mouldy Posted July 10, 2013 @Antroid - Map24 this is a very cool looking map, I ran out of ammo so switched to godmode (the gameplay is unfinished anyway so can't really test that) but have to say its beautiful construction. Hope you can get it finished in time to be considered for inclusion. @Processingcontrol - Map06 This is a devious little map. Its full of the kind of things I usually hate, namely platforming and crushers (and crushing platforms), but I soldiered my way through it. I like the whole theme, some kind of pyramid tomb of traps. Some of them gave me a real hard time, mostly from saving when low on health though. I didn't get the problem that atthegates did, although one thing I did spot is that the switch tagged 6 can be pressed through the bars, I'm guessing thats not intentional though I'm glad of it as it saved me a long journey after falling off the crushing platforms (i was tempted to not tell you). In fact that journey back around after falling off those platforms is such a chore I'd rather you didn't fix that. Very nice, look forward to seeing the final version. 0 Share this post Link to post
AtTheGates Posted July 10, 2013 i think i identified the problem i had on my first playthrough - once you raise the ground to get to the height where you can walk over the narrow platforms (to get the blue key or to open the way to the blue switch), the area where the ground raised can be turned into a lift. for some reason the switch that lowers the lift (behind sector tag 25) didn't appear on my first playthrough (OR i didnt realize that there is another switch right behind it to lower the bars, im not sure anymore now). it worked fine in all other attempts. ..i still don't know where to go after i activate the blue switch though. 0 Share this post Link to post
an_mutt Posted July 10, 2013 Eris Falling said:BE PATIENT Also, @an_mutt MAP17 fix links to a MAP08 fix. Derp. Fixed. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 10, 2013 MAP06 is definitely beatable; I just did it myself. The only problem is the presence of both Mancubi AND Arachnotrons. It could be a while before PC is able to make a fix, any suggestions? 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted July 10, 2013 Eris Falling said:MAP06 is definitely beatable; I just did it myself. The only problem is the presence of both Mancubi AND Arachnotrons. It could be a while before PC is able to make a fix, any suggestions? could just replace the mancubuses with hellknights, and the spiders in the maze could maybe become revs, and a few archviles to spice things up... 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted July 10, 2013 Cool beans, so I did get included after all. Thanks Eris and GG Joseph Lord. No hard feelings? Also thanks mouldy, I'm glad you like the visuals here. I'm definitely now going to spend my newly found time with this map wisely and try to make it truly worthy of it's place in the map24 slot. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 10, 2013 mouldy said:could just replace the mancubuses with hellknights, and the spiders in the maze could maybe become revs, and a few archviles to spice things up... Done. We're ready to go I believe. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted July 10, 2013 I'm wondering if I should have written "GAMEPLAY NOT DONE" in "shown" linedefs on map24's automap. Sounds like all the other maps are pretty much playable, hopefully map24 isn't gonna totally confuse/enrage people who don't know the circumstances. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 10, 2013 Sorry for taking so long, I got caught up in some other stuff, and there was an issue with a non-existent texture on MAP23 causing chocolate to bomb out, which I have removed. There's supposed to be an additional DEH lump for MAP33, 34 and 35, but I have no idea how to do this, so it's currently in MAPINFO only for now. Behold DOOM 2 IN NAME ONLY - BETA RELEASE 0 Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted July 10, 2013 There are a lot of slime trails on the starting area in map01 , really ugly. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 10, 2013 Speaking of ugly... MAP06 - The Crusher. I'll keep playing though. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted July 10, 2013 There's definitely something funky with the very start of MAP01. In zdoom the whole world flickers up and back down when I pass by the crate, in prboom in the same place I get stuck on nothing for some time and then magically pass. Wut? Also, a LOT of areas in MAP31 where you can see much more of the sky texture than it was ever intended for, basically it's second tile is showing under the mountains. Also I totally can not navigate in maps of this style, and get hopelessly lost. I couldn't even get the yellow key before quietly sighing and giving up for now. Prolly not gonna play the whole thing until it's the super-final release and then Ima LP it. Maybe some map authors would be willing to guest commentate? (especially the guy behind map04, 24 and 29, really wanna talk to that guy) 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 10, 2013 I noticed that, but wasn't really fazed enough by it to bother delaying the beta. I'm keeping a log of all bug reports, so keep them coming people! So far, I have MAP01 slime trails, MAP01 "buried" imp at start