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I have a grand fucking problem... i can't find out how to play multiplayer online with other people with Zdoom... what's the problem?

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why don't you use zdaemon? it's zdoom based and there are always many players hanging around. you can get it @ truelights.com if it's up again.

alternatively you can use the "doom connector". with it you can play with every port you like [zdoom, zdaemon, csdoom, legacy, ...]. you also have a lobby where you can talk with other players. get your copy @ http://www.xodemultimedia.com/connector/

have fun

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Thanks for the help =) i reminded myself i used Skulltag before... hehe... :) but thanks for the help.

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Are there many people still using CSDoom rather than ZDaemon?

The reason I ask is because I plan on giving one of them ago sometime over the next week or so :)

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Many people still using CsDoom (and ZDaemon). The problem is that CsDoom Master Server is down and no more servers can be started, only those that work all the time. Who know why?

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Originally posted by bond
Many people still using CsDoom (and ZDaemon). The problem is that CsDoom Master Server is down and no more servers can be started, only those that work all the time. Who know why?

I have the csdoom masterserver sourcecode somewhere....anybody has a acutual version?

I'm willing to host a CSDoom master

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I have the csdoom masterserver sourcecode somewhere....anybody has a acutual version?
I'm willing to host a CSDoom master

It is interesting ) Probably we can make working version of masterserver. But what about its name - all servers (and launchers) will try to connect to csdoom.dhs.org? Is it possible to give to your server this name?

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Originally posted by bond

It is interesting ) Probably we can make working version of masterserver. But what about its name - all servers (and launchers) will try to connect to csdoom.dhs.org? Is it possible to give to your server this name?

Hmm, depends on what has happened to the old CSDoom master, if the dynamic domain has also expired, you have to be quick to register it before someone else does.
Anyway, it would also be a solution to move the name to
csdoom.kingdoom.ath.cx since I'm hosting also the DNS server for the kingdoom.ath.cx domain. OK, that would mean
that all the launchers have to be updated for the new requirements, but....better this than no CSDoom at all.

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Hmm, depends on what has happened to the old CSDoom master

yes, it was first question - what has happened with it? :)

all the launchers have to be updated for the new requirement

not only launchers (its posible, if use IDE) but servers also :( - that is new version of csdoom must be released. Better to find out who host old master server - may be he (or she?) dont know about that

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Originally posted by bond
Better to find out who host old master server - may be he (or she?) dont know about that

the master server was hosted by Bahdko i think. when i can grab her on IRC i will talk to her and ask what happen to the server.

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so just 2 more days and the usual master server is back up

[20:13:12] [Sh0ckwave] hi
[20:13:21] [_BahdKo_] hello
[20:13:27] [Sh0ckwave] you hosted the csdoom main server, didn't you?
[20:14:50] [_BahdKo_] yeah, its down right now because the machine is next to me
[20:15:08] [_BahdKo_] next time i get into northern VA, which i htink is Saturday, I intend to put the machine back into service
[20:15:24] [Sh0ckwave] ok thx a lot

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well you could say thank you to me for asking bahdko.
without me you would still sit here and cry ;)

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