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Any Doom-related dreams?


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Netherstorm said:

Really? Huh, eerie indeed. I started playing Doom around 2009 as well, but I don't think I had the dream until a year later. E4M6 has always stuck out in my mind because of that dream I had.

Since then, I'm seriously attempting to recreate a map from my dreams which I've had in the transmission of July 7 and 8, 2009. Things just don't go well from then on, maybe the nostalgia overdose infested my skills of being a capable map designer...

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I had a dream that I was on "E4M1", except it wasn't actually E4M1. Instead, I was in an ellipsoid, marble corridor which surrounded an open area with several dark pillars, and each of them, I knew, was kilometers tall. Here's my lame attempt to represent it:
Then the dream shifted, I found myself physically in that area, and the rest of the dream consisted of various situations where I had to do various stuff on very flimsy footing--kilometers in the air.

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^ Here goes haunting of 2009 again. First this thingy concerning E4M6, then E4M1 which I've overwritten back then as my very first lame attempt to "make it playable" (sure it wasn't even after since I didn't have a port to run it, just the .exe - but literally I had no idea how to run it as a .wad back then).

So I made a corrupt file with a practically missing E4M1 (it was like 2012 when I've first played it properly), replaced with a map which had stupid, generally made-by-beginners design and implementation flaws that'd make your eyes bleed rivers and you going to bedlam instant.

I know it isn't a nightmare, BUT I WISH IT WAS. Nearly everything that happened to me between May and August 2009 almost drove me insane and I'm still not fully recovered after all that trauma. Yet it doesn't only concern Doom, it has to do with mainly personal life.


BTP. I love your implementation, JudgeDeadd, this could be a potentially good E4 idea, even if looks a bit "hammerspace-y" and/or abstract. Or even good material for a CreepyPasta-stuff. Don't know, not sure how to explain it properly, it just reminds me of the "haunted circular hallway theory" made up for E2M4's particular area.


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I have had several dreams where I killed myself with a rocket launcher because there were too many monsters and they all got too close.

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KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:

I have had several dreams where I killed myself with a rocket launcher because there were too many monsters and they all got too close.

Are you sure that was a dream, or were you just playing Hell Revealed?

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So I had a rather interesting Doom-related dream earlier this week.

I found myself outside in what appeared to be a courtyard filled with twisted trees that stretched up towards an inky night sky dotted with countless stars. The surrounding walls of the courtyard were carved from basalt. I was compelled to move forward, advancing ever so slightly towards a towering edifice of nebulous origin. I knew in my heart this place was ancient, vastly older than civilization itself.

I belonged to a small detachment of marines sent to escort an archaeological expedition into this unknown place that was discovered during one of the UAC's mining operations. Not long after setting up camp, the entire crew vanished in a blink of an eye. I am the only one that remains. I heard stories about strange creatures attacking the Earth before, but I never believed it. I wasn't sure what to think.

Armed with my standard issue blaster, I pushed forward.I approached the partially open door made from stone and wood. A strange carving on the door stared at me, a peculiar horned creature of some kind. The entrance chamber was dark, I activated the blasters flashlight to illuminate the darkness. I gasped in shock and horror at what was revealed, the inside of the building stretched for what appeared to be miles, which was impossible. The building from the outside was large, but it wasn't that massive! What was going on here? Even more disturbing was the floor which was littered with bones. Skulls, rib-cages, all belonging to human beings. And all of them showed signs of being gnawed on, by sharp teeth and claws. There was no way of knowing how long these bones were here for, it could have been hundreds or even thousands of years.

Further examination of this anomalous hall revealed massive pillars made from sickening green marble, the ceiling was perhaps the worst feature. On it was a mural of a hideous goat-like creature in a pentagram configuration grinning down at me with judgmental eyes. I was transfixed by it, staring up at in the dim light offered by the flashlight. I was jolted out of this near hypnotic trance by the sound of a low, guttural clicking noise coming from somewhere within this eldritch place. The abysmal odor of the place worsened, it was an indescribable stench. I was not alone, that I was sure of. I listened carefully in the darkness, it was coming from my right side from behind one the pillars. I aimed the blasters light at it and was horrified at what emerged from the darkness. I froze like a deer caught in the headlights of an incoming hover tank.

