Dasha W. Frost Posted April 22, 2022 I actually used to have quite a few Doom inspired dreams back in the day, say, 5 years ago or so, when I actually did not play Doom as often as I do now (must be my subconsciousness was desperately longing for Doom stuff, LOL). Most of those dreams were just random Doom hallways filled with regular Hell fauna such as Barons, and Revenants, and all of these other happy folks. However one of those dreams was especially remarkable. Once there was another person in my dream, fighting demons and going through portals. I actually thought that person was chasing me - maybe I was a demon or something, but that was moderately unsettling. In the end though everything turned out fine, and the person just left through the portal. But it made a lasting impression on me, for some reason. This dream bears a bit of significance to me because shortly after I sketched that mystery person from the dream, just for a reference. And recently, a very good character for my story was born from that very sketch :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
tonytheparrot Posted April 22, 2022 I remember 3 classic doom related dreams that are from around a year ago, maybe a bit less: 1- a beach themed map next to a city. It was supposed to be Alien Vendetta map 1, and some structures like one of the buildings you could enter were very reminding of that level. 2- A weird Kamasutra-esque arena that I remember almost nothing about except that it had mancubi, a BFG and was supposed to be KS map 31. 3- I played Valiant map 1, yeah you know, that Scythe 2 inspired gothic castle blended with tech elements in the middle of a lake of poison that contains 18000 monsters including 3000 that die immediately when you start. At least there were the super pistol and chaingun. Yeah, my dreams are one hell of a trip. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hellektronic Posted April 23, 2022 I've had a lot of Doom-like dreams, themes of Doom's story or gameplay, for example. Never that I was playing it I don't think, but ya know- that's just counting the dreams I even remember, hah. Ya know, kinda like Evil Dead-esque dreams where demons possess people and make them into zombie or vampire-like creatures that threaten my safety, lol. Somehow I know they're demonic, even though that's like impossible to know, so probably based on Doom and Evil Dead how demons possess people and turn them into monsters. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
resle Posted April 27, 2022 and now I recalled a part of a longer dream, that at the very end shifts to doom3: In pure doom 3 graphics I am held suspended, by aliens, over a small steaming vat. The room is exactly one of the few puny doom3's "puzzle rooms", the one where you have to dump a barrel in a toxic waste disposal tunnel. I can see the aliens' greenish arms, ending in claws, and they maneuvering a virtual lever on a doom3 computer screen. There are four possible positions for that lever: "infuse all pain, infuse all pleasure, infuse all defaeat, infuse all hatred". They push it toward hatred, I see my face, again in doom3-style, getting all disfigured by deep anger, and I wake up. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomboy69 Posted April 27, 2022 i had one this afternoon while i was napping. i was running with my brother with the Doom 2016 pistol. we were in a tunnel with thick red fog and pipes on the walls. After like, 20 seconds of running i finally looked back (while still running) to see alot of very slow zombies, we still ran anyway. At the end of the tunnel, we found a door that led to my bedroom, so we went there. after 10 seconds of catching our breath, i went to take a peak outside the door, and i saw the zombies coming closer to the door, so i went ahead and blasted some heads. while i was doing that i told my brother to find another exit. while i was just getting trigger happy with the gun, the zombies were suddenly running and i instantly closed the door. me and my brother was like "oh crap" and hear some powerful, fast, loud banging on the door. a second later the door finally came loose and i instantly woke up. i was like "wha...?" at that point i feel like it was a nightmare 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Wyrmwood Posted May 13, 2022 Back in the nineties I remember having recurring dreams where I was taking care of zombies/demons with a shotgun. Playing way to much doom but resident evil and army of darkness probably didn't help much. Used to love those dreams (even if I guess some might call them nightmares), unfortunately don't remember dreams much these days, price of getting old. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted May 16, 2022 (edited) I had yet another technical dream: I browsed Boom's generalized linedef actions, and between categories such as "Door", "Lift" and "Crusher" I also found "Tango". For some reason, I thought it was a much-needed addition to the non-generalized sector light change actions. Apparently, linedef action 4000 means "Tango inside tagged sectors". Because stating that the linedef-triggered action will take place "inside tagged sectors" was definitely the part that needed clarification the most. Edited May 16, 2022 by Scypek2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
