I've been wanting to rewrite WIP from scratch for many years. The current codebase is a mess and not worth updating.

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Could there be interest in merging features of WIP (under a from-scratch codebase) with the /idgames frontend?

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When it gets rewritten I'll add the option to enter a /idgames id or path to the released file. I'll also add an API, so /idgames could show screenshots of WADs on WIP. Is that's the kind of "merging features" what you mean?

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boris said:

I've been wanting to rewrite WIP from scratch for many years. The current codebase is a mess and not worth updating.

The number of times I've heard this for sites that remain broken for years :) I guess DW counted as one but it's getting patched up in recent times thanks to Linguica's hard work.

What framework/language/blah/etc would you/are you considering and would you be prepared to develop it in the open on github or similar? A la https://github.com/SpiritQuaddicted/Quaddicted-reviews

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Jon said:

The number of times I've heard this for sites that remain broken for years :) I guess DW counted as one but it's getting patched up in recent times thanks to Linguica's hard work.

I'm serious. It was the first real project I did with PHP and MySQL, and that's how the code looks like. Just looking at the code makes me want to puke, let alone changing it.

Jon said:

What framework/language/blah/etc would you/are you considering and would you be prepared to develop it in the open on github or similar? A la https://github.com/SpiritQuaddicted/Quaddicted-reviews

Django in the backend, Bootstrap as CSS framework, possible AngularJS in the frontend where it makes sense. Development in a public repository: probably not.

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boris said:

I'm serious. It was the first real project I did with PHP and MySQL, and that's how the code looks like. Just looking at the code makes me want to puke, let alone changing it.

We've all got projects like that :)

Django in the backend, Bootstrap as CSS framework, possible AngularJS in the frontend where it makes sense.

That's cool. I was hoping to hear the magic D word. I've been looking for an excuse to play with it myself sometime

Development in a public repository: probably not.

That's a shame :(

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I'd simply not be comfortable of having the source of a complex single-purpose website open to the public. Plus I don't really see the advantage of it in this case.

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