It's a human...it's a man...IT HAS TO BE A MAN! My mind was racing, my brain refused to process what my eyes were transmitting to it.

It was an inhuman thing, a creature with a leather reptilian hide with ivory white thorns jetting out from sporadic locations. It grinned at me with a mouth filled with jagged teeth, it's clawed hands clenched and unclenched, it's knuckles popping. The worst feature of this monstrosity, this aberration of nature, was the arrangement of ten blood red eyes each peering at me with blood thirsty delight, glowing like embers. It let out a blood curding screech just as I opened fire...

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One time I dreamed that I found slot machines in E1M1. The slot machines showed three black Xs, which caused a Cyberdemon to teleport into the level.

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I've recently dreamt about Doom. In the dream, I was in a place that vaguely looked like my primary school. At first I went into a classroom where other 'classmates' were. I don't remember at all how the 'classmates' looked like, not even if they had marine uniforms or normal clothes. Anyway, we were given some kind of mission briefing, from which I also don't remember anything. Then we all moved out into a corridor, and started a 'race' to get to the end of the corridor. The corridor was orthogonal and entirely linear, but bent numerous times instead of being narrow, and very long. Kind of like D2Reload MAP24 - but I had this dream like 4 days ago, earlier than I've played this map in the DWMegawad Club. Anyway, this corridor in my dream was textured by something like ICKWALL (or maybe just a generic grey wall), and it was wide enough for many people to go beside each other. Although it was a race, my 'classmates' moved forward only as slowly as Doom monsters move - on the other hand, a lot of them were far ahead of me since the race started, somehow.

The trick was that actual Doom monsters (pixelated like in classic Doom) were walking against us and attacking us. Precisely, they attacked me. There were imps, chaingunners and maybe other zombies or tougher monsters. I always had to snipe the hitscanners before proceeding forward, but I think I've ran past some of the imps. This lasted for some time. Then I've finally reached the end of the corridor, and although I've seen other 'classmates' nearby, it was implied that I'm going to be the first one in the goal. I've stepped on a 64-wide square pedestal in a corner of the corridor's end, which (in the dream's logic) meant that I won. Then I've turned around, and saw a Cyberdemon approaching me quickly. He was giant and I had too weak weaponry, I wanted to move away, but somehow I didn't. The Cyberdemon stepped close to me and passed me his hand (the one with a rocket launcher!). And I touched the rocket launcher, and we shaked hands this way. We teleported away in a flash of a white light, and then it was implied that the Cyberdemon proclaimed me the winner of the race.

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It was chaos. My squadron had been torn apart by a nightmare horde of scaly, fire throwing beasts. I managed to escape the clutches of those ravenous things and escape through the utility tunnels of the moon-base. My objective was to reach Operations Command and send out a distress signal, to let everyone know about what has been unleashed. The problem was that the blast door was locked and I needed a red keycard to gain access. I was exhausted and down to one magazine for my pulse rifle.

The low humming noise of the air recycling system greeted me as I entered the common area, the stench of death was heavy. The floor was littered with the remains of slaughtered personnel, the steel grating was tacky with drying blood. I consulted my computer area map and examined the schematics of the facility, the location of the red key wasn't too far away, in fact it was located in a supervisors office. I was startled by the sound of a ravenous groan, I turned around and spotted another 'former human'. I was careful in my observation, it's ash color skin and wispy white hair, and glowing eyes gave it away. Judging by it's blue jumpsuit, it was once a maintenance worker in it's previous life. This particular undead lunatic was carrying what appeared to be an industrial saw. I took aim with the pulse rife and pulled the trigger, a single uranium slug was magnetically accelerated at a supersonic speed and through the creatures head, dropping it instantly.