kwc Posted May 16, 2022 (edited) Not a wholly-Doom dream but, For some reason I was employed by 00's-era John Carmack and it was my first day. I was led by his secretary into a small dark room lit only by candles and red lights, a short distance away was John sitting on his feet in a desk chair at his computer. Without saying a word, Carmack would glide over to me, stick his finger up his nose, and proceed to wipe a booger on me. The last thing I remember was the secretary telling me that it was something I would have to get used to. Edited May 16, 2022 by kwc 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted October 16, 2022 Today I had a dream about hauling boxes of UAC rockets, no doubt inspired by my current NaNoWADMo project. I think they were meant to be donated to Ukraine. Also, it was taking place inside my house but the kitchen was replaced with a pit extending deep underground with a giant Doom lift in the middle of it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The Nate Posted October 16, 2022 I had a part in a Doom movie starring Bruce Campbell 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted October 16, 2022 I sometimes nap on the couch and will go in and out of dream states in a very disorienting manner; it's that thing that happens when you don't really enter REM sleep and just keep having ignitions without the engine actually running. Recently, I discovered the extremely useful slope/vertex handles in the 3D mode of Ultimate Doom Builder, and during one of my semi-naps I was convinced I needed to find the handles of the couch and slope it a particular direction. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
taufan99 Posted October 17, 2022 I think I had a DOOM-related dream about 2 or 3 days ago. Nothing special, just me playing PWAD #3749183 (might have been a partial conversion IIRC). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Rykzeon Posted October 17, 2022 (edited) Lol few years ago I had a dream that somehow I stumbled in a room with TEKWALL texture that has Cyberdemon in Succubus form. Edited October 17, 2022 by Rykz 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheCarsEdge Posted October 18, 2022 recently i had a dream of me roaming around with the status bar accompanying me 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HeatedChocolate Posted October 19, 2022 Had one tonight, was in some kind of brown techbase, there was a window to fields of nukage and a mountainous skybox in one of the 2 rooms I saw. Was up against a pain elemental, a handful of shotgunners, at least one chaingunner and I think an arachnotron or baron, can't remember. Anyways the dream started to repeat with minor variation (Window was shuttered, elemental was gone, more chaingunners.). The last thing I remember before waking up was diving behind a doorway for cover from a chaingunner and blasting it away with the shotgun and then I woke up. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
rouge_means_red Posted October 19, 2022 I actually had one a couple nights ago, though by now I forgot most of it. Me, my cousin and her mom were inside a doom level and I was mentioning how much I hated that level because it had too many pinkies and too little ammo. I then started punching the pinkies and then decided to change maps with the console but I couldn't remember what to type I also had a different one a long time ago where I was fighting cacos and imps but that's all I remember 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted August 22, 2023 (edited) Had one just now. Someone in the forum was showing off screenshots from Alpha Doom of some previously unseen content. It consisted entirely of some unfinished graphics of a skillet, and I guess there was supposed to be a pancake flipping mechanic that never got implemented. There was a particularly silly screenshot of the skillet with info on it (such as temperature) that vaguely resembled the alpha intermission screen. There were also screenshots of a 3D model of the skillet, I suppose for pre-rendering. Someone in the thread commented that it was similar to how Jordan Peele flips his pancakes. Edited August 22, 2023 by Koko Ricky 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Plerb Posted August 22, 2023 (edited) I've had a few dreams where I'm playing (or sometimes making) some non-existent map. I usually forget most or all of the layout, but if I manage to remember any of it, I'll sometimes recreate what I remember (which is usually barely anything). Edit: I just remembered a Chex Quest related dream I had when I was about 5 years old. IIRC, I enabled No Monsters which was my preferred way to play when I was 5. However, the flemoids just went into real life instead. The keyboard got slimed up, and I forgot who in the dream said this, but there was a pun about Sticky Keys. Edited August 22, 2023 by Plerb 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
