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Favorite monster to kill with what weapon?

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TimeOfDeath said:

Fav is two-shotting cyber with bfg.

I know! I've seen that Expired Licence video, especially the level where you two shot 8 Cybies in a row.

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Personally, I like picking up a Beserk Pack and having a short boxing match with a Revenant. Either that, or trying to chainsaw everything.

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Chaingun on imps and zombiemen. Killing an arch-vile with plasma without having to hide to avoid his attack is sweet too.

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Too many to name a favorite, but here are the best:

- 1 shotting Spider Masterminds with BFG
- Rockets vs lots of Imps
- Chaingun vs Zombiemen
- Rockets vs Pain Elemental (Playing with fire)
- Gibbing with Plamagun
- Fistfighting Barons, HKs or Revenants

- SSG vs anything but caco (you need to be point blank to two-shot them, I always feel like wasting shells on cacos when using SSG)
- anything vs Arachnotron (death sound <3)

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I like when you get a group of two or three demons, shoot each one of them twice with the regular shotgun, then line em all up and kill all three of then in one last blast. Pretty awesome.

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Cacodemon with SSG. I don't use it often enough, because I'm really stingy with shotgun ammo. Monsters stronger than the chaingunner are the ones worthy of doubled ammo consumption. >:)

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There's nothing like running around the corner of The Gauntlet with a buddy and clearing the entire first hallway when you both fire the SSG at the same time. Every time.

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Small n Medium monsters tightly places on upper place roof or tower type & shooting them from down with rockets is best fun...gibs falling;)

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I enjoy killing archviles a ton for some reason, their death animation is very satisfying and they're rather rare. (SSG would be my weapon of choice)

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I like using the shotgun on imps and zombie soldiers just because of a combination of their death animation, their death sounds and how they usually fly back from the force. It's especially fun shooting them off of ledges.

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Definitely most monsters with the SSG. Starting with killing hords of Demons with one blast each, moving on to the Cacos that need either 2 or 3 (and it's more satisfying when I manage with exactly two) and Barons, Arachnotron and Mancubus. Mancubus are fun because they are too wide and you see the shells hitting, and you know a third one will bring down most of the times.

Satisfying is also to kill the imps with just one shotgun fire, and then I always like to use the shotgun on simple human monsters. Especially when there are 3-4 in a row and takes em all. Or the SSG in MAP03, when you turn the corner and there are 6 zombie soldiers, sometimes I mow them all with just one SSG blast.

I rarely found satisfaction with more powerful weaps for some reason (exception, rocket launcher upon a pillar with imps, making their bodies fly around in all directions :). I only use more powerful weaps to clean up when there are too many powerful monsters to mow one by one.

And last, snipping with the pistol or chaingun in far distances and through tight holes. By clicking and leaving the key in sequence.

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I really like using the BFGSpray on a group of 10 or more Zombiemen, Shotgun Guy's, or Imp's and watching all of them split apart, it's really satisfying.

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