I pried the saw out from the cold dead hands of the ghoul, it was caked in blood and gore. Although it's original purpose was meant to cut through rock, it would do well against flesh and bone no doubt. I added it to my armory and pressed on towards the office, where the door was partially opened. Inside the office were the remains of the maintenance manager, who looked like he had been cut apart, probably by the very ghoul I had just dispatched. Next to him was the red keycard which I had scooped up. I heard a loud crash echoing somewhere in the distance, my heart froze when I heard a throaty roar. I peered through the office door, back towards the common area and saw a bulky shape moving across the shadows.

"Shit" I muttered to myself, I had to backtrack to the common area to get to the elevator. The entrance to Operations Command was the next floor up. Pressing up against the cold metal wall I silently shuffled towards my destination, minding my surroundings. I glanced around the corner and looked, there was nothing alive in here. Whatever that thing was, it must have wandered off. I approached the elevator and pressed the call button, hopefully I wouldn't have too long for it. The events of the day replayed through my mind like a nightmare...the shock wave that leveled the installation, people changing into those murderous living dead, and than those things from someplace else phasing out of thin air and slaughtering everyone.

My train of thought was interrupted by what could only be described as a wet snuffling sound to my left. At the other end of the corridor I watched a massive misshapen head poking out looking directly at me. Iron black horns jutted out from both sides of it's cranium, luminescent eyes stared at me with blood lust. The worst part about it was it's gaping maw filled with large teeth. The creature slid out from around the corner revealing a bulky, flabby body that stood upright. It's predominant color was a sickly pink, like that badly healed scar tissue. It let out what sounded like some kind of primordial roar and charged towards me at me like an oncoming train.

I let out my own scream as I fired the pulse rifle unloading half of the magazine into it's thick hide, the bull-pig thing howled in pain but never faltered. I tried to dodge out it's way but I wasn't fast enough, I was knocked right off my feet, the pulse rifle was sent flying in the opposite direction. "Oh shit---fuck!" I cried. The creature also collided with the wall, it spun around, ropes of rancid saliva dripped from it's jaws. I grabbed for the chainsaw and flipped the switch, it was driven by a plasma battery. It started up instantly, a loud roar from the chainsaw covered my own screams as well as the hulking thing that continued it's attack. I rammed the spinning saw into the monsters toothy maw, thick tarry blood sprayed out all over, the beasts claws raked across my combat armor. The tip of the saw emerged from the other side of the monstrosity's head, finally killing the thing. I withdrew the saw and it collapsed onto the floor in a heap, a loud audible thud echoed through the common area. A loud DING startled me and I spun around to face the attacker, the elevator had finally arrived.

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Last night I dreamt that some rich guy asked me to design a fancy property for him and he was pissed that I added a cyberdemon in his garden.

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Doom dreams are where I get a lot of my map geometry from, particularly for hellish-themed maps. Much of ToP's MAP09 was conceived while I was asleep.

inb4 "that explains it" :P

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TraceOfSpades said:

Last night I dreamt that some rich guy asked me to design a fancy property for him and he was pissed that I added a cyberdemon in his garden.

I admit I laughed out loud. Next time maybe you should change it to a "Cyberdemon statue" sprite before unfreezing. :D

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I had a dream where I was in MAP01 of doomII about to grab the chainsaw behind when I saw one of the walls has a TEKWALL decoration in one of the inner walls.

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Heh, I remember one 10 years ago where I was very sick with high fever, and dreamed I was playing a techbase-styled map until I was feeling so physically uncomfortable that I wanted to wake up and move even in my dream...which I did by opening the console (as in zdoom) and somehow inputting "quit". No controls or anything in the middle, it was weird. I mostly remember it because of the incredible headache I had and because it was only a few days after the cacowards of the year, which I usually play during the holidays.

The idea of recreating dream scenes in Doom is pretty amusing. I have done it a few times, the most recent one being this dream I had...


where I came out of a hallway of a pretty boring-looking house with white walls and wooden floors, to find it abruptly opened into a huge cliff structure carved into white-ish rock with some grass and shrubs (not depicted) on the surface.


Which was connected to the sea with an opening as seen in the image, and the water was remarkably turquoise-colored. I really wanted to jump into it, but despite wanting to, my dream self went a different direction.


