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PSX Doom: The Lost Levels - New Pre-Beta Available courtesy of Salahmander2

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Ragnor said:

There was a seperate project doing that, I think it was Marnetmar's.

The thread's quiet, I hope he's still working on it, it would very much be an "icing on the cake" kind of project.


Despite the fact that when he first showed pictures of it in Post your doom picture, without describing anything, I thought he'd literally just taken shots of PSX MAP01.

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Hey Dexiaz and/or Salahmander, whoever's the bugfixer, I downloaded Betray when it was finished, but only now took the time to go through it, and I found two errors. These might have been fixed by now, but:

There is a shotgun guy inside the wall here, preventing 100% kills.

This medkit is half inside the step here

I quite enjoyed that conversion, thanks for going the extra distance and getting the Xbox Doom 2 map done despite it being a mostly crap map to begin with.

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Thank you for sharing for errors!

1) Very strange, I've downloaded again from list this map, opened in DB and I didn't see shotgunner inside of wall. But I see shotgunner in sector. Ok, I think possibly he somehow can walk through walls (that's strange, there are no wall bugs). I just delete him from this sector.

2) Medikit coords now fixed.

Betray v1.2

P.S.: Where are you get Final Doom HUD?

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It was an optional download in the PSX TC thread, don't know if it's still there though.

The shotgun guy wasnt activated at all, I had to use custom automap colours that differentiates enemies, items and general Things to find him, walked into a wall and heard him wake up and immediately blast me in the face! How rude, Voidman.

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Ragnor said:

It was an optional download in the PSX TC thread, don't know if it's still there though.

The shotgun guy wasnt activated at all, I had to use custom automap colours that differentiates enemies, items and general Things to find him, walked into a wall and heard him wake up and immediately blast me in the face! How rude, Voidman.

Well, where are no any monsters in void, when I opened the map.

Possibly you've played V1.0.

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I had a look back through the history of the thread (mainly to fins out what map slot Baron's Sewers was on), and theres a screenshot before the map was finished that shows him inside the sector, not inside the wall. I'll look at the version Salahmander updated, that would be the one in the first post right?

I originally planned to test Betray, Sewers and Baron's IOS, but things came up and I never got around to it, so yeah, I have the very first versions. Wasn't aware there was a 1.1

EDIT: He was fixed in V1.1 and broken in the original, you can put him back if you want.

I couldnt even load 1.1 in the TC for some reason..

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Heh -.- It's hard to remember where I'm deleted sergeant + which skills are disabled for him.

Betray v1.3

Well, it's sooo long waiting for release. I've already reminisce the days when I worked on this project.

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DeXiaZ said:

It looks like Final Doom intro. This map have mini issue - after fire animation the picture dissapear and you can see only black screen.

I don't think that you will use this map, but anyway, you can fix ACS scripts to solve problem with black screen.

DeXiaZ Titlemap without blanking out.

There is also a Titlemap2, same thing but uses the fire sky animation instead so the fire loops continually and doesn't burn out.
Rename it to Titlemap to use it.

I know this is probably pointless but its just in case someone wants a standalone version of the lost levels.

You will also need a Lost Levels credit screen!

also Heres a link to the PSX Final Doom HUD

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Awesome! Thank you very much for fixed Titlemap!

You will also need a Lost Levels credit screen!

Good idea :)

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Is that Earth Base?

Anyway, I also played Baron's Sewers. I'm glad I pushed pretty hard to get these two little-known much-maligned official-yet-not maps done, Sewers actually gave me a sense of absolute dread for the majority of it, fighting off far off blurs in the sheer darkness of the tunnels with very limited ammo, in a corrupted techbase that looked like Sandy got drunk and made a much less detailed than usual E2 map that was forgotten about till Midway came along. Or, it could be assumed it was a Midway original. I was pleasantly surprised by the surprise Revenants, in true "PSX UD on UV has guest D2 monsters" fashion

Are you guys still going to make one or two or more secret/standard Midway-Original style levels (ie Marshes, Twilight Descends, Threshold of Pain, Mansion)? As there were sadly none in the original Final Doom. Baron was making something that used the Nightmare monster flag, iirc, and Sewers and Betray are UD and D2 levels respectively, thus wouldnt thematically fit in the ML/TNT/PL area

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how are you approaching Earth Base? Full Lost Levels limitations as if Nerve time travelled to the PSX days or a modern style with the textures, lighting and monsters but keeping the level of detail?

Regardless I think it should be done together with Doom 64 in a seperate pack. Especially with how close it is to being done. Just need Dragonsbrethren, Nuxius, Baron and a few others to finish there conversions :D

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Ragnor said:

how are you approaching Earth Base? Full Lost Levels limitations as if Nerve time travelled to the PSX days or a modern style with the textures, lighting and monsters but keeping the level of detail?

