skadoomer Posted June 30, 2001 new question to all doomers: how'd you come up with your unique doomer name? For those who use there real name, errr, just give me a reason why.... skadoomer came from the two biggest things that keep me going. 0 Share this post Link to post
nightmare imp Posted June 30, 2001 Well back in the day when I was playing Doom 64 I looked at any previews, so I wasn't aware of what I was gonna face. So anyways, I was trying to get used to the 64 controler for Doom 64,I was a low health score and I made it to the debuting the Nightmare imp. Seeing as Im a good Doomer,and getting used to the unconforting controler of the 64, I got killed by a purple fire ball turning the corner. "What the hell was that?" I said to myself and I saw a figure of an imp, but it was blue and transaparent. So why do I got by this name, because its the code of the warrior in my books, sure it was just a game but I hardly even die when playing Doom, let alone any game. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 30, 2001 Doomer name? I use Zaldron for everything, from programs to pics to posts. It's related to the game "Master of Magic". 0 Share this post Link to post
BuffGUh Posted June 30, 2001 heh.. Obviously a reference to the BFG... 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted June 30, 2001 heh.. Obviously a reference to the BFG...Oh... heh, now I get it. I always thought you were some type of gym rat. Well, let's see, I must've had about 100 different nicknames during the course of high school. I went to the DoomNation forums one day after I had run myself out after using my original name (I made some anti-TeamTNT rant and it didn't go over well) and I needed something to post as, so I just picked Lüt off the top of my head because it was about the only thing I could think of that wasn't a paragraph long. I hate it but everybody's gotten to know me as that, so I'm stuck with it. I could change but that always confuses or upsets people so I just leave it. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted June 30, 2001 Son used to play on a Doom BBS when I bought him his 1st modem, he was Dominator, so when I joined in I became FOD, Father Of Dominator, his mom was MOD, Mother Of Dominator, his SISTERwas never happy with her name :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 30, 2001 There's this band called Vision of Disorder. I used to listen to them a lot. I wanted to use 'Vision of Disorder' as my nickname, but that was not possible cause of the limitation of the name-length. So I had to strip the name down to 'Disorder'. 0 Share this post Link to post
pilottobombadier Posted June 30, 2001 pilottobombadier is just my forum/e-mail nick. However, I got that from a Looney Toons episode. My gaming name is Iron Knight, and that's because I play Jedi Knight, and the element of iron is cold, hard and dark...and it'll break before it bends...meaning, you'll have to totally defeat me, because I won't give up. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 30, 2001 ...meaning, you'll have to totally defeat me, because I won't give up. oooooooohhhhh, I'm really scared now. j/k 0 Share this post Link to post
Katgut Posted June 30, 2001 new question to all doomers: how'd you come up with your unique doomer name? For those who use there real name, errr, just give me a reason why.... skadoomer came from the two biggest things that keep me going. Um, mine's based on... oh, fuck it. FREE DONUTS 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted June 30, 2001 Mine came from way back when there was this guy called mac10 on the doom3 forums who was a real bitch, so my first username was mac10suxass, it eventually evolved into the coffee-making legend now known as MACVILEWHORE (wish I could have my damn E back in my name though, damn accounts). 0 Share this post Link to post
captmellow Posted June 30, 2001 In the early 90's, I ran a bbs which I arbitrarily called Mellow Land. Friends immediately said the name was appropriate for me, so I kept it. Among other things, I was running some interbbs tournaments in the game VGA Planets. One of my callers on our team called himself Captain Bob, which I rather liked the sound of. I took the moniker Captain Mellow later on, after the demise of the bbs & the advent of widespread www usage. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted June 30, 2001 I chose Lament during a small accident with registration on a Diku MUD. Later I liked it so now I use it everywhere. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted June 30, 2001 Arioch, Lord of Chaos, Duke of Hell, Patron God of the Melnibonéans ... and also a fallen angel from Milton's Paradise Lost. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted June 30, 2001 I was in a hurry when I came up with mine, so it's kind of lame: Zeratul = one of the Protoss heroes from Starcraft 9 = day of birth 82 = year of birth (1982) I was wanting to have it backwards once, but Lüt objected about me having the nickname Lutarez. 0 Share this post Link to post