129thVisplane Posted August 22, 2023 (edited) a few days ago i had a dream in which a new Hexen wad got released here on DW and i had to cross a series of precarious platforms over a lava lake to get to the download link. didn't get to play much of it because most of the dream was spent trying to set up a person-sized computer to play it, but i remember it having some textures and monsters converted from Doom, one of which was a modified hellknight who shot instakill lasers from his eyes if the player stood in a specific sector. honestly kinda cool edit: not to doublepost but i just had a dream in which i went into the wads section to announce an epic project by the name of DOOM 0: EVIL UNLEASHED RELOADED which was just an alpha restoration thing, and all I had to show for myself was a paper with some concepts written down in very sloppy handwriting. i got put in a "cryosleep" section of the forums for that post lmao Edited August 26, 2023 by 129thVisplane 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maribo Posted August 31, 2023 Had a dream last night that I downloaded a WAD from a new release thread here, cracked it open in Slade, and found the entire soundtrack was just FLAC files of Britney Spears songs. It was a pretty good WAD. 13 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted September 1, 2023 Yes, once a week no less. Most recurrent archetype generally has me playing/role-playing as doomguy and feeling like I am the one trapped in the maps, which often are realistic landscapes that my brain creates and adds random doom content. It's funny to me that many of these "maps" or situations that I dream of could be solid maps if they became real, like virtually real, but they would take a huge amount of work and effort otherwise. Few weeks ago I had a quick dream where I was play-recording a supposedly new map, theoretically by @baja blast rd., that had this big squared room with lot of different coloured compblu variants (think JPCP map12), and in the middle there was some kind of mixed monster spam with cybruisers alongside other things, and the BFG dealt twice of damage and tracer rays were sparkling pink instead. It was a funny 2-minutes dream 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
RHhe82 Posted September 1, 2023 I don't think I've had Doom-related dreams, at least I don't remember. But when I was in my early twenties, studying at the university, I once sat in my room, I guess I was reading something, feeling very tired when I entered this state where you're not exactly asleep but not exactly awake either, and there for a brief moment I thought I was looking at a cacodemon floating in the corner of my room. It disappered as quickly as it had appeared, it was just long enough me to realize what I was hallucinating, and long enough to still hazily remember it after 20 years. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheRevenant212 Posted September 7, 2023 Okay, so I like to lucid dream, and I remember this one time I lucid dreamed that I was in Mount Erebus (which is my favorite D1 map) and Doomguy was by my side, helping me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
129thVisplane Posted September 7, 2023 I just had a dream that my best friend, who's not even on DW and doesn't play Doom that much, posted on the Doom Confessional Booth thread about preferring the plasma gun over other weapons and for some reason it escalated into a huge argument where several forum regulars basically told them to fuck off. I wanted to post in their defense but woke up before i could. Didn't know the plasma gun could be that divisive lol 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted September 19, 2023 I just had a dream of watching a demo of someone speedrunning Three Is A Crowd, specifically MAP17 using a cool speedrunning trick found by @Spectere. But then they started jumping and using freelook, and when I asked them about it, they said it's because 3IAC is not actually a vanilla-compatible wad. As proof, they showed me the ending of MAP12, where (in the dream) a sector with a monster in it fails to rise out of the floor when playing in vanilla. Meaning I may have to fix and reupload the wad AGAIN if I want to keep it vanilla-compatible. So that was pretty dreadful. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ordon Posted September 19, 2023 On 9/7/2023 at 10:16 AM, 129thVisplane said: I just had a dream that my best friend, who's not even on DW and doesn't play Doom that much, posted on the Doom Confessional Booth thread about preferring the plasma gun over other weapons and for some reason it escalated into a huge argument where several forum regulars basically told them to fuck off. I wanted to post in their defense but woke up before i could. Didn't know the plasma gun could be that divisive lol this will be DoomWorld in 2024 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Yousuf Anik Posted September 19, 2023 If I spend too much time in my mapping I see dreams sometimes. I get some ideas as well haha :D though I can't remember clearly from the dream but whatever it is that's enough. And then one day I even saw a dream that a demonic invasion is going on on my area where I live, literally making the place a living hell. A crazy Cyberdemon was chasing and slaughtering everything in it's way. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Plerb Posted September 29, 2023 This morning I had a dream where I was playing a bizarre Doom map where you played as Duke Nukem. There was a ledge that you had to use SR50 to access, and on that ledge was a green armor (which was used as a "touch grass" metaphor somehow lmfao), and a bunch of Duke clones. One of them was chopped in half by the waist (I think he also had a shopping cart or something), and the one standing next to him was sobbing because of this. A bit later he put the dead one back together and pretended he was alive. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SupremeBioVizier Posted September 30, 2023 I had one today where I was just standing around a room trying to fix a texture that was see through like as if It was reparable with hammer and nail, boring but obviously I got maps on my mind, y'all have a great weekend. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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