schwerpunk Posted June 12, 2013 EDIT: quoting the rest of your post, since I inadvertently triggered a new page... Eris Falling said:EDIT: On the plus side, we just hit 30 maps in the OP! :D Well done TeamDINO D2INO-22 V1.0.3 Red key AV can't fall off his column Removed impossible clips just outside the Water temple Um..that's about it reallyGeez, it almost seemed worth bothering with... Eris Falling said:I like the map, but it doesn't scream Suburbs at me. It could use an outdoor area built on to the end of the map which is is vaguely city like, just to make it seem like the building is in the suburbsI'm on it, boss. Eris Falling said:If there will ever be a TNT In Name Only (you may not start speculating), then they've got a great map for Prison :P[[Forbidden] speculatory] dibs. 0 Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted June 12, 2013 Eris Falling said:I like the map, but it doesn't scream Suburbs at me. It could use an outdoor area built on to the end of the map which is is vaguely city like, just to make it seem like the building is in the suburbs If there will ever be a TNT In Name Only (you may not start speculating), then they've got a great map for Prison :P I don't need to review this map because these are my thoughts exactly. I have to admit I've never really seen suburbs made entirely from metal. I obviously are not cool enough to live in places like these :P 0 Share this post Link to post
schwerpunk Posted June 12, 2013 God, you guys, it's a metaphor for suburban living conditions and dehumanization... *Hipster eye-roll.* Anyway, yeah, I'll make it more literal at the end. 0 Share this post Link to post
The_MártonJános Posted June 12, 2013 schwerpunk said:God, you guys, it's a metaphor for suburban living conditions and dehumanization... *Hipster eye-roll.* That has something to do with being "steel cool" ^-^ 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted June 13, 2013 While I remember, here's an updated version of map 20 Gotcha! with some minor cosmetic upgrades: Map 28 should be ready soon, just pouring monsters into it and giving it a shake. Edit: just had a go at the suburbs, cool looking map. Yeah its not very suburbsy i guess, i cant say the original one was either though. Stick up a few neighbourhood watch signs, that should do the trick. 0 Share this post Link to post
AtTheGates Posted June 13, 2013 Eris Falling said:D2INO-22 V1.0.3[/b] Red key AV can't fall off his column Removed impossible clips just outside the Water temple Um..that's about it really just tested the map, looks awesome. it's so big and full of monsters though that i didn't bother playing it again without iddqd once i died in the acid room.. trial & error with a map this big can be a bit tedious, but i guess it can't be avoided (just my personal preference). some minor stuff: no wall to the right? intended? looks a bit weird minor lighting difference to the other sectors, acid room i guess the light effect should be hidden from the minimap? 0 Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted June 13, 2013 I know this is a little rude to do but here is a fix to map23, I reported this bug over a month ago about the fact that a player one start was added to the exit room instead of a teleport destination marker so I fixed that. I still feel gameplay needs revising due to the extra areas added. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted June 13, 2013 All links updated. AtTheGates said:just tested the map, looks awesome. it's so big and full of monsters though that i didn't bother playing it again without iddqd once i died in the acid room.. trial & error with a map this big can be a bit tedious, but i guess it can't be avoided (just my personal preference). some minor stuff: [minorstuff][/minorstuff] In fairness, you got far further than me, I rarely make it to the red key (assuming you go that way first) Glad it's come out with a decent length and difficulty as it is. It was supposed to be about 3x the size it ended up as. Also, thanks for those bug reports, V1.0.4 is on the way. EDIT: And here it is 0 Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted June 13, 2013 Map15 with difficulty settings :O Upon looking at map I might when I've released Concerned (megawad I'm doing beta testing on now) do some visual tweaking of the map. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted June 13, 2013 cannonball said:Map15 with difficulty settings wat. Seriously though, I'm glad to see this appear. Despite the tweaking needed, I'll still mark it as done. I think the tweaking is "barring minor changes" :P EDIT: I just realised! I'll be able to finish this level at last! 0 Share this post Link to post
The_MártonJános Posted June 13, 2013 Map15 plays seriously cool, couldn't have imagined it better. 0 Share this post Link to post
Babel Posted June 14, 2013 cannonball said:I know this is a little rude to do but here is a fix to map23, I reported this bug over a month ago about the fact that a player one start was added to the exit room instead of a teleport destination marker so I fixed that. I still feel gameplay needs revising due to the extra areas added. Jesus! i forgot that!! Thanks for do that. Before to upload final version i have to know if... the exit part with the explosion is ok? 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted June 14, 2013 Joseph Lord said:the exit part with the explosion is ok? It's pretty loud in PrBoom+ but other than that it's fine :) 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted June 14, 2013 Ok, here is map 28 'spirit world' Its a bit of a chaotic kill-fest in places, I'll be interested to see what people make of it. Difficulty and ammo may vary depending on which route you take, let me know if you get any problems or annoyances. Or if its too easy/hard. I've tested it in choco-renderlimits and it seems to be ok. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jaws In Space Posted June 14, 2013 I would like to open up the map 27 slot. Work on the map is going at a snails pace for me. Plus I don't feel my mapping skills are high enough for this project, my map would look like a joke if it were followed by mouldys. 0 Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted June 14, 2013 Map28 Died on the BFG archies, will try again tomorrow when sober. 0 Share this post Link to post
