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Planisphere 2

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Original map: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zb8wwpwyucy23ii

Improved version: http://www.arcades3d.net/mapas/doom2/planisf2.7z

Local copy: planisf2.zip

The original map was designed with GZDoom in mind. The improved version now works at least in ZDoom, GZDoom and PrBoom-Plus (but you will still experience some frame drops with some ports and also a bug with hitscan weapons in some areas), it also has cooperative mode implemented, more health and ammo, better design for interior areas and less silly stuff/useless sectors to improve gameplay a bit.


This is a large map that can tire players easily, so if you want to play it until the end, take all the time you need. You're not being timed, so be calm and patient!

Some images (I'm from Spain, so the map and the text file are in Spanish. Forgive me for not having translated them, I was a bit lazy):


Here's the link to another two maps I made: one before this one, and another one after. They both work fine in any source-port (I tested the second with the original Doom II under DOSBox).


And finally, if you like this kind of maps and also Duke Nukem 3D, you can check out Duke 2070, another large map I made in 2014 following the same style seen here.

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You do realize a fundamental flaw to your cityscape.. right? Otherwise, looks damn impressive.

EDIT: you start in NJ, right? Hoboken or something?

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Holy shit.... That is all i have to say...

This looks really, really cool dude. Later on ill try to play through this, when i have time.

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Does it use any (G)Zdoom features? If it doesn't, could you make it Prboom-plus compatible? I noticed that prboom handles large levels much better, at least on my system.

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Thats really awesome. How long did that take? and how accurate is it to actual New York?

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"looks interesting"
*loads game*
"seems to work ok"
*goes outside*
"still working fine.."
*turns arou








think i better give this one a miss

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Well, I tried this out but there are a couple of things as impressive as the city is you surely failed to realize that scale of your map results in areas with poor collision for example.

You can walk right through this like you have no clipping on.

Other areas you can go inside a wall.

So I think overall for me anyways you've managed to complete an amazing looking layout but in the process ruined the game play and to top it off all the sectors are light level 160 and with that I think to myself "great another mono-luminous map".

Layout : 5/5
Fundamental Design : 1/5
Textures : 1/5
Lighting : 1/5
Game play : 2/5

Overall : 2/5

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Finally completed this with final time of 2h44m, deaths not included.

I didn't find any of the glitches Pottus reported so perhaps he used an outdated version of Zdoom? The one on the first picture might be a GL problem too as I played this on the regular Zdoom. Lighting isn't 160 quite everywhere either, though a bit more lighting effects wouldn't hurt.

I have a fairly new and powerful computer, but the framerate did suffer terribly when looking in a direction where most of the sectors are, which lead to annoying gameplay as most of the time I had to run around the monsters trying to kill them from an angle where I could actually hit them. Anyway, not a fault of the map. Perphaps in a few years this will be more playable.

The texturing could do some work. If you want to use Doom2 textures only, it's ok, but at least remove the wolfenstein doors as they are ugly and look out of place. Doortracks should be lower unpegged as well.

Monster placement is fairly boring with monsters sprinkled around here and there. It's ok though as higly orchestrated fights would make the map just even more unplayable with the framerate problems and all. And I did like the sniping cybers idea. Nazis as enemies didn't work for me either.

Level progression can be quite confusing sometimes, which is understandable given the size of the map, but sometimes it's needlessly gimicky as well. For example, I got stuck for quite a while after killing the cybers and then found out the jumping to teleporters route by accident. It's silly that you can't see the teleporters and the only way to find them is to look for teleporter lines in the automap. Especially the final teleporter that takes you to the subway area is baffling as I don't think there was a visible teleporter at all.

Overall this is quite an impressive achievement but needs some more work imo. Nice job!

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You can see here I've drawn a circle representing the area in which a map should exist and would not have problems with the nodebuilder then placed it over top this map.

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DooMer 4ever said:

I didn't find any of the glitches Pottus reported so perhaps he used an outdated version of Zdoom?

That's possible; the BLOCKMAP overflow glitches were fixed relatively recently (with help from Maes and entryway; since it had been fixed previously in Mocha Doom and PrBoom+). If you don't have ZDoom 2.6.0+, you'll encounter problems.

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I wasn't using ZDoom, but I'll give it a shot in the latest version.

Futher testing

ZDoom the collision problems seemed fixed however the FPS lag is horrendous in this port and also introduced a complete new problem.

PRBoom+ will not play this map

Risen3D: Won't even begin to load
Zandronum: Same problems as GZDoom but more FPS lag

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Memfis said:

Does it use any (G)Zdoom features? If it doesn't, could you make it Prboom-plus compatible? I noticed that prboom handles large levels much better, at least on my system.

The nodes just need to be built. This wad does not contain nodes,ssectors or segs lumps. Build them and glboom+ will at least fire up the wad.

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What a monstrosity! 5/5 for epicness, 0/5 on playability, and it didn't even lag much on my system. Load it with -nomonsters, turn on Fly and just look at it... it's beautifully crazy.

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Yea, I noticed that my hitscan shots were passing through many of the monsters on the outskirts of the map because of the massive surface area it takes up. So it makes it borderline unplayable (plus the lag is pretty amazing). But personally I think this sort of map is more fun just walking around and taking in the awesome architecture and scale.

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hawkwind said:

The nodes just need to be built. This wad does not contain nodes,ssectors or segs lumps. Build them and glboom+ will at least fire up the wad.

There is a problem with that the map is too large to build nodes!

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Pottus said:

There is a problem with that the map is too large to build nodes!

No it isn't. Do this ...

1. Load plaisf2.wad in DB2. Change the nodesbuilder to DeepBSP.
2. Draw a small line anywhere on the map.

3. Save to build nodes.

4. When nodes are built delete the line just made.

3. Repeat step 3.

When complete fire up the wad in glboom+. It works.

I can provide a screenshot if required.

You can also download this test map from DeepSea ...


This wad runs in GLBoom+, and even with the nodes built for planisf2.wad, planisf2.wad is still smaller.

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The size of the map is sheer awesome. I do feel it could use a complete overhal of detailing and lighting as mentioned previously. Perhaps a group of mappers could help to work on various sections at a time?

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Yup your right Hawkwind that does seem to work and really did make big difference FPS wise playing GLBoom+. There is some collision problems still some monsters won't take damage if you shoot them point blank on occasion, no bullet puffs on some walls and some walls you can can run over top of some 32px high walls overall it's the best result.

BloodSkull: Detailing wise good textures would make a big difference.

Good Layout + Good Textures = Detail

The need for more linedefs would probably not be the focus in this case couple good textures with with good lighting and of course a complete game play re-work we would have by far the best city map.

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No seriously, I really enjoyed this. Framerate was sometimes not great, but mostly ok. A beautiful, impressive piece of work.

The only real suggestion I would make is to scatter a little more health around.

And as Bloodskull mentioned, a texture overhaul would add to the map, and allow a lot of linedefs to be removed.

Awesome stuff tho.

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Pottus said:

There is some collision problems still some monsters won't take damage if you shoot them point blank on occasion, no bullet puffs on some walls and some walls you can can run over top of some 32px high walls

Are you using prboom+ ? Under "compatiblity with common mapping errors" there's the option "fix clipping problems in large levels". Try that.

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I'll give that a shot Hawkwind, it'll will be good to confirm all the settings so the author can go back and polish this properly.

Yes I am using that version.

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