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ZXDoom comming soon !


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ZXDoom is a ZDoom ports who will play ZD3K game and my own Multi Player styles ala Unreal Tournament and comic Doom styles.

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I think is another source port which "special" features to handle "special"
events for ONE project.
Similar like:
"We only have DOOM and build a Heretic engine." <-- People can do their own
Heretic (Eternity) levels, but that is all there is.
Likewise with Hexen. A new engine a new game. Also, same applies for me to

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I guess it's the same with Millennium. Of course if any existing source port doesn't have necessary features, you have to make your own :)

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Originally posted by X-DOOM
ZXDoom is a ZDoom ports who will play ZD3K game and my own Multi Player styles ala Unreal Tournament and comic Doom styles.

Heh, wanna have supported here: http://kickme.to/theking ?

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Originally posted by KING ELVIS

Bah who uses that... start a poll on DW and let's see.
I still use cmdline since it takes you years to set up a special wad in GUIs.

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Originally posted by Hirogen2

Bah who uses that... start a poll on DW and let's see.
I still use cmdline since it takes you years to set up a special wad in GUIs.

Seems you not :)

However, I really like you command-line-cowboy guys :P

Anyway, I doesn't take ages, it takes a shorter time to use KDX for it, plus you can share them between all installed ports....

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Originally posted by Lament
I just have to hope it was an innocent compliment

Hey, it was the MOST innocent compliment you can imagine ever !

Technik ist: Arbeit durch Arbeit zu vermeiden :)

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Wahnsinnig komisch!

ZXDOOM: Is gonna turn out to be like having an EXE file for each HalfLife MOD
out there, or better yet - an EXE for each WAD(+DEH).

KDX: What about:
Get all the specs of 3darchives.in-span.net WADs, enter them into KDX
database and whenever one wants to run that WAD (already DL'ed) he doesnot
need to setup things. Geil, eh?

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Originally posted by Hirogen2
KDX: What about :
Get all the specs of 3darchives.in-span.net WADs, enter them into KDX
database and whenever one wants to run that WAD (already DL'ed) he doesnot
need to setup things. Geil, eh?


That feature IS available SINCE the year 2000.
it is called cdrom.com import scripts, because the levels
were hosted there before they moved :)

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People whine and moan when you ask a source port programmer to add something, saying that you should do it yourself.

Then when you do actually do it yourself, other people whine and moan that you should use an existing port.

I guess there's always people who'll complain whatever you do.

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Originally posted by NiGHTMARE
People whine and moan when you ask a source port programmer to add something, saying that you should do it yourself.

Then when you do actually do it yourself, other people whine and moan that you should use an existing port.

I guess there's always people who'll complain whatever you do.

So best would be: PrBoom + extensive extension of its compatibility levels :)

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That feature IS available SINCE the year 2000.
it is called cdrom.com import scripts, because the levels
were hosted there before they moved :)

So you see I do not use GUIs! :]

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Originally posted by Hirogen2
So you see I do not use GUIs! :]

Then nobody can help you

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