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Any Doom-related dreams?


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17 minutes ago, xvertigox said:

I somehow press ESC in my mind and Doom menu opens up.

Ah, yeah, I have had that recently. When I woke up I started laughing like crazy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Today I had a dream that Doomworld got a dislike/downvote button and I promptly used it on someone who said that "Struggle sucks and its graphics are garbage" or something along the lines.

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I had a dream several years ago involving Doom.  It felt like I was wandering in some map that felt like something straight out of Memento Mori, I had realized this, then saw I needed to 2-shot a cyber.  I can't remember much else beyond that.

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  • 2 months later...

I had a dream that I crashed Chocolate Doom by connecting too many lines to a single vertex. It was almost as fascinating as my previous dream about a nonexistent SpawnDietItem function.

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I just woke up from a dream in which I was playing a Doom wad, kinda reminiscent of Chillax in the aesthetic way. This area specifically, except brighter, the floor was the lava flat, and the platforming was lower to the floor and composed of narrow sectors, kinda like if you split The Chasm platforming into a sort of dashed line. There were some red imps on the platforms, i killed them quickly and climbed the platforming.

The platforming led to a door, which led to a room with some kinda weird multi cross shape:

     ______|          |______
     |                      |
     |     raised ledge     |
           |          |
           |  future  |
           |  stairs  |
 __        |          |        __
| 1|_______|          |_______|1 |
|   -------            -------   |
s1  ^decorative        ledges^  s2
|  _________     ↑    _________  |
|_2|       |___door___|       |2_|	

1 = chaingunner
2 = revenant
↑ = me

I went to flip switches s1 and s2, disposing of the semi-hidden rev and chaingunner at s1 but ignoring the ones at s2. The switches raised the stairs toward the slightly raised ledge, which had a third switch as shown. I confidently walked forward, climbing the not very steep stairs, but in the middle of the stairs i crossed a trigger linedef; the whole room went dark and monsters started teleporting in. I panicked, hid in one of the alcoves on the raised ledge and searched for my bfg, but couldn't find it so i pointed at the increasing demon horde with fingerguns and made vaguely BFG-esque noises with my mouth. Of course that didn't quite work. Thankfully i had a "better" but infinitely more questionable idea.


I walked right up to a baron of hell, i remember him not being particularly pixelated, more of a mix between the classic doom design and d2016 detail level. In a desperate attempt i tried to seduce him. I'm sure this is going right on doom_txt but i ended up getting fucked in the ass by the baron of hell right on one of those decorative ledges i pointed out on the map layout. Great. First it's a mancubus sex poem, then it's a lapdance by a pain elemental with huge boobs, now i'm getting assfucked by barons. Whats next in the world of doom sex dreams I wonder.


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I once had a dream about being chased by several Barons of Hell and a horde of Spectres in the dead of the night in the middle of a twisted, distorted city with the sky filled with dancing stars and a masive black hole slowly sucking nearby stars. I was running desperately and very, vert fast. Suddenly i found myself inside some weird catacomb looking maze of skulls, then i got ambushed and quickly eaten alive by Spectres.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 3 levels from dreams

one is 2d but it was really good for 2d (like pogostick)

2 are really good and really hard slaughter maps. I am working on constructing one them.


I also had a dream where I was playing CoD and then I got sucked into the game and my squad and I found a door.  Then I hear heavy footsteps and somehow know that a cyberdemon is behind the door.  I run for it but the squad leader says something like "cyberdemons aren't real".  Then I go to the end of this curvy pathway and I come out in a massive party room.  I was running to the door but before I made it there I saw my family.  So I tried to get them to come with me but they didn't realize that they had to go.  So then I run out and find one of those places with all those curvy bridges for a bunch of different highways.  It was partially destroyed because the cyberdemon had got out and was in the back of a truck and was shooting rockets everywhere.  I figured that I should hide on a bridge where it couldn't see me.  Once I crawl up to my "safe spot" the dream ends.

Edited by Doge Sword
i forgot to say something

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A few days ago I had a dream about visiting someone who lived in the big megasphere secret of MAP06. It's a pretty cozy place, I have to admit.


(And then I was chased around MAP06 by Gretel Grosse)

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I had a dream where E1M1 was my house. It was pretty cozy, I'd admit, except it was on Nightmare and I've had to clear the map out before the guests would arrive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I had a dream, or more like a rerun of a dream, about a non-existent secret at the beginning of Batman Doom's map01. It was really easy to miss and required the player to backtrack from the very first rooftop. It apparently contained an entire mini-scenario within it, about apprehending some burglar who broke into a house. And it was ridiculously elaborate too, with police coming and escorting him later. In addition, the devs already used up all the available dehacked magic on the main levels, So they had to implement that whole scenario in pure vanilla. And they did, somehow, even though it looked all janky.

