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What's your opinion about reading a book?  

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  1. 1. What's your opinion about reading a book?

    • Boring
    • I love books, books are damn exciting!
    • Can be interesting at times...
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What do you think about reading a book (any book)?

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I had to read Lord Of The Flies for my english class and it was suprisingly good. I tought at first the kids would be a paradise island or something but it went completely the other way. This book is one of the few that I liked.

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I'm not a huge fan of reading or anything, but I don't mind it if the book is good. I really don't have time to sit down and read suspenseful, low-action novels (other than the gay shit I have to read for English class), but if I grab a quick, fast-paced book I might end up reading it.

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Originally posted by Zaldron

Hmm, science fiction. What should I read from him?


Starship Troopers wasn't bad, much better than the movie IMO.

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I read a book occasionally, when the subject of it interests me. Stephen King, Michael Crichton, and Anne Rice are my favorites...IF I had to choose...

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I tried to read Interview with the Vampire but I grow bored. The Vampire Lestat, on the other hand is way more entertaining. Too bad I can't really tell what the hell is going on ;)

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Originally posted by Zaldron
I tried to read Interview with the Vampire but I grow bored.


heh...Just watch the movie. MUCH easier to understand...

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Books rule. I'm not really picky as to what I do read, but rather what I don't read.

I've been assigned Charles Dickens' "Tale of Two Cities" recently and I must say Dickens is nowhere near the literary genius some people say he is.

I'm into mostly realistic and historical fiction really. There are good scifi/fantasy novels but the vast majority of them are so intolerably cliche that I never bother. Poe, Llewelyn, Hawthorne, Knowles, and Tolkien are all good. My dad's into an author by the name of John Carre, so I might check that out soon, and I hear Crichton is a pretty creative guy as well.

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Originally posted by NiGHTMARE
LOTR? Pah! Give me the Doom novels any day.


Die, now.

Read The Great Gatsby. I'm almost done with that. The Scarlet Letter is worth every word. Cyrano de Bergerac is good for the French student. Jane Eyre...you life might just depend on it. Anything by Chricton (though I technically haven't read much by him) will blow you away. I'd go on forever, but there's just too much good stuff that I've read in my English classes (except Great Expectations, ACK! I agree with you on Dickens there, Liam) and elsewhere for me to list right now.

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Originally posted by Crendowing
Read The Great Gatsby. I'm almost done with that.


Heh, that book was ok. The later half of it was much better than the first anyway.

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Besides fiction, there are a couple of books I really, really like. The classical stuff, like Cosmos & Comets from Carl Sagan, A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawkings, and some other jewels like The Subatomic Monster by Isaac Asimov and a bunch of other books I can't find right now. There was this one about the discovery of animals in the ancient times and the origin of the mythical beasts that I really like, but I don't remember the name of the author.

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Originally posted by Liam the Bard
I've been assigned Charles Dickens' "Tale of Two Cities" recently and I must say Dickens is nowhere near the literary genius some people say he is.




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Originally posted by Prime
Stephen King, Michael Crichton,


Heh, good choices. If anything, that's usually what I'll read.

Actually, I used to love reading, I read Jurassic Park in like first grade (that was back when I wasn't allowed to see PG-13 movies, and my parents said I could see the movie as soon as I read the book...not expecting me to actually get it done at the age of seven :P

I guess I just got tired of reading...especially after I had to do so much of it for school anyway (and all of it was GAY).

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sometimes it goes months between books for me... but when I finally get down to it I usually read 2 or 3 books in a couple of days. And then I often browse through THHGTTG whenever I am bored, always cheers me up.

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Originally posted by Archvile64
Heh, good choices. If anything, that's usually what I'll read.

Actually, I used to love reading, I read Jurassic Park in like first grade (that was back when I wasn't allowed to see PG-13 movies, and my parents said I could see the movie as soon as I read the book...not expecting me to actually get it done at the age of seven :P

I guess I just got tired of reading...especially after I had to do so much of it for school anyway (and all of it was GAY).


Heh, Michael Chrichton is among my favorites too.
You should never read too much, because you'll just get tired of reading like poor archvile64 here.

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I haven't actually read through a book in some time. I spend way too much time on my comp, particularly here.

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Originally posted by Liam the Bard
Heh, that book was ok. The later half of it was much better than the first anyway.


No shit...from Chapter 5 on it gets good.

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Originally posted by dsm

Heh, Michael Chrichton is among my favorites too.


Anyone read his new book "Timeline?"

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