And had a building at the right, which I went to instead. The building was some sort of factory-like building, not too interesting to map (and too detailed to even attempt, it was all either empty or cluttered rooms). There was also some amusing dream logic about dead souls roaming the place and a friendly robot janitor being the only one left around there, but I kinda forgot about it despite being more interesting than the map itself, heh.

When I woke up I made that crude replica in gzdoom, added swimable water, made a bunch of textures and sounds and put that together. At least I was able to take the jump.


Felt good. At the time SLADE and its map editor were in beta (I use Linux so no GZDoom Builder without virtual machine shenanigans, which do weird things to the mouse) and very crashy, so I lost my patience and didn't detail it any further. I did use it as a placeholder map in another unrelated project though, since it's big and open, in case you are wondering about the hud elements in the screenshots.

I got a few other dream scenarios I want to replicate in detail, but since I make all resources from scratch, I didn't have the time for it lately, it's in my todo list.
I considered the idea of making a wad out of such weird dream scenarios, for the flashy value and to share textures and such, but they would have 0 gameplay value in most cases, so not pursuing that idea very strongly.

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Often, when troubled and/or sick, I dream of really complex and weird Doom maps as well as unusual gameplay situations. Last night, I dreamt about playing a map where you were fighting against a giant turret where a Romero-on-a-stick with an archvile LOS attack was perched, and that I somehow could alter the turret's geometry to give him better LOS and even the game's C code (!) to make him more deadly. Weird shit, dude.

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I had a dream that I created a courtyard for some house, but wasn't satisfied by the brick textures I had used. So I went inside the techbase house and grabbed a MARB texture seed made of fabric, dampened it, and put it in the microwave. Then I set the microwave to "desaturate" and a cloud of steam came out of a small slit and lifted away all the color out of the texture.

It was neat.

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All the time... my vivid dreams have their pros and cons I guess, on the one hand they can give me inspiration, on the other I have epilepsy and if a dream becomes too vivid (in combination with other factors) it can end up in a seizure, hence why I only have seizures when I go to sleep.

A dream that ended up in a horrible seizure; I was once working on a huge techbase for Revelations of Doom that took about 2 years to design and ended up looking like this in it's final form:

The map was a total bastard to work on, I didn't even mean for it to be big, seriously... and now it's one of the biggest maps in the mapset. :P

I'm too much of a stubborn bastard to give up on something I've already sunk a hell of a lot of time into. Somewhere 3 quarters through the development of the map I had broken up with a girl who I thought was 'the one' because a guy sabotaged the relationship because he wanted her... and I went through a depression and ended up having a dream where I had no ideas left and felt totally defeated and kept getting more and more frustrated and started complaining to myself about how hard the map was... and this feeling started getting worse until it felt suffocating, and I ended up waking up to the worst seizure I've ever had that actually nearly killed me, it lasted 15 or so minutes where I kept fading in and out of consciousness, every time I faded into conciousness I heard people around me screaming at me, begging me to be okay etc. :/

It's one of the reasons why development has slowed down a bit, so please don't get the notion that development time = quality. :P

On a lighter note (because this post desperately needs a lighter note :P), screenshots below are from an exact replica of a dream I had (right down to the textures :P), it helped get me past my mappers block, and the throne was actually taken from the first map I ever designed; because the dream told me to, haha.

Sorry for the first part of the post, I tried to stay on topic but got carried away... I feel better for writing about it somehow.

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Last night, someone made this map in my dream using Doom Builder:

I asked if he needed help to finish his map and he said no.

Note that the floor and the ceiling are using the default textures from WadAuthor. Else, it's just a rectangular room with two pillars.

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tbh Doom already feels a lot like a dream to me. or at least i think that's why i've definitely had more Doom-related dreams than any other videogame-related thing in my life.

btw whenever someone says a map they made is inspired by a dream of theirs i get really excited. i'm really into bizarre dream logic stuff being interpreted into games.

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With all this recent Doom 64 talk, I had a dream about level 18: Spawned Fear.