Speaking of dreams, does anyone else find Batman Doom's map04 eerie? Aka part 2 of Killer Croc's mission. Part 1 ends with you emerging back into a city, while part 2 starts in a... tiny town? With just a few blocks, enclosed within a fence and no other buildings in sight, besides the ones making up a panorama. There's no entrance or anything behind you, as if you jumped over the brick fence to get there. Right away I got a vibe that I'm about to fight the boss, and I'm gonna kill them and subsequently end the level before I can explore most of it. But no, the level keeps going, you take a road to nowhere and after one more trip back and forth you drop into some more sewers, leaving the weird town behind forever. Then you emerge once more, and you're... at a lakeside, I guess. I feel like Croc just moved on
to live in a hut away from everyone, but you barged in to interrupt his retirement. Maybe I'm missing some comic lore.

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Several dreams:


- This one is from the other day (no, not the other, but THE other day), I was in a sort of techbase, lots of crates around, specifically in a diagonal shaped wide corridor, there was a hell knight walking towards me, so I shot rockets, but not a single one dealt damage. As I tried to skip him there were more monsters, probably another hell knight, so I switched to the SSG and finnished him in 3 shots(!), wow, useless rockets. In my mind I thought "this gotta be a case of the nullified splash damage bug". Whatever happened later I don't remember.


- Funny thing is that I dream with being lost and lonely in buildings frequently, and from time to time one is in the context of a Doom map. A few months ago I dreamed that I was lost in a sort of giant hotel, or a shopping center, no people around, just me, myself and I looking for armaments. I remember there was a corridor (heh) and some cubicles in the sides, I went inside one and, either pressed a switch or opened a wall, but this leaded to a secret path. Unfortunately I can't recall if there was anything worthy inside. 


- This was more connected with a supposedly hard true Doom map. If anyone has played Relyctum by BeeWen, or typical constrict maps in stock textures, you can imagine the scene a bit, I was exploring some confined hallways with former humans peeking from every corner, also boxes of bullet ammo and those tech pillar things from KDITD. At some point it turned into a sewer, the map was linear and extremely long, a single map I think. I remember there were bars blocking my way to a secret path, which was supposed to contain a green armor, and I had to backtrack to get it but I didn't want to. In reality, I hate to backtrack in straightforward long maps. Also, by this point there were no monsters, not even spectres thankfully. My memories are blurry post-sewers but I do recall a final area, which was less confined and more open, still indoors. I wish I could map the area right now but heh... the room was a techbase/computer station, the main hallway was in that green texture and there was a lot of ammo and health laying on various parts. What I can't remember is if I fought the monsters or not, but the idea was to fight hordes of zombies and archviles, then go to the exit in the middle of the arena. That's it :/


- This was over a year ago and I never posted it. I was theoretically in a slaughter battle outdoors, at night. I recall endless cacodemons, some cyberdemons, barons for sure, and probably shotgunners and chaingunners. Thing is, it wasn't an actual map but something I had to survive until there was nothing else to do, since there was no exit. To give a vague idea, the area had grass, water in the sides, a tall thin brown building in the middle (like a lighthouse, presumably guarding a key or switch), and oh yeah, revenants on ledges, yaaay... After everything died, I think the scene changed to something not related with Doom. Or else, a door opened somewhere that leaded to another macro-slaughter arena, this time a very dark giant hallway in a factory, again with the same monster species, and I was actually scared there, not because of the monsters but afraid of the place, which turned darker and darker. Maybe I'm mixing dreams...


- This is an interesting one (to me), since it was a full real Doom map. I was in a 90's map, kinda Hell Revealed/TNT because of the textures and dark sky, doomguy started outdoors in a courtyard, there were a few small DoomCute constructions made of brown textures, and also these textures made the dividing walls around the courtyard. I had to locate a blue key and kill some imps (which I think I did but you know, hard to remember everything exactly) and snipe some shotgunners on the dividing walls. The map was short and the exit was right there in one of the constructions. I liked how realistic the dream felt, like the textures and stuff looked exactly like the stock ones. IIRC it was a middle map and I was in other maps previous that one.