Gerbil Posted June 30, 2001 Remember that Richard Gere episode? Yes, most people do. Well put that out of your mind, it has nothing to do with my name. I am Gerbil because I've always kept small cute rodents as pets. After going through various other ones with my brother (mouse, vole, model, hamster etc.) I finally ended up with this. If it helps, my brother's internet nickname is Shrew? 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted June 30, 2001 'Arioch! Arioch! I give you blood and souls - only aid me now! This man I give you, mighty King of Hell - aid your servant, Elric of Melniboné!' 0 Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted July 1, 2001 I use it everywhere, but I took AirRaid from Bruce Dickinson's (Vocals - Iron Maiden, for the ignorant among us) Nickname of old which was 'The Air Raid Siren'. Also, I used to used to air raid button on crossfire a lot when i used to play HL deathmatch a lot. 0 Share this post Link to post
RTC_Marine Posted July 1, 2001 well,i used to be UAC_Marine, you probably will know why. :P I changed my name to RTC_Marine, this is because i joined in with the project TRTCC. It was a battle with the UAC, so i couldn't keep my old nick. :/ 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted July 1, 2001 LIAM THE BARD LIAM: First name. Gaelic/Irish pronounciation of "William". Full name: Liam Robert Mason. THE: Figure it out. BARD: Bards were old celtic minor poets, often accompanied on harp, lyre, or such a stringed instrument. It has come to be loosely used to mean "any poet", and especially one of a lyrical nature. Poetry and writing is a hobby, and Bard sounded better than poet. Liam the Poet, Liam the Bard, Liam the Poetic, Liam the Bardic, you get the idea. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted July 1, 2001 I was wanting to have it backwards once, but Lüt objected about me having the nickname Lutarez.I did? As usual I have no recollection of this. Guess it makes sense that I would have. 0 Share this post Link to post
geekmarine Posted July 1, 2001 Um, I don't really recall how I came up with geekmarine, I just picked it at random, like I do so often when choosing a username. However, when I'm playing games online, I go by the name of The Mad Fragger. Basically, it's kind of a play on the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. Also, it kind of gives the impression of a serial killer, which is an added bonus. 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted July 1, 2001 My nick comes from when I was young and an idiot. My nick is daft. But my avatar r0x0r5. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted July 1, 2001 This one: Every time I get killed in deathmatch I yell "Shady will fuckin' kill you" and XMR is a twisted abbrev. for eXterMinatoR. Alternate names: Comrade Gore Red Amerika Viva Stalin 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted July 1, 2001 I was wanting to have it backwards once, but Lüt objected about me having the nickname Lutarez.I did? As usual I have no recollection of this. Guess it makes sense that I would have. From the last nickname poll about 2 months ago: Zeratul 982: ...I could have done what Rubilacxe did and come up with the name "Lutarez." Lüt: NO. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tobester Posted July 1, 2001 waayyyyy back when, I used to go by the name Captain Napalm, which I yoinked from a Calvin and Hobbes book (Captain Napalm and the thermonuclear League of Liberty!) <G> Tobester is just my name, Toby, - y plus ster, pronounced Toab-ster. Another one I had, altho not used in a while, is Toaster. it rhymes with Tobester, so I thought it was cool. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom-Child Posted July 1, 2001 I don't suppose my name needs TOO much explanation, but for you faint of brain out there, here we go: I was raised on DOOM. Therefore, I am a child of Doom. Buh-doom (HA!). DC 0 Share this post Link to post
Renegade_Style Posted July 3, 2001 My Name has not very much meaning, but it sounds great, so i took it ! On every Forum i have this one,so why change?,i thought ! @Skadoomer what Ska-Bands do you listen ? 0 Share this post Link to post
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