Babel Posted June 14, 2013 I want to take map27, i feel with enough time to make a good map. Map27 is one of my favorite map of doom2. And maps like map22 or map19 or map28 inspire me to make it a good. So if there is no problem i will start with this map :) 0 Share this post Link to post
schwerpunk Posted June 14, 2013 MAP20 plays and looks great (still really hard on HMP, but not too unfair). Great, consciously designed traps and tricks. Although in the end I couldn't figure out how to get to the red key, and I didn't have enough boom to get rid of all the Barons and Knights, so I shelved it for now. Also, this level crashed my chocodoom for some reason, so I played in ZDoom. I screenshotted some minor misalignments, too, if you care: by the switch the only obvious one in my mind probably intentional mid def thinger not a misalignment, but thank you for making a 'close' button! Up until that the point I got lost, the level was just the right amount of puzzlement and frustration. Very difficulty to achieve. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted June 14, 2013 31/32 maps in the list guys! We're so close now! Joseph Lord, please go for it, it's the only map that doesn't have at least an early version now :D Downloading MAP28 now, screenshots tell me this is probably one of the best maps in the set - visually at least. Nice crosses by the way. EDIT: Holy shit that's awesome. Difficult as fuck for me even on ITYTD but so awesome. I love the silhouette thing you've got going on. 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted June 14, 2013 schwerpunk said:MAP20 stuff Cheers man, I'll sort out those alignments and try and look into why it might have crashed - was it when you started it up or when you reached a certain point? edit: This map uses the mudfall texture from mudwater.wad - so you'll need to load it with that in choc doom. Maybe thats why it wasn't working. I just tested it myself and it works ok, although I spotted something else that needs fixing... I have a feeling the red key might not be all that obvious, you get to it via the passage around the outside of the spider mastermind fight, I'll look into that. cannonball said:Map28 Died on the BFG archies, will try again tomorrow when sober. That bit is probably a bit harsh, especially if you don't already have any bfg ammo. I'll see what other people say and consider changing it. Eris Falling said:Difficult as fuck for me even on ITYTD but so awesome. I love the silhouette thing you've got going on. Cheers old bean! Yeah I forgot to say I havent done the lower difficulties yet, I wanted to iron out UV first so if people think its too hard I'll make some adjustments. 0 Share this post Link to post
Babel Posted June 15, 2013 Eris Falling said:31/32 maps in the list guys! We're so close now! Joseph Lord, please go for it, it's the only map that doesn't have at least an early version now :D Already started :) But first here is map23 finished, tomorrow will be map24 and in the week will be map27 :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted June 15, 2013 Joseph Lord said:Already started :) But first here is map23 finished, tomorrow will be map24 and in the week will be map27 :) You might as well not waste your time on map24 =P 0 Share this post Link to post
Babel Posted June 15, 2013 Antroid said:You might as well not waste your time on map24 =P We will see it ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
schwerpunk Posted June 15, 2013 mouldy said:edit: This map uses the mudfall texture from mudwater.wad - so you'll need to load it with that in choc doom. Maybe thats why it wasn't working. I just tested it myself and it works ok, although I spotted something else that needs fixing... Oh, derp. Of course. Works now. Here's my second attempt in Chocolate Doom. I, uh, don't do too well. mouldy said:I have a feeling the red key might not be all that obvious, you get to it via the passage around the outside of the spider mastermind fight, I'll look into that. I found the red key without too much trouble, but then I couldn't find where to use it. I even switched to ZDoom's Raven automap to look for it. Still couldn't figure out how to get to it. Couldn't get the SP_HOT1 barricade to move. 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted June 15, 2013 schwerpunk said:Oh, derp. Of course. Works now. Here's my second attempt in Chocolate Doom. I, uh, don't do too well. I found the red key without too much trouble, but then I couldn't find where to use it. I even switched to ZDoom's Raven automap to look for it. Still couldn't figure out how to get to it. Couldn't get the SP_HOT1 barricade to move. haha, those barons certainly "gotcha". I figure that first bit is going to kill 90% of people on their first go, not sure how fair that is... The red key is for opening the bars in that room with the archvile studying his map. The switch behind it lets loose the cyberdemons into the baron battle zone outside the castle. It also reveals a couple of switches in the outer walls of that battle zone which will lower the red wall barricade allowing escape. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted June 15, 2013 mouldy said:cannonball said:Difficult as fuck for me even on ITYTD but so awesome. I love the silhouette thing you've got going on. lol Anyway, links updated. 0 Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted June 15, 2013 cannonball said: Difficult as fuck for me even on ITYTD but so awesome. I love the silhouette thing you've got going on. This doesn't sound like me :P I can't remember the last time I played any map on any difficulty other than ultra violence 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted June 15, 2013 Yeah i was half asleep when i was copying and pasting.. @schwerpunk - I recorded a demo of map 20 so you can see how to do it (and to prove to myelf it can be done): Its about 13 minutes and should work in prboom+ 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted June 15, 2013 I just launched my map04 for no reason and noticed one texture misalignment on a crate near the chainsaw secret. Uploaded a new version just for that fix. :D 0 Share this post Link to post
Babel Posted June 15, 2013 Here map24 ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
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