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ao-oh...poor playstation


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Why would id relase it on Xbox first and then on PC later? Where did that pic come from?

"It'd make a good online title, right?"

What the hell are they thinking? Bah.

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Another example of bullshit journalism. Doom III is coming out on Mac, Linux and PC simultaneously, and most likely a while later on X-Box. I don't know about Quake IV but it not appearing on PC seems ridiculous.

Let me pull a Carmack quote out of my ass here: "Yeah, we make a lot of money but I've already got a lot of money, so there's really noone that can influence us by throwing money in our faces. We can afford to do things our way."

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Originally posted by FlatHead
Let me pull a Carmack quote out of my ass here: "Yeah, we make a lot of money but I've already got a lot of money, so there's really noone that can influence us by throwing money in our faces. We can afford to do things our way."

Wish all companies would follow that strategy...

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Listen to Flathead, that's complete bullshit. Whoever comes down here and starts whining about Doom being on the Box first gets banned.

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when i saw the highlighter on the article was post hell green, i became immediately suspicious....

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Posted by Jim Dose on EvilAvatar:
Just to clear things up, this is just a rumor. Don't believe that kind of thing unless it comes from directly from id.

It would be nice to have a new hat, though... ;)


Ok, a little bit clearer then: We are planning to release Doom on the PC first. I have no knowledge of the release plans for Quake 4, and so can't speak for it.

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Enough with this topic. It's the perfect tool to confuse newbies/visitors and spread the word.

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