Regardless I think it should be done together with Doom 64 in a seperate pack. Especially with how close it is to being done. Just need Dragonsbrethren, Nuxius, Baron and a few others to finish there conversions :D

Many detailed sectors were deleted/simplified. But it still looks good. Don't worry about it :) Or course this map will be in another episode (possibly called "PSX Doom: No Rest For The Living").

About authors:

The order of names in list is "random". Sorry if I forget someone.

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Thats good to hear. NRFTL at the very least should remove the monster point limit, the brutality of the mapsets was epic. To the point the hidden monster ambush teleport closets were designed to be a hand giving the player the finger :)

But thats for another thread..

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ScottGray said:

DeXiaZ could you post a link to the fonts you used to make that list.

You just need PSX TC. Search for IDCRED2, LEVCRED2 and WMSCRED2 files. I've used only those files.

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Eris Falling said:

The thread's quiet, I hope he's still working on it, it would very much be an "icing on the cake" kind of project.

No worries! I'm still working on it, it's just been on the backburner for a while ;)

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DeXiaZ said:

The order of names in list is "random". Sorry if I forget someone.

I'd suggest just doing everyone in alphabetic order, seems the most fair. It's what I was going to do when I made that graphic (thanks for taking care of it).

Putting the finishing touches on The Living End right now. Map's done, I just need to put border sectors around everything over 256 tall. Actually most of the height in the map is superfluous; I could easily have shrunk everything to 256 tall max without really changing the gameplay. I felt keeping the height when possible was truer to the original, though.

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Here it is:

The Living End

Still in the MAP29 slot. Feel free to make any improvements. One note, the upper texture of the tunnel that leads to the plasma gun teleporter is taller than 256. I stretched it appropriately, as is the case in Heck, rather than raising the ceiling to get that texture to 256 tall.

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Awesome! Now waiting for "Spirit World" map as finish of D2 mapset.

BTW, I want to start topic "PSX Doom: No Rest For The Living". I've made 2 maps of 9 and I think, that other maps should be done by more people. What you think?

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I would like to here everyone's ideas about if the levels will remain in this order, and if you think they should be split into episodes?

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I think about only 3 episodes.

Lost Levels (all not included PC levels of Doom 2, Master Levels, TNT, Plutonia + Xbox fail "mega secret" maps)

No Rest For The Living (well, all NRFTL maps in PSX style)

Absolution (Doom 64 maps in PSX style).


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ScottGray said:

I would like to here everyone's ideas about if the levels will remain in this order, and if you think they should be split into episodes?

Personally I'm kinda torn between the original style, like Dis coming after Limbo instead of Tower of Babel and all that, etc, but then again, is real easy to modify that for my personal liking. And the episode structure DeXiaZ suggested in the list order but with NRFTL with the Doom 64 maps since the former is rather short. Just my opinion. Am happy with whatever will happen with it.

Looking real good DeXiaZ, sure will be interesting to see NRFTL in PSX style. :D

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ScottGray said:

I would like to here everyone's ideas about if the levels will remain in this order, and if you think they should be split into episodes?

I figure we pretty much settled on a single Lost Levels episode with the maps in the OP. The only thing I'd consider is ordering them by difficulty/theme instead of the wads they're originally from, but actual PSX (Final) Doom didn't even bother doing that.

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Dragonsbrethren said:

I figure we pretty much settled on a single Lost Levels episode with the maps in the OP. The only thing I'd consider is ordering them by difficulty/theme instead of the wads they're originally from, but actual PSX (Final) Doom didn't even bother doing that.

That sounds far better! Makes it seem far more interesting, do you think we could do this with the main TC optionally as well?

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I like Forsaking Keep as the first level, its like a nod to Inferno.

Maybe the sequence of the Lost Master levels should be thought about.
I was thinking about the 2 Dr Sleep maps that were'nt used in the Master Levels Dante's Gate and Crossing Acheron. They could be used to start off the Lost Master levels once they have been Playstation-ised. They would be like the unique PSX levels hell gate and the marshes etc a bit of a surprise to the players.

What about the secret levels, move them to the back like the original PSX Doom
like "Warrens" to "Go 2 It" would be map 65 to 74? Or are the so called super secret levels at the back Sewers and Betray.

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What about two versions, one standalone, one integrated with the TC?

I think D64+NRFTL should be a combined pack, divided into two episodes, much like PSX Doom has UD and D2 as selectable episodes. I would want NRFTL to not feature any carryover from D64 if it come second though, NRFTL features almost no backpacks for the entire mapset, thus your always low on ammo, I wouldnt want that to be lost.

For fun you could also convert a few levels like pieces of series that were in Master Levels, ie the two Dr Sleep levels, the rest of the CABAL sereis, the rest of the Titan maps and Klie's and Mustaine's rejected Master Levels as an episode.


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