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Doom 2 In Name Only - Now (supsiciously) on a load of gaming articles

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Man, I haven't watched it to the end yet, but you're freaking swimming in ammo all the way through almost! Your demo almost makes me wanna take away some ammo on the map :P But I won't do that I guess if other people think it's tight as it is. Maybe the fact that you utilized infighting a lot and explored everything helped.
Also, I replaced that blue armor in the red key area with a green one. Dunno why I even put a blue one there in the first place.
Anyway, back to watching, which is lots of fun by the way :D

Edit: oh shit, you can get to the megasphere secret that way too? Gonna do something about that...
And you have WAY too much ammo :0 you even killed the cyber and still had a lot of leftovers! Really hard to fight the urge to thin it out now... X_X

Edit2: okay, finished watching it, gonna put more dudes in the last archvile cave I think, that looked way too easy. Also I just want to point out that you had, I think, nearly a hundred shells and several boxes lying around when you left, not to mention like 30 rockets and a hundred or two bullets. Anyone still think there's barely enough ammo in this map? :D I want your personal opinion here CorSair, did you feel like there was an excess of ammo by the end? Or did you play exceptionally conservatively on purpose and you think that your method of beating this map should be rewarded with this huge amount of ammo? I mostly balanced things for when someone doesn't feel like exploring all ways through the map, but if it's as natural to do as your demo made it seem, maybe I gotta remove some little ammo pickups here and there at least...

Edit3: went ahead and thinned out some ammo in the later half of the map a very tiny bit. Don't think it'll make much of an impact, but still. The rest I can let slide I guess since you sometimes went out of your way to make dudes infight.

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I didn't even finish your previous version, so everything past that first nukage fall is pretty new to me.

So in short summary of my MO on new maps:
I always try search every nook and cranny for goodies and make note what I can't pick up for now. I try to rely much on infight possibilities to keep my ammo high (and more for my entertainment.)

I always try to keep rockets high, and use them only if I get frustrated, having high tier monsters or situation becomes escalated. Like arch-viles in area beyond those key doors. Basically, my "fuck you" button to situation to situation (includes BFG.)

If you looked through that shantytown area/cave, I got bit frustrated, and decided to raise hell and blaze through area, letting monsters take care of themselves, since demo felt going bit too long than I would like to. Oh, and that blue armor was just godsend in there. Only when I searched through the area carefully, I noted the truckload of medkits. Yeah, maybe that green armor is justified...

Didn't find other secrets though, but I didn't want to waste time finding them. Also, I thought players need to do trickjumping to get that megasphere. :D

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CorSair said:

Didn't find other secrets though, but I didn't want to waste time finding them. Also, I thought players need to do trickjumping to get that megasphere. :D

As it usually happens, you looked straight at the two most hidden secrets and didn't notice them. ;) the megasphere being one of them. I adjusted one part of the map to be visible on the automap (I think Scifista mentioned that it wasn't and it could've been) to hint that it's possible to get there, and from there it should be easier to piece together a way to get the secret. By the way, that trap on the megasphere didn't seem like as much a dick move as you described it, watching your demo made the rocket launcher trap look much worse :D

Also, you made the shantytown look much harder than it was. By the way, the brown water in there was originally damaging, and there was no way to get back up from that ledge with the blue armor, so now that I remember that I think I see why I put the thing in there: you had to run through slime for a while to get out of there.

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Cell said:

Ok, I see it's getting to an end sooner or later. Waiting eagerly for the first beta release, I'll be getting busy giving Antroid's map a go.

As promised above, I did so.
Result: way good-looking, fun to play and to explore. There were some parts that cornered me like hell, but overall, a perfect map built around the term "chasm". I noticed a slight reference to how technologic and abstract the original MAP24 was in the last secret, which is a good point to mention.

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Cell said:

I noticed a slight reference to how technologic and abstract the original MAP24 was in the last secret, which is a good point to mention.

