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Any Doom-related dreams?


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Haven't actually touched the game in a couple weeks, but a few days ago I dreamed I was playing the game, fighting several arachnotrons who had some MIRV type attack that would split into multiple projectiles, and now I'm dehydrated.

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15 hours ago, Sena said:

Haven't actually touched the game in a couple weeks, but a few days ago I dreamed I was playing the game, fighting several arachnotrons who had some MIRV type attack that would split into multiple projectiles, and now I'm dehydrated.

what is MIRV?

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  • 1 month later...

I had a really unique dream, because it took place inside the Ubermensch Augmentation Center from my own doom map, and a lot of it was surprisingly accurate. It started in the cave area near the end, and it had the switch makes liquid flow through a pipe, a crate maze with a blur sphere, the giant lift, and even the berserk secret.


At first, I was just punching the nazis in the conveyor belt area with berserk, but then it turned into some sort of self-parodying Simpsons episode about a zombie invasion. The zombies were all clones of common characters, repeating catchphrases and exhibiting their flanderized characterizations while trying to kill the survivors. At some point, I found a surviving nazi in the berserk secret, hiding from the zombies. He wasn't hostile, but was looking forward to resuming the atrocities once the zombie plague is over. The nazis I was punching with berserk earlier were silly and nonthreatening, but this one was a bit unsettling.


Finally, I made it to the big lift, held off the zombies long enough for it to go down, and made it to the switch in the middle. I rode it up with a few survivors, and we considered collecting some supplies from the second and third building floor to maybe go back down and quell the zombie invasion after all. But first, we had to make sure there are no threats outside the building. In the courtyard there were some wild snakes, which weren't particularly threatening, and I also saw a single spectre wandering around, but I wasn't concerned - the Simpsons zombies were a threat, not the demons. The spectre looked identical to a regular doom spectre, but upon approaching turned out to be @Spectere, and spoke to me in his regular voice. It's a real shame the dream ended literally a couple of seconds later.

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I dreamed I was visiting the zoo once and there was an exhibit with Classic Doom Imps in it. The Imp exhibit used Doom 2 city textures to "replicate their natural environment", even though everything else was photorealistic, with the imps being on a high ledge accessible via a lift on the other side of the exhibit. The Imps ended up throwing fireballs at me while I was trying to look at an exhibit next to the Imps, and I actually got hit by a few, but they felt like getting hit by tennis balls rather than anything actually hot or painful.

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i remember several:

-one where i was making an "amusement park map" which later became real

-one where i was trying to use gzdoom builder to create a very weird room with a bunch of inverted/mirrored palmtrees and for some reason all the sector/linedef actions were just weird cryptic text like "Immeasurable Sky" "Terrible Garden" "Long Joy" and when i tried to look up what any of it meant i found no documentation except for a TV interview with the creator of prboom who was an old dude with a beard

-one with a very big "sunset" map that was very open and you could run around, it had realistic sun lightning and one incredibly tall house with a bunch of floating water cubes you jumped from

-a map that was literally just a blue hallway (like that of a regular house, but bigger than it should be) that led to an "altar" room that looked like it should really be outside but wasn't

-one map that i ended up trying to recreate and putting in my mod doom 14 (first screenshot)

-i had one dream where i was trying to update doom 14 (ironic, considering i ended up putting stuff from my dreams into it) and saw three very cool maps, tried to draw the first one i saw (second image)


land of dreams.png

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I once had this dream, where I'm pretty sure that was caused by my mappers block.


I am not joking this was the dream:


It was a 3-ish minute (full intro included) MtPain27 video where he reviewed a community project, something along the lines of a Community Chest inspired one. But the catch is he only showed the absolute worst of it, like only showing who got the dunce cap and went to town with the shit talking.


Unlucky me got the dunce cap. It was a map I made and it looked, uh, not good. Like something I would draw in 30 minutes, like a very early beta he somehow got his hands on. It was a tall hexagonal Wood5 room with a Flat5_3 floor with a platforming puzzle somewhere attached to it. He found the map so boring the talked about anything else other than the map, including what he had for lunch and how much of a bad mapper I am with my whopping 3 maps I've made and released so far and even had a full meltdown at the end. We talking about "Gene Bird maps" kind of meltdown.


Now you're wondering what grade it got.


Grade: E


Difficulty: 60


I have no clue what either of them mean, but I only know I felt so insulted and confused that I woke up because it felt like a reused Mock 2 skit. This version MtPain found my map so bad he recycled one of his jokes. Bruh.

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somehow no although i hardly remember dreams so maybe


 i'm surprised it hasn't happened in the weird dreams i do sometimes wake up with after my nightmare coffee naps 

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After I beat Hitman: Codename 47 (2nd worst game ive ever played. Sequels are great though) I started having nightmares about that games worst elements in other, good games, including Doom. Basically, I had to assassinate an arch-vile. I talked to a revenant, died, and had to redo a 20 minute level. Fun, eh?

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  • 1 month later...

Had one about some map I, according to the dream, have done like over a decade ago.

The real strange thing is, even though the dream gave me that memory fair and clear, in reality I've never done that map, nor have done anything similar. I didn't load it up in the game, but in Doom Builder instead, but I had vague recalls of its gameplay. The layout included, but wasn't limited to:
- a very tall and also kinda spacious marble area with face relief pillars, enough to hold like 4 Cyberdemons without battle cluster, yet only having Imps; also it had a halfway attempt at a lightray propagation effect, coming from the assumed entrance to it - the back side was all lit up nevertheless, despite the pillars. 
- another marble hallway leading towards the exit
- in the northeastern corner, a disjointed (accessed via teleporter) large, dark, rectangular area, must have been holding one of the keys and included a Baron fight
- the northwestern corner had the starting area with the same aesthetic like the one of Against Thee Wickedly, and on the 2D mode, it was seen I made it having the shape and features of a monster head, also disjointed
- in the southwest, there was yet another detached room with zigzaggy linedefs and Magma Hell visuals.

The map overall was rather underwhelming, haphazardly and inconsistently designed, and unless where was stated otherwise, it majorly had orthogonal walls and lines. Which would not have been out of place regarding my 2009-2010 mapping, given it was also laid out in the manner to be perfectly fitted inside a rectangle. But I still insist that I've never made this particular map in my life, ever.

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That's pretty detailed!


There's a lot of doom and doom-adjacent dreams I've had but never wrote down. A lot of the time I felt like they had a specific place in a supposedly very well-known megawad that doesn't exist in reality, sometimes my own, sometimes someone else's. A fair amount of MAP01s, episode-starting maps and episode ending maps, and also grandiose ending maps that are like, the the endingest of endings. A map that doesn't just conclude a megawad, but perhaps concludes every megawad ever. The REAL ending that follows up after their final maps. With extra intense and extra evil hell, not necessarily with an exceptionally high monster count, but in some kind of more abstract way. Maybe with the AlsoDieInRealLife MAPINFO flag enabled, I dunno. So that only the bravest players would attempt it.

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I've had several dreams about the very opening of Doom 3 throughout my life. I always dream about one of the first rooms in the opening, the one with the receptionist specifically. In my dreams the room is significantly bigger than in the game, and the animation of the Marine looking around right after he gets off the ship plays as he walks into the room with the receptionist 

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Never once had a dream about DOOM or the creators of it.  I did have alot of lustful dreams though.


I played the games alot where i memorized DOOM & DOOM II, have not memorized Final DOOM yet, I wan't to someday so I can casually just play and beat the whole thing in the same day any time i play it.  

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