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mapper interviews


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Well, if there's going to be audio interviews, I do hope there'll be transcripts. It would be a real pity if they happened to fall on deaf ears..... like mine. :P

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Tango said:

if we were to do this... volunteers on first interview? :p

Interviewer or interviewee?

I should probably throw it out there (if it wasn't overt already) that I'd be interested in taking up the "layman mantle" just to get things started at the least. Perhaps thereafter there could be a rotary system or something similar if things get a little disorderly...? I wouldn't want to rob anyone of an opportunity to be heard or ask questions, that's for sure.

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i meant either, really. and i think you would be a perfect candidate for that. so... volunteers for the other side? :p

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kmxexii said:

Rex Claussen has been posting interviews with current mappers at his website, The Doom Nexus. Granted, his focus has been on the ZDoom community.

Thanks for mentioning the interviews. Incidentally, the intention is not to cover just mappers (e.g., Sergeant_Mark_IV of Brutal DooM fame and DBT of AEoD fame are not best known for their mapping skills), or ZDooM people (e.g, Xaser, who is well-known for his vanilla Doom work; although, admittedly, he is a cross-over artist). I have requested interviews with several developers as well as forum maintainers, and will continue to seek out opinions from those that influence the way we experience DooM.

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I'd be up for an interview if you guys really wanted to do that (that's flattering). I don't have any sort of microphone at the moment though.


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Mechadon said:

I'd be up for an interview if you guys really wanted to do that (that's flattering). I don't know any sort of microphone at the moment though.

get one nao :(

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I'm really terrible at conversation, and prefer being able to sit down and process a written question / written response. Perhaps this is a direct result of spending my formative years mapping ;-P

But yeah I second the notion of broadening the category to any sort of involvement, artists... programmers... musicians? There's many people who contributed to this community I'm curious about, e.g. Jeremy Doyle who made various midi tunes that blew me away back when I got my first soundcard!

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Indeed -- Jimmy n' Forty Two (and *maybe* Fisk, *grumble*) deserve interviews just for their music-y stuffage.

I guess if we're self-volunteering, I could chat a bit. As a fair warning, though, the result would involve an audible Xaservoice. D:

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Doom Marine said:

Sure I'll do it, I'm definitely not shy about talking.

awesome. give me a bit and i'll pm you guys with details.

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For the record, I am willing to talk, though whoever I'm talking to would have to be the one recording the audio... Also, it may reveal the horrifying truth to Doomworld: I'm a jackass.

It seems the Doom "laymen" are what we really need here, though I can't speak for anyone.

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indeed. we need some fresh blood. even some really new mappers. if you have any interest in this and aren't too microphone shy then please volunteer :(

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I wouldn't mind doing an interview... even though I haven't released any serious pwads since 2005 (CIF3 DOESN'T COUNT)

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Kaiser said:

I wouldn't mind doing an interview... even though I haven't released any serious pwads since 2005 (CIF3 DOESN'T COUNT)

yes! that would be great. i'd like to interview afterglow too, even though he seems like an assbutt.

in the next few days i'll start an "official" thread for this and we'll really get the ball rolling.

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Interview me even though I've only released one project that was universally hated and all of my serious projects have never even come close to completion! :D

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Sodaholic said:

Interview me even though I've only released one project that was universally hated

You mean that turd jokewad of which I still have a video (that hasn't been attributed in the description, but I didn't claim it either)?

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Sodaholic said:

Interview me even though I've only released one project that was universally hated and all of my serious projects have never even come close to completion! :D

But we already have to read your posting isn't that enough? :(

And Tango it would be cool to get an interview out of Torr. I'm not sure he's a mapper but he's definitely someone worth talking to.

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I could provide. I've got Skype.

What line of questioning would it be? Design-related? Would they be specific to the interviewee?

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Mista_T said:

I could provide. I've got Skype.

What line of questioning would it be? Design-related? Would they be specific to the interviewee?

+1 for Skype. That works best for me.

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To add to Tango's list I'd personally also like to see interviews from Adam Windsor, Ola of Darkening E2 fame, Kristus, Matthias Worch as well as from Lupinx Kassman. I guess questions could (along with design) also ask about future projects and what inspired them to first pick up editing as a hobby etc...

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People I'd like interviewed: Richard Wiles, Jan van der Veken, Jim Flynn, Roger Ritenour, Michael Krause, Chris Lutz, Kristian Aro, etc


What were your hobbies before Doom? What are your current hobbies?
What games (other than Doom) have influenced your level designs? Which levels specifically? How?
Have you made any levels for other games? Links please:
How do you overcome a creative block?
When mapping do you set out to accomplish specific design goals within a project, or is it more random/see what happens type of mapping? How do you define a fun Doom level?
What type of Doom map do you enjoy? (explorational, slaughter, tech? etc etc).
Are there any maps out there that you wish you had made? Which ones and what is it about those maps?
Stuff like that..

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Mechadon said:

Buy me one Tango :(

You can afford these, I think. At $0.01 I bought a bunch of them. Perfectly good enough for Skyping, and so cheap it doesn't matter if you lose them or give them away.

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