The last secret is more or less a reference to a slimefall maze that I think was in the original chasm. I wanted to make it more elaborate (actually I did at the beginning - in the alpha release it's so much worse than just a rectangle) but decided against it. That little base part was supposed to be a part of some random UAC base that found itself in hell or wherever this takes place and I guess they came across all that mass of green liquid falling down and just built a ceiling to burrow through it in a hilariously stupid way. At least that's what I thought of while making that part =/

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I haven't even seen that, I hope it does make it into the bonus map slot like we were planning to do with extra maps. By the way, weren't there maps that were completely redone in this project? At least map07? I honestly think the original versions of them should go into the extra slots too. If we have enough, I don't remember if there's a limit in vanilla on the maps past 32.

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I don't really care much about my MAP07 now anymore either, so extra slot or not doesn't really bother me.
If I were a better mapper, I would've used the last couple of months to re-do MAP22 a bit, but I think time constraints recently would've been a problem with that.

Haven't said anything yet, but I like MAP24 quite a lot. But where's The Chase? :D
Joseph Lord's MAP24 did turn out to be quite a nice map after enough revisions. So I'm all for having that in an extra slot.

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Eris Falling said:

But where's The Chase? :D

You are actually chasing Johnny the Fastest Zombieman "Alive" the whole map, but he's so fast you can never catch up to him. You'll just have to take my word for it.

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Ragnor said:

Quick, someone do Betray in the time it takes to get those straggler maps done!

But how do you make a map that reflects the term "Betray" perfectly? It's not even a noun, nor a place.

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As someone who came up with ideas for "the focus" and "the living end", I have absolutely no fucking clue what can be done with "betray" in vanilla doom. =/ I wish it had a name more indicative to it's nature as a sewer level because I actually like sewer levels and could have fun making a short one. But "betray"?..

On that note, now that people aren't waiting for me and my map24, what's the hold-up? I understand there's something unfinished about map16 (I would apreciate the label "unfinished" being removed from my map in the OP by the way, Eris :P ), and something's going on with map07? Who are we waiting for now and what do they have left to do? Do they actually know that we're waiting for them?

By the way, here's a newer version of map24 with a few updates, mainly aimed to make it less of a cakewalk (from what I remember: replaced a blue armor with green, plucked some minor ammo pickups out, made it hopefully impossible to skip a step in the megasphere secret, although made that step more obvious, and added a fourth archvile and a bunch of chaingunners to the last cave area. Oh and also made it hopefully impossible for a revenant near where the keys and locked bars are to get into the slime like he did in CorSair's demo).

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Antroid said:

On that note, now that people aren't waiting for me and my map24, what's the hold-up?

Probably the fact that I've been a total berk and have completely lost track of which versions of which map I have. Good thing I still keep the links in the OP! Oh wait...
MAP07 and MAP16 are the only ones left. MAP07 is supposed to be done around about now I think.

You see this post JXT? Don't do this when leading UDINO [/helpfuladvice]

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Eris Falling said:

You see this post JXT? Don't do this when leading UDINO [/helpfuladvice]

Really a helpful advice, BTW.

Don't do this when leading UDINO


leading UDINO



There will be an Ultimate Doom In Name Only?!...

*struggles himself to do something in advance before it even starts*.

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I'm sorry for being the delay. MAP07 is nearly done and I thought I'll post it later today. However I (again) got unsatisfied with the south-western part. Nothing I've put there seemed appropriate. And I already tried many things, being it a dark staircase full of lost-souls, a harsh platforming section, a huge hexagonal SKIN hall, a lava filled giant lake with archies... I'd like that part to not be just other "filler". I'd like it to be seriously good and also fitting to the overall map spirit, so I'll tinker with it further. Considering how "simple" shaped the map is, then once I have the right idea, the actual mapping should be quick. For now I'm gonna scrap again what's there now, which is some weirdo hexagonal structure.

