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Nicknames for Doom monsters?


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SO I realize there is already a thread on different names for the demon, so I thought why not make a thread where you could post nicknames of all the doom monsters?

Sometimes I call Archviles 'Archies'
I also have an odd urge to call the Spider Mastermind 'Spider demon'. That's been in my head for a while now.

So, let's hear 'em.

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Demons - Hellhounds
Spectres - Shadow hounds
Cacodemons - Killer tomatoes
Pain Elementals - Skull spitters
Arachnotrons - Spider-bots
Mancubus - Fatties
Archviles - Protectors
Spider Mastermind - Spiderdemons
Cyberdemon - Cybies

I tend to call Archviles 'archies,' though now at times I call them 'protectors' cause, given they are nasty with their fire spells and revive killed monsters, I got the hunch that their role is to protect Hell.

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Maddo said:

Sometimes I call Archviles 'Archies'

Barons are "Betties", and Revenants are "Veronicas".

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Demons - Pinkies, Pigs
Cacodemons - Cacos
Baron of Hells - Barons
Archviles - Viles
Cyberdemons - Cybers/Cybies
Spider Mastermind - Masterminds/Spideys
Mancubus - Fatasses/Manc's
Arachnotrons - Arach's/Spiders
Pain Elemental - Pains

I know I'm lame :P

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Actually, I used to call them "bulls" for the longest time whatever reason. "Bull Demons" has now become my quasi-official name for them, since "Demon" sounds like it refers to everything that's not a zombie. :P

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I sometimes use mapping names (what purpose they serve) or just made up ones:

Demon - Pinky, Fodder

Demon, Baron - Blockers (because that's what they are good for)

Cacodemon - Trollodemon (this is pretty recent - not only do they look like a trollface from angle 2 and 8, they can usually troll the player with their terrain bypassing ability and emerge in unexpected places)

Pain Elemental - Pain in the Arse Elemental (or PITA Elemental - self explanatory why)

Mancubus - Mancy ("Man Key") -> Monkey

Lost Soul - Skull

Also some abbreviations:

Spider Mastermind - SM -> S&M
Arch Vile - AV
Hell Knight - HK

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I occasionally call Barons "Big Bad Booty Daddy." If you know where that's from, you win a cookie.

Scott Steiner?

Anyways I use the common ones like Archies, Cybies and Masterminds.

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I have always called Mancibi "Ohmlinows" because when I first encountered them that was what I heard when they attacked, and it has stuck to this day because I think it's cooler than their real name.

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Z86 said:

Cacodemon - Trollodemon (this is pretty recent - not only do they look like a trollface from angle 2 and 8, they can usually troll the player with their terrain bypassing ability and emerge in unexpected places)

Without even having a nose? What kind of Trolls are you thinking about? O_o

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Demon - Bull Demon
Baron/Hell Knights - Demon
Spider Mastermind - Spiderdemon
Arachnotron - Mini Spiderdemon
Mancubus - Fatty
Arch-Vile - Double Barrel Blast bin
Pain Elementals - Soul Spitter
Lost Soul - Floater

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of the top of my head, some names i use to use before i knew there real names (or I was to young to realise)

demons - pinkies/spectares for the invisible ones
baron - big daddy
revenant - skeleton
archvile - flaming skeleton/viles/archies
lost soul - skull
cacodemons - meatballs/cacos
mancubus - ar-gu-fa (cause that's waht i always heard them say)/mancs
cyberdemons - cyb/cybie
spidermastermind - spider demon

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Demons: Pig Demons
Lost Soul: Flaming Skull
Cacodemons: Smiley
Archvile: Spirit
Barons/Hell Knight: Dinosaur Dude
Cyberdemon: Big Guy
Spiderdemon: Brainy
Mancubus: Fat Dudes
Revenant: Punchy
Pain Elemental: Annoying Fucking Piece of Shit

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Former Human/Zombieman: Weakling
Former Human Sergeant: Shotgun Guy (which turned out to be the name anyway)
Imp: Not Another One
Former Human Commando/Heavy Weapon Dude: Bastard
Demon: Pinky/Chainsaw Meat
Lost Soul: Skull
Hell Knight: Mediocre Baron
Baron Of Hell: Baron
Cacodemon: Troll Tomato
Pain Elemental: Generator (generates Skulls)
Revenant: Skeleton
Mancubus: Fatty
Arachnotron: Spider
Cyberdemon: Big Daddy/HOLY SHIT! RUNRUNRUN!!!
Spider Mastermind: Spider Bastard

Arch Vile? It wasn't anywhere in my childhood.

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Any Former Human: Zombie (Chaingunner referred to as Chaingunguy though)
Imp: Imp or piece of shit
Demon: Pinky Demon
Barons: Barons, Ammo Waste
Hellknight: Hellknight
Lost Soul: Lost Soul
Cacodemon: Caco(s)
Pain Elemental: Pain in the Ass
Revenant: Rev or Revvie
Arch-Vile: Sometimes just Vile, or occasionaly 'that fucking cheap bastard'
Mancubus: Manc
Arachnotron: Spider
Mastermind: Spider Demon
Cyberdemon: Cyberdemon or Cyber
Icon of Sin: Big Devil Face

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I usually always call the monsters by their official names (although some have more than one "official" name).

Some nicknames I have read/heard in various places (CDs, DOOM tools, personal communication, etc.)...
Heavy Weapon Dude: Overweight guy
Lost Soul: Ghost
Cacodemon: Floating thing or Floating head
Pain Elemental: One-eyed blob
Baron: Cow boss
Arachnotron: Baby spider
Mancubus: Fat blob
Revenant: Tall shambler
Arch-vile: Evil spirit
Cyberdemon: Cybo boss
Spider Mastermind: Spider boss or Big spider

I'm wondering why someone would call the Baron/Knight a "cow". They're part goat. Goats aren't cows.

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Cacodemon: (Flying) Carpets! Vertical-standing round red rugs with faces! Y'understand?! Ever since '95, even.

Doom 64 zombiemen: Forrest Gump

Semi-related... The two dark rooms filled with Imps and two Barons in E2M4 at the bottom of the elevator in the round room: Shit Pits. (Also dates to 1995...when I would've found that part hectic!)

Bonus: HACH-FEWF (Projectile sound phoneticized)

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