- In this one I was theoretically playing a later map from Memento Mori, but with different design. At some point I flipped a secret switch in a room with turbines and computer panels, and after a few seconds of killing imps I heard like two or three SMMs dying. These were supposed to teleport near the exit, but since they died I found the exit without monsters, in a sort of cubicle with light brown walls (how would one SMM fit in there I don't know...).



Ok, enough. I'm not addicted to the game, I swear.

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I had a dream that some random noob kid here on Doomworld (idr his username in the dream) made an absolutely atrocious deathmatch map and demanded people fix it for him. Everyone bashed it but I decided to edit an area a little bit to make it more playable. Before i could submit the edits, his thread got deleted. The edits in question were to a big room with some nukage that was meant to have a "bounce" feature around the walls for whatever reason, perhaps to make players bounce off the walls and get back into the fray easier. I managed to make it work by adding multitudes of "thrust thing x/y" things around the walls. No idea if that thing type even exists.


(Also apparently i was working on the map while an important test was going on at school and i ended up getting expelled or something. I haven't had school for 3 years now, what the fuck.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
15 hours ago, StevenC21 said:

Do HDoom dreams count?



If they're wet, please tell them. So we can get a psychiatrist.



As for my dreams, i dreamt a few days ago or something that Wolfenstein 3D ended with B.J. and some giggling girl being chased by a guard and a dog at night (indoors?), and they escaped by flushing theirselves down a toilet.


I have another one, but it's related more to Half-Life.

Edited by elarmadillo3

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I have dreamt of playing 3 different levels all of which are insanely hard.  Then there was that time when I was playing a 2d version of DOOM on a difficult but beatable level.  The most important one was when I was playing CoD and my squad found a long passage way with a door at the end.  Once we found the door I merged into the game, and some weird super-sense told me that there was a cyberdemon behind the door.  I told my team that we shouldn't open the door, but they wouldn't listen.  So I ran back down the hallway and found a gigantic fancy restaurant.  Right before I had made it out the doors I saw my family.  I tried to convince them to come with me, but my mom said something like: "You're being irrational.  Sit down and have some food."  So I ran outside and found the cyberdemon on the back of a truck shooting rockets at everything.  I crawled up onto a bridge and then the dream ended.


I think I may have posted this somewhere else, so sorry if I modified your brain cells wasted your time.

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3 hours ago, Doge Sword said:


I think I may have posted this somewhere else, so sorry if I modified your brain cells wasted your time.

You posted this on this thread, on the same page.

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I dreamed some sort of on rails ride version of doom, where the carts push you trough rooms from episode 1 2 and 3 while popups of monsters move around randomly. You had a toy shotgun that you could shoot the demons with and with each successful hit, red mist water flies out of the target and hits the cart soaking the pepole in "blood". At the end of the ride some salesman was selling 'quad damage' energy drinks for like a buck fifty. 

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Last morning I dreamed with what I think it was the continuity of another past dream. It was an icy map in the context of Heretic, a closed area with some pillars but no ceiling, it was daytime and beautiful. This is where I think I left in the other dream, though I don't recall anything else from it. Anyways, the area featured a maulotaur in a distance behind block lines, and an ophidian that got mad at him. Since I didn't have anything other than elvenwand ammo I went to another area, not without watching how a stray fireball from the maulotaur almost burns my back. While looking for ammo I found golems, another maulotaur and suddenly I was watching everything from way above, like if it turned into a 2D game and the character was skiing and dodging things. Then I woke up. Thing is I've been playing a Heretic wad these days so that's the cause. Ironic how I could be dreaming with, idk, winning the lottery or going on a date with Gwaine from Merlin but no, I dream with games -_-

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I don't have specific dreams in mind, but when I binge lots of DOOM (which is somewhat frequently), I will often times see myself battling Cyber Demons, Arch Villes, and will find myself in other intense gameplay situations in dreams. This sometimes happens with other games when I spend a lot of time with them, but it happens the most frequently with DOOM.

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One in specific...even had the dream twice. It was a maze-like level, with STONE2 as the primary texture...kind of like the starting point of E2M6, dark narrow halls...secrets.


but STONE2 was the texture of choice.

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Tonight I had a dream where I walk on a very narrow wooden catwalk (like in Chasm, just outside) and it's starts to shake. I've accelerate the pace and manage to jump to a safe place, and after that the catwalk loudly collapses.

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Today I had a dream that Doom 2 had actually introduced four new weapons or so, including an uzi that functioned like Skulltag's minigun, but for some reason everyone only cared about the SSG and ignored the rest. I only remembered it right now when I saw someone mentioning the super shotgun in a forum post.

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