Except that and a few VPOs here and there, the map is ready. Various parts have been improved, though the hell is still ugly as... hell. I'm rather gonna work on it right now. :)

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Cell said:

*struggles himself to do something in advance before it even starts*.

I hope people don't grab all the maps before a thread is even made, I kinda want to have a slot or two too... Obviously for shorter and easier maps since I can actually make those in a reasonably small amount of time.

Anyway, map07's fate seems rather clear, what of map16 then? When was the last time schwerpunk was even in the thread?

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No, seriously. There will be an Ultimate Doom in Name Only. Stay tuned, but don't go calling mapslots yet. ;)

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Jayextee said:

No, seriously. There will be an Ultimate Doom in Name Only. Stay tuned, but don't go calling mapslots yet. ;)

Ultimate means that the non-descriptive names from TFC will be there.

I suppose "And Hell Followed" is straightforward: make a base/city/whatever map which ends in Hell.

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Sever the Wicked sounds like a very chainsaw-oriented map. Fear sounds like something that would be right up my alley, but as its a vanilla project, I'll just stick with the 2 I have.

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All map 16 needs is a few cosmetic and navigational tweaks. Haven't heard much from joseph since he posted it so if he has gone awol I don't mind just fixing those things. Would only take about 10 minutes...

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I would like to have maps....

Jayextee said:

No, seriously. There will be an Ultimate Doom in Name Only. Stay tuned, but don't go calling mapslots yet. ;)

... fucknuts.

Also, let's get this done in next week, aye? Also, urge to do some demos is rising.

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Automap: http://i.imgur.com/iAY87J6.png

This is how the south-western area in MAP07 currently looks. It isn't literally screaming "Dead simple!", but as I'm quite hopeless about this mapslot, I'm gonna finish that part to the end, in this form.

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Jayextee said:

No, seriously. There will be an Ultimate Doom in Name Only. Stay tuned, but don't go calling mapslots yet. ;)

Bah, I already claimed 2 back in July or whenever it was.


Limbo will be quite a challenge with stock textures

Hopefully no-one else wanted that map D:

So. Regarding a proper Beta compilation, is anyone up to date with all the maps. Because I'm not :s

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Eris Falling said:

Hopefully no-one else wanted that map D:

I definitely wanted it. IF I get around to it you better hold on to your ass since you're gonna have competition ;) Although maybe I'll settle for some e1 or e2 level[s].

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Cell said:

But how do you make a map that reflects the term "Betray" perfectly? It's not even a noun, nor a place.

Oh come on guys, I brought it up in a less joking manner in this thread a long while ago, there were plenty of great ideas for it. HOW COULD YOU ALL FORGET.

The best suggestion was Doomguy slaughtering a base full of marines.

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Cell said:

But how do you make a map that reflects the term "Betray" perfectly? It's not even a noun, nor a place.

I think it's pretty obvious. Just do a map like E2M9 or Tricks & Traps or the start of Gotcha or the spider cave in The Spirit World.

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Eris, just want to throw in my two cents here: there's a young man here called mouldy who is very capable and obviously motivated. It might not be a bad idea delegating some tasks to him. Also mouldy, I'm giving you "power of attorney" over my map and anything that may need fixing or improving as you see fit.

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glenzinho said:

Eris, just want to throw in my two cents here: there's a young man here called mouldy who is very capable and obviously motivated. It might not be a bad idea delegating some tasks to him. Also mouldy, I'm giving you "power of attorney" over my map and anything that may need fixing or improving as you see fit.

heh, young at heart maybe. I seem to remember your map being fine other than a couple of misaligned textures, I don't mind sorting those out. Oh yeah and the parachute at the start was hard to make out for me, I don't like messing with people's artistic visions too much though.

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Sorry bloke, I'm getting to that age where I think everyone's younger than me... about the map, I think I have a version on my laptop where I got rid of the chute and did some other small changes. I might PM you a link in the next couple of days. Don't worry about the artistic vision stuff too much, nothing's so perfect and set that it can't be improved upon.

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