When I came to, I found myself standing inside a gloomy chamber. It was dimly illuminated by a fire trough. The fetid air assaulted my sense of smell. The oppressive atmosphere was made worse by the intense heat, beads of sweat dripped down my face and into my sore eyes. A large door decorated by carvings of eldritch things stood before me. Fear swept through me like some kind of alien force, setting off every nerve in me, triggering uncomfortable memories. What was the UAC thinking, revisiting the ruined Mars facility? That place had been quarantined for ages since the initial invasion. We had banished the invaders, the things, demons from the stars, back to their world. Back to a dimension of pure chaos, back to their hell. And here, I found myself in their realm.

Getting myself together, I inhaled deeply trying not to let the facts weaken my mind more than it already had. I equipped the sawed-off shotgun, grabbing two shells from my bandolier I loaded up both barrels. Hopefully I would have enough ammunition, and strength to face whatever was on the otherside of this door. It slowly rose up on it's own as I approached it, the shrieks and howls of horrible things filled the air. To my immediate right was a iron barred cage with a pair of those anthropomorphic fire throwing imps that had plagued me since the start. I unloaded a barrel into each of them, putting the monstrosities down. To my left a horde undead humans, former marines possessed by the dark forces, marched towards me.

Quickly I backed into the chamber behind me as a volley of bullets ricocheted my former position. I equipped the Mach 4 Plasma Gun I had found back in the labs of the Mars facility. I let out a torrent of ionized gas in sphere form. The murderous troop of ghouls was fried to a crisp, they silently fell to the dirt in a pile of scorched flesh and bone. I rushed back out to confront any stragglers, to my horror the worst was approaching. Around the corner a trio of spherical blobs of flesh, teeth and horns emerged. Each of them locking their single eyes on me, launching bolts of lightning at me. I hit the ground as the electrical discharges flew over my head and hit the wall behind me, sparks showered down on me.

I stood up and discharged the plasma gun at the them, their thick hides were scorched by the orbs of plasma. The air was heavy with the smell of ozone. The trio of Langoliers, or Cacodemons, as Doctor Betruger liked to call them advanced through the air to me. They were leaking thick, tar-like ichor from the wounds I inflicted on them. But I had run out of plasma battery cells, "Damn it!" I screamed as I retreated. I broke open the shotgun and inserted two fresh shells into both barrels. Another bolt of lighting was belched out at me from a Cacodemon, I ran towards the mouth of a staircase I hadn't noticed because of the greeting mob. I peeked out from the corner and unloaded both barrels into the nearest monsters mouth at point-blank range, the damn thing exploded covering me in entrails.

There wasn't time to reload the shotgun because the two remaining Cacodemons were quickly advancing. I retreated down the stone staircase, down the cyclopean hallway. My heart was burning, my mind was racing. I could hear the cackling of demonic things in the shadows, waiting to pounce. The cries of tortured humans echoed through my mind, people I couldn't save. Like the Lunar mining riots, people who wanted equal rights and we were ordered to fire upon a crowd of peaceful protesters. I punched my superior when I refused, they shipped me off to Phobos. Damn the UAAF, damn the UAC, damn it all! I was losing it, I knew that. This place does things to your mind, these creatures, they have ways of toying with you.

I finally managed to reload the shotgun, I was sure I had lost those floating monsters behind me. I found myself standing in front of another large, ancient door. It slowly opened by itself by unknown means, inside was what appeared to be a stygian library. An archive of unspeakable things, demonic knowledge, things unknown to mankind. A large shape shambled out from the darkness, something I hoped to never see again. It was roughly ten feet tall, with crimson skin and iron black horns and hooves. It was a nightmarish goat-thing, a Baron of Hell and it let out a hateful roar before lunging at me.

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Superluigieth1 said:

Also, I had a dream that I was in Requiem.

I had it also. The dread thing about it that it wasn't Doom-related.

For something which is related: I recently had one, concerning all the stupid shit about "What's really behind Hangar's starting door?" theory. I was just playing and not in the game itself, when I just started something intended as an E1 run, but instead, I got the crazy idea, turned around and pressed use on the door.

