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PSX Doom: The Lost Levels - New Pre-Beta Available courtesy of Salahmander2

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Salahmander2 said:

On another note, thinking of having a go at converting Slayer for Plutonia.

Ah, Slayer. A testament to the lacking content of PSX Final Doom. There was no reason at all for that map to be cut. That shouldn't take more than an hour to convert :P

Since I've already hit a dead-end with my GZDoom project, I'll take a shot at Neurosphere and Caughtyard this week.

EDIT: Besides, Neurosphere really shouldn't use anything other than PSXMUS14 :P

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Eris Falling said:

Ah, Slayer. A testament to the lacking content of PSX Final Doom. There was no reason at all for that map to be cut. That shouldn't take more than an hour to convert :P

It's pretty easy, pretty good choice for my first time converting a map for the PSX.

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My progress on Slayer, and yes, I have been listening to a bit of Slayer while converting this. :P Sky is temporary most likely have either the Inferno sky or the Firesky. Changed the redrock to blood on the cross to make it look a bit better. Keeping the things the same, replaced Arch-Viles with Nightmare Demons. As of now, I'm sorting linedefs out so that it acts like the original, hopefully I'll have this done tomorrow.

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Salahmander2 said:

Ah, there's a much easier way of finding them, press F4 to bring up the map analysis. If you don't have Doom 2 resources loaded, they will come up as an unknown texture, this is the easiest way to identify them. As for replacing them, F3 will allow you to find and replace them. Hope this helps. :)

Damn it all. I thought about this feature but didn't found anything in programm and in google. Too terrible

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If there's anything else left I may take a couple like T.E.E.T.H or something. I'd love to convert a map. Dexiaz, those are some sweet conversions you've done by the way.

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No PC textures remaining, glad to see you done a good job with that DeXiaZ, for some reason, I haven't got reverb, I looked via Doom Builder, I can't find any sound environment Things, you want me to add these in and upload it?



Compound, all PSXified.

Map slot is Map81.

Enjoy and let me know if you have problems.

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Titan Manor now looks like the outdoor darkness of the original is now throughout the entire level! I didnt watch all of it, but how does the light switch near the end work now?

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I can't find any sound environment Things, you want me to add these in and upload it?

WTF, really. Damn this map, possibly I changed old version of Manor (there are 2 versions).

Well, add please them.

I didnt watch all of it, but how does the light switch near the end work now?

Well, that was my idea to change light only here.

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Salahmander2 said:

Can anyone guess what this map is so far? :P

Realm. The first two really give it away :P

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Started on Neurosphere, replaced all the textures, was nearly done on the lighting, fucking GZDoom Builder bombed out for no apparent reason, an hour down the shitter. Expect delays.

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Eris Falling said:

Started on Neurosphere, replaced all the textures, was nearly done on the lighting, fucking GZDoom Builder bombed out for no apparent reason, an hour down the shitter. Expect delays.

Ah I've had that on a few occasions, that really sucks a lot.

Speaking of it! I had it about 5 minutes ago, and the kicker... Right where I had just finished Realm. Talk about gutting, luckily I've only gotta add colour sectors and reverb again.

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I was fortunate in that I hadn't added colour sectors to N'sphere. Thankfully, it didn't use too many textures either.

Every outdoor sector in Neurosphere and window sectors are now coloured D46D3D :P Screenshots coming soon

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Eris Falling said:

I was fortunate in that I hadn't added colour sectors to N'sphere. Thankfully, it didn't use too many textures either.

Every outdoor sector in Neurosphere and window sectors are now coloured D46D3D :P Screenshots coming soon

It's sure gonna look great! You having a firesky?

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In all honesty, I feel like the firesky is going to see a bit too much use by the time this project is done. My original intention for this map was to use SKY06 (D2 SKY3), but in the end I settled on SKY07, or the E4 sky.

Anyway, Neurosphere V1 - MAP151

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Neurosphere is looking great, and you used the Inmost Dens music too. Got through the level with no problems. Went on editor, saw a couple of leftover PC textures past the red door, the leftovers are left and right of the switch.

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Haha, that's me rushing after losing all the texture replacement first time round :P
The Inmost Dens was my favourite level on the PSX Port of Doom + Doom 2, so I felt I had to convert it's sequel, and being the same place, it seemed right to use the same music.

While fixing this, I also discovered that on UV, there was also a certain meathook by the red door.
Try again

EDIT: I see you used SKY04 for Realm. Since I'm working on the map immediately before it, do you want me to use the same sky, or can I use SKY01 if I deem it to be better?

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Eris Falling said:

Haha, that's me rushing after losing all the texture replacement first time round :P
The Inmost Dens was my favourite level on the PSX Port of Doom + Doom 2, so I felt I had to convert it's sequel, and being the same place, it seemed right to use the same music.

While fixing this, I also discovered that on UV, there was also a certain meathook by the red door.
Try again

The music fitted well. All is well with the map still. The funny thing is, I was actually thinking about doing Neurosphere too! Did a much better job than I would've haha. Do you know how to get skies loaded into other levels, like say, E4 sky in Map02?

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I use SLADE 3 and create a ZMAPINFO lump in the WAD. It's very easy to work out how to do what.

map [mapslot] ["mapname"]
     music =  ["music name"]
     sky1 = ["skytexture"]
     next = ["map slot"] // Just use MAP01. It'll be sorted later.
     secretnext = ["secret map slot"] // MAP01 again. 
In the case of Neurosphere:
map MAP151 "Neurosphere"
     music = "PSXMUS14"
     sky1 = "SKY07"
     next = "MAP01"
For what you've said, having the only change being an E4 sky in MAP02 would be
map MAP02
     sky1 = "SKY07"

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Eris Falling said:

I use SLADE 3 and create a ZMAPINFO lump in the WAD. It's very easy to work out how to do what.

map [mapslot] ["mapname"]
     music =  ["music name"]
     sky1 = ["skytexture"]
     next = ["map slot"] // Just use MAP01. It'll be sorted later.
     secretnext = ["secret map slot"] // MAP01 again. 
In the case of Neurosphere:
map MAP151 "Neurosphere"
     music = "PSXMUS14"
     sky1 = "SKY07"
     next = "MAP01"
For what you've said, having the only change being an E4 sky in MAP02 would be
map MAP02
     sky1 = "SKY07"

Thank you Eris! Shall be applying that to Abattoire, which will be done shortly. :D

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Eris Falling said:

No problem. Also, Caughtyard is a lot more difficult than you'd expect O_o

You serious?! Quite weird for how small it is and for easy it seems to convert.

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A lot of 256+ tall textures means a lot of height tweaking :/ I was temporarily stumped on how to work around a huge 380-something tall rock texture, and it means I've actually had to ADD a sector of grass behind it, blocked off with railings.

It's coming on nicely though, and it should be done before this day is over. Compare this with how long Pharaoh took...

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