Kid Airbag Posted March 27, 2002 Deaf, because I could still play sports and watch them and play Doom and other cool stuff. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 27, 2002 deaf... life would suck if you couldn't see a hot woman. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shockwav3 Posted March 27, 2002 blind because i wouldn't see the same shitty people every day hmmm... deaf would be ok though arghl i dunno which one i shall vote for DAMN 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkstalker Posted March 27, 2002 Deaf cause I could still play video games. 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkstalker Posted March 27, 2002 Urg... hard one. I'd prefer born with because it would be tough on feelings not earing the sweet sound of a nice girly talking anymore. 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted March 27, 2002 Is it just me, or is there a desperation to find new topics in the Polls Forum? 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkstalker Posted March 27, 2002 Originally posted by Prime Is it just me, or is there a desperation to find new topics in the Polls Forum? Make a poll about it and you'll know :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted March 27, 2002 Originally posted by Zaldron Acquired or born with? For either, I'd rather have become deaf. I know a kid whos mom went blind because she ran into someone's elbow and her cornea's burst. That would be horrible. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 27, 2002 I can't tell. Blind means no more drawing for me, while deaf means no more music. Frankly I don't even want to think of a world without one of those. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted March 27, 2002 If I lost one of my senses, I'd probably go stark-raving mad really quick. Ditto if I lost a limb or extremity, or if something was paralyzed. Hell, I'd lose it if something got pierced. I'm very protective of my tender little corpse. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted March 27, 2002 Originally posted by Zaldron I can't tell. Blind means no more drawing for me, while deaf means no more music. Frankly I don't even want to think of a world without one of those. Exactly the same issue for me :P 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 27, 2002 I once got blind for about 5 minutes (I dunno what happened, I got hit in the side and blood flowed away from my brain briefly, meaning that my seeing sense went off-line for a brief period of time) - my vision turned all white and grey and everything was flickering - just as if you're watching a tv screen which works like shit. I seriously thought that something mighty bad had happened and that I had just lost my vision for good. The first thought that entered my mind was: Oh shit! No more dooming, no more drawing. Better get used to it. I'm one happy doomer, because it was only momentarily. :-) 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 28, 2002 to make a poll should cost 100 posts, and if people, other than thine self, or newbies (yeh we could all create 20 new users to post to it) take part in the poll, then 1 post should be added back per user, to the 100 dedudcted :) 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 28, 2002 do the testwe can conclude that being Both-blind is A% as bad as being Both-blind-Both-deaf, and being One-blind is C% as bad as being Both-blind. So the badness of being One-blind compared to Both-blind-Both-deaf should be C% of A% or CA%. But you said E%. This would create a problem for the insurer. To determine the badness of being One-blind relative to Both-blind-Both-deaf, they would not know which answer to use. ... 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted March 28, 2002 Blind. I won't be addicted to computers as much, and I would probably be a good musician :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted March 28, 2002 Originally posted by Zaldron I can't tell. Blind means no more drawing for me, while deaf means no more music. Frankly I don't even want to think of a world without one of those. Though I can't really draw (as you can tell by my CW avatar) I agree with you on both points. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 28, 2002 I sorta had an experiance similar to DSM. This kid was doing deep 10 on me (for those who don't know it's cutting off the circulation of blood to your brain). First it all went gray then I saw black and white checkers everywhere, then I just didn't know where the fuck I was. Ended up with me realizing I'm in school almost passing out with a big ass grin on my face. Oh well, it was fun, but I never did it since then because you can die too easily from it and it can fuck you up pretty bad, much better and safer shit around to do. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 28, 2002 I remember how a lighting bolt struck our power plant in the middle of the night, 5 years ago, when I was about 150 meters from the impact zone. White. Really white. I wasn't exactly scared, I was watching the lighting when that happened but I could not see a damn thing for about 2 minutes. To top it off, the power plant went cold dead so there really was nothing to see once the blindness faded off. It was 2 am in my grandfather's house, right next to the river afterall. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 28, 2002 Originally posted by Archvile64 Whoa, how'd that happen? Ok, here's the full story (more or less): It was back in my public school days (I think it would be similar to elementary school, but I'm not sure). During a break, I saw an opportunity for a bit of fun, when one of my classmates "bothered" another of my classmates, so I snuck up on him, grabbed him around the waist and lifted him off of the ground. He didn't feel like hanging around up there, so he pulled one of my legs away under me with his foot and I fell on my back - stupid as I was, I held on to him, and he fell on top of me knocking the air outta my lungs. I got up a little dazed, and began to walk a little around, shaking my head, trying to shake off that odd flickering in front of my eyes, then suddenly, everything just went white and gray. Some of my classmates saw that something was clearly wrong with me (they said my pupils had grown to an enourmous size, so that it looked as if my irises were all black, and I was pale white in the face), and got a seat for me. Eventually, some of my teachers came and made me lie down on the floor, so that the blood could flow to my brain. It turned out that my kidney had been damaged as was indicated by a urine test, which showed that blood was flowing from a small wound in it. Fortunately it didn't turn out to be as bad as it could be. 0 Share this post Link to post
Revenant_ Posted March 28, 2002 I would hate to be Blind then i could not see my computer screen. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shockwav3 Posted March 28, 2002 well i'm kinda blind, meaning for some colors only, it's called "red-green-weakness" or such shit. this means i can't become an electrican or a pilot. that's really bad because i've always wanted to be some kind of electrican. test yourself here 0 Share this post Link to post
Shockwav3 Posted March 28, 2002 well some kind of that. it's not that i can't see some colors, just sometimes the colors of things change to me, for example when i got up and want to grab my toothbrush it can happen that i take the wrong one. well it's not that kind of shitty, but if i would be a pilot it could happen that i'd press the wrong button or shit. 0 Share this post Link to post
KoolKat Posted March 28, 2002 Originally posted by fodders to make a poll should cost 100 posts, and if people, other than thine self, or newbies (yeh we could all create 20 new users to post to it) take part in the poll, then 1 post should be added back per user, to the 100 dedudcted :) DON'T DO IT! It may seem like a good idea from your standing, but it sucks over here! 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted March 28, 2002 Originally posted by Shockwav3 test yourself here bah, I think I'm color blind =[ 0 Share this post Link to post
Revenant_ Posted March 29, 2002 Originally posted by Archvile64 You mean color blindness? It is called colourblind 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted March 29, 2002 any rate, I'd rather be blind because I go nuts if I don't hear any good music for more than 6 is everything to me. 0 Share this post Link to post
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