And it opened. Not like a 'regular' one - you know, ZDoom's slowest door speed action is still just as fast as the ones in Registered Doom opened predefinedly -, but painfully slowly, emitting a screetching sound which bruised my eyedrums, so I turned the volume off, but it still went on the same. Luckily, the 68 pixels it went up didn't last that long, but the loud noise put out any other audible thing in the entire game that even after I didn't realise for a while that "At Doom's Gate" was completely muted from that time on.

I entered the doorway, which revealed a dark, dimly lit corridor with the regular short red torches (Thing 57), put about 192 units after each other, both sides next to the METAL-textured wall. The corridor was like 128x128, expanding diagonally by the wall and with stairs by the floor leading downwards to the darkish gray brick floor (I don't clearly recall whether CEIL3_5 or MFLR8_1), and despite the continuous placement of the torches, the very end still faded into blind darkness. As I proceeded and left about the fourth stairstep, the door suddenly slammed behind me - contradicting the fact how hard I forced it open -, revealing a metallic "gargoyle face" which was lit up - you know, the yellow glowing stuff - and looked nothing like anything *GARG-, *LION- or *SATYR-related, instead it was beastial, scary as the deepest Hell, and superbly detailed, even having tons of curves and tones in places where the METAL-patch it was put onto clearly didn't have anything other than one freaky pixel.

I was curious, so I started running along the hallway. Not only my pistol tilted from one side to another like in the regular game, but my view as well, I could hear my own footsteps and the cracking fire sounds of the torches. Some of them even bent its flame towards my direction, though their animation still remained as pixelated as regularly. Then, an obnoxious scream, mostly known from Terry wads, but also present in IOGW.wad's "King's Woods" level and the final one, broke into my ears sharper than the butcher's knife, and the same moment, all the torches were put out, leaving me in a darkness of about 96 brightness units. I turned around and I cound see the face flying towards me at midspeed, with the screaming getting louder and louder. I started backing up, but I tripped and it reached me. I fell on the floor like I died, but it went all black instead of temporary red inflash, and the HUD displayed the "Ouch!" face, only darker gray and heavily tatooed, like a goth.

It remained like this for 2 minutes, then the game quit by itself, and I saw my desktop being changed for black background with white writeups, whilst all my icons were some weird dark and spiked stuff, and my Winows 7 start icon... was changed to the terrifying "gargoyle face" itself. And I uncontrollably emitted the previously mentioned, hideous Terry scream...

Then woke up sweating Niagaras.

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Cell said:
Superluigieth1 said:

Also, I had a dream that I was in Requiem.

I had it also. The dread thing about it that it wasn't Doom-related.


All the technical details in the description of your dream were also hilarious.

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Here's the prequel to my Doom 64 dream:

It was the Union Aerospace Corporation who inadvertently let them into our plain of existence, through the development of highly advanced technology which would tear open a hole into the very fabric of the universe and allow matter to be transported through it instantaneously. This was teleportation, or "jaunting" as it was commonly referred to. These experiments were conducted on the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, the chariot of fear and the chariot of terror. I was on the red planet when Deimos first vanished from the sky, not long after a distress call...a tortured transmission was beamed down to Mars from Phobos.

I was part of the rescue party sent to investigate, that's when we learned the terrible truth. It was an unthinkable paradigm shift. Creatures from gulfs of the unknown had been let in, slaughtering anyone in their way. I was the only survivor who barely made it out alive. But it didn't end there, the nightmare hordes had made their way to Earth and consumed it in their unholy rage. The force behind this army was an ancient evil of mind blasting terror. It was referred to as the Icon of Sin, the Baphomet, The Goat of the Woods with a billion young, it was given many names. It spawned creatures into existence, they were an extension of it's will. Summoned to act out some kind of unholy vengeance for something that happened in a time long before the Earth, or man ever was.