area, and MAP06 sky tiling :P @Antroid: Interesting, I'm not aware of that one you mentioned there. Naturally, I should offer to do some guest commentary, but there's a good chance I won't be able to. I'll keep you notified. Would be cool if Ella could do some as well 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted July 10, 2013 Are those definitely slime trails? The one right at the start is way too fat and unflickering to be a smile trail... I think it's something more mysterious. Hilariously enough, just deleting vertices 12, 8 and 128 (huh!) gets rid of all that bullshit. Edit: @Eris, I was thinking more about each map's author being there providing insight and trivia as I'm playing the map. So it's not just you and Ella I'd be interested in recruiting for that eventually. In any case it's not gonna happen for a while, I've got one and a half LPs in the pipeline before that. (is that the proper phrase to use when I haven't even started on them?) 0 Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted July 10, 2013 Well i found a tutti-fruity , in map05. 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted July 10, 2013 Nice one. I'm going to start playing through this mother. Map 01 - Love this map, great fun ploughing through everything with the chaingun. Found 3 glitches: slime trail weird line? Maybe thin sector with wrong lighting? misaligned texture? 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted July 10, 2013 Eris you better keep a txt file for all these. Or a .doc even! And then distribute it among the authors, or if an author can't be contacted for some reason you can probably just fix many of these yourself. Like deleting three vertices at the start of map01. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xaser Posted July 10, 2013 Quick pre-critique before playing the wad, but I don't see the point of the separate CREDITS.TXT. The contents should go in the main textfile (just make some new sections at the bottom if need be), that way it's all consolidated and you'll be able to view the full list of credits on /idgames as well. [EDIT] The DEHACKED patch should be distributed externally as well (name it D2INO.deh or somesuch), since as-is, you have to extract it with a wad editor in order to actually play it in vanilla/chocolate. I'm already afraid that some folks are going to not do that during beta phase and be unable to complete MAP31 as a result. 0 Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted July 10, 2013 Here's another tutti-fruity found in map05 , (sigh) 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 10, 2013 JESUS CHRIST MAP06. Huge leap up in difficulty; I'm playing on HMP. Not bad though. Unmarked maze was a bit nasty, but I loved the mad dash to the exit before the crusher struck again. 0 Share this post Link to post
elic Posted July 10, 2013 Eris Falling said:MAP06 is definitely beatable; I just did it myself. The only problem is the presence of both Mancubi AND Arachnotrons. Crap, forgot about that rule. They'll be replaced in an update of the map that I'll probably release tonight, which will also have difficulty settings (also forgot those!) and less horrific visuals. I'll fix the bugs on Map01 once I'm finished with Map06. AtTheGates said:..i still don't know where to go after i activate the blue switch though. Spoiler Go to the red switch. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted July 10, 2013 Xaser said:I'm already afraid that some folks are going to not do that during beta phase and be unable to complete MAP31 as a result. But let's not forget how hilarious, as illustrated by Eris at some point in the past, a single SS nazi rising out of that throne really is. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 10, 2013 Already ahead of you there Antroid. I'm actually writing in in BB code so it can be posted here if needs be. Xaser: I'll be uploading the DEH separately in a sec. EDIT: Holy shit guys! I'm going to be busy over the next month hehe 0 Share this post Link to post
CorSair Posted July 10, 2013 Oh sweet, beta. :) I'll try start to do some beta testing, and maybe provide steady supply of FDAs from each map for you folks. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted July 10, 2013 Eris Falling said:Already ahead of you there Antroid. I'm actually writing in in BB code so it can be posted here if needs be. Fancy! I usually just make a big BMP file and write text on it in paint. It's also very convenient to post on a forum. And I think you should definitely post the compilation of bug reports at some point, it would probably be helpful to us mappers to have all of those in one place. 0 Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted July 10, 2013 Map02 - another solid map. Only found one misaligned texture: Map03 - i'm playing these consecutively by the way, just to speed things up and see how it works. Only graphical oddness I found in this one was this bit which looks like the lighting isn't quite right: 0 Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted July 10, 2013 I'm having them organised by map, which is also helpful. I'll probably upload it in a week or so, when most of the bug reports have come through. I have 9 so far, 6 of which are on MAP01 :P EDIT: Make that 11.. 0 Share this post Link to post
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