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ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #68 - Doom The Way id Did (Part I)


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This wad nearly brought a tear into my eye, and those who played their shareware copy of Doom on the then awesome x86 or early Pentium computers may also get that feeling. The description on the website reads that it is "a full set of maps that's meant to look, feel, and play like they came from the hands of Romero, Petersen, and Hall", and I must agree with that. So the plan for this Thursday is to dive deep into the familiar feel of episode one and wander through the darkness of episode two till we reach its fifth map. After this nostalgic walkthrough, a classic pain rotation will follow, and, if we are fast, a third rotation with a bit of random madness and Doom 2 in Doom mixture might be at hand.

Skill: Ultra Violence
PWADs: dtwid, dtwidmus, tskins1e, miekskins-r3, tns68
Maps: e1m1-e2m5
Lives: 1
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The Euro session starts at 20:00 GMT (that's 15:00 EST)
The US session starts at 20:00 EST (that's 01:00 GMT)

In other news: Come to ZDS for good old Cyberdemon mini-games in Cyberdreams this Saturday; ZDL continues producing meaty dueling demos, so check out the archive; get ZDaemon and join in!

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b00mb0dy said:

Looks like no more games on the US side at this hour.

The server is there; and a ZDS:// link to the server gets announced by the Bot in ZRC chat every 15 minutes to help players find it too. Sadly, the US side often lacks players because everybody from all over the globe flocks to the Euro server and stays there for hours until they are doomed out for a while. The TNS team is thinking of ways to get activity boosted on the US side and if you have any suggestions then we'd like to hear them, either here, or at our HQ.


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I haven't been able to play for the last few weeks because the games have been based on Plutonia.wad and doom.wad. When I tried to join the servers said my iwad does not match the server iwad.

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@purist: That is strange, plutonia.wad was the common version and doom.wad was the Ultimate Doom. I suppose you've already done that, but compare your versions to those listed in the wiki.


Also, make sure that you are loading the right files and not some other versions that you may have on your hard drive by accident.

Other than that, I'm out of ideas. You can try downloading the latest ZDaemon client, but that may only be of significance if you haven't done so since 6th September.

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purist said:

When I tried to join the servers said my iwad does not match the server iwad.

Are you using ZLauncher? What we do there is auto patch the IWAD to match the server version and put that in the ZDaemon/Cache folder. So unless you modified your IWADs by mistake it should be able to patch them without you even noticing.

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