Mankind was just barely able to close the gateway and banish the horrors back to where they came from. The Earth was left in ruins and mankind had to leave the homeworld. For years humans rebuilt and survived, for years not a sign of those creatures was ever discovered. Recently a forgotten relay satellite picked up the most unusual signals, which were energy signatures with the openings of the very rifts in time and space which allowed those demonic entities into our universe. The place of origin was the derelict Mars base, bombarded by neutrons and cosmic radiation for untold years. The interplanetary policy was clear, the use of teleportation technology was banned, even for minor travel. At first nobody believed that those things, those creatures had somehow returned. However the UAC did not want to take any chances, it re-opened project DOOM, which stated, ANY EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS ARE TO BE EXTERMINATED ON SIGHT.

A battalion of space marines was shipped off to Mars in a massive transport ship called the UAAF Erebus. We had to be ready for anything. Little did we know just how bad thing were going to be. The trouble began shortly after we entered the martian atmosphere. A commotion broke out in the cockpit. The pilots screams could be heard over the communications system, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? THAT FACE! THAT'S A FACE!" soon the ship lost control and soon the Erebus crash landed not far from the decaying Mars base. Everything faded to black.

I found myself slipping in and out of consciousness, but I sensed that I was being dragged by someone across a rocky surface. I was outside the Erebus, in the deadly atmosphere of Mars? Yes we had pressure suits, but who put my helmet on? I barely opened my eyes and could just make out the face of my sergeant. He was screaming in his headset. "...I REPEAT SITUATION NEGATIVE. NINETY PERCENT OF MY MEN ARE DEAD...EVERYTHING'S GONE TO FUCKING SHIT DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU WANTED CONFIRMATION, WELL YOU'VE GOT IT. IT'S HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN. THEY'RE ALREADY RE-PURPOSING THE DEAD. YOU NEED TO GET US OFF THIS PLANET SO WE CAN NUKE IT FROM ORBIT".

I was able to glance over my shoulder and a for a moment I saw bloodied, broken shapes shambling behind me, but I knew they were no longer my comrades. Some of them were carrying their weapons, opening fire on us with deadly intent. I knew what was coming next. I faded into darkness again.

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Piper Maru said:

I had a dream about level 18: Spawned Fear.

......LOTS OF STUFF...............

Some people remember a lot about their dream and don't wake up when there are high-stress situations in them...

I only have vague remembrances of mine.

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axdoom1 said:

Some people remember a lot about their dream and don't wake up when there are high-stress situations in them...

I only have vague remembrances of mine.

For the last few years I've been suffering from sleep paralysis, it can be a frightening experience. I certainly hope the demons from my dreams aren't really attacking me. I'm so scared right now.

*Boots up Doom 64 EX*


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Piper Maru said:

For the last few years I've been suffering from sleep paralysis, it can be a frightening experience. I certainly hope the demons from my dreams aren't really attacking me. I'm so scared right now.

That is exactly what the upcoming 2015 film "Nightmare" is about.

Whilst writing my own detailed weirdo story of a recent dream, I came accross of a not-so recent. It was like in 2005, when I was just playing Doom within the borders of 27+32 (Registered Doom & Doom II), and the inspiration must have come from that marble face in E2M5 being close to which began draining your life. I was in some jungle-themed map, inside a yellow bricky complex (kinda Plutonia-esque) and I faced up against a walltexture depicting an Amazon. Nothing did I know about those ZDoom-specific shit like in-game conversations, but I sorta remember having one with the jungle gurl and that she didn't like it as suddenly a bright red flash occurred and knocked me back from the wall like 32 mappixels or more. As I tried to walk away, my view tilted in a strange, not-at-all-Doomish manner, like I was drunk or so, but the answer was so trivial for me, the Amazon broke my leg and the new quest of fixing it has just begun. I couldn't run and had quite trouble walking down stairs, with weird angles of view displayed after each step, I was even surprised I didn't trip. Not so long after I woke up, so I don't remember more.

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Sorry for not coming back for a few years; Everyone's dreams are awesome; I haven't had a Doom dream since the last one I made years ago (I guess now since I've "moved on" to Half-Life 2, I'm awaiting dreams about that game now...) but it's amazing how popular a thread I made is!

Also, thank you, Cell, for bumping the thread.

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