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The 1-Tag Project! - Looking for mappers

Is the 1-Tag concept a good idea?  

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  1. 1. Is the 1-Tag concept a good idea?

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Add me to the list, I'd love to be a part of this. It'll be interesting going from my typical ZDoom format maps with lots of tags, to a Vanilla style map with one tag. Should test my abilities. Doom 2 format would work, correct?

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I could possibly do a map for this later as I think its possible to make a good map without even a single tag.

For example. D1 and DR door types (1 open close, 31 open, 117 fast door)

No elevators or teleporters. Just staircases or steps leading to higher areas.

You could do a door type 31 (open only) and merge it with other sectors to open traps for example when getting a key. The key is behind the door, merged with other sectors, the traps.

Do 1 tag, use it precisely. Multiple elevators of the same height are possible with 1 tag because they can simply be merged into 1 sector.

2 way teleporters not possible.

1 building staircase possible, it too can be merged into a symmetrical or identical height 2nd staircase.

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You might want to check the submissions already in - we've done multiple lifts with the same tag without needing to use the same heights, the joined doors and other stuff along those lines already. The only downside is that the levels tend to end up having a linear progression (maybe with some backtracking) to make sure they don't break.

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Will work on a map once I get The Great Urban Battle finished and released to the archives. I do have a few ideas in my head for a tag-less map .... it will be inspired by my first ever map from August 1996 but with much more detailing. It will be mostly door to room like Wolf3D but with some staircases.

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Hey, I've completed about 50% of my map, but I thought I'd post it so far so that you know what to expect. My hope is that by doing this, you'll be able to tell me whether my map would appear towards the beginning or the end of the wad, so I can set the difficulty as so. Also, anyone reading the forums, feel free to download the map and let me know your thoughts as well!


By the way, I've noticed that nobody else has been using the texture pack we were told we could use! I hope my map doesn't seem out of place with the new textures. **

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Hey, I've completed about 50% of my map, but I thought I'd post it so far so that you know what to expect. My hope is that by doing this, you'll be able to tell me whether my map would appear towards the beginning or the end of the wad, so I can set the difficulty as so. Also, anyone reading the forums, feel free to download the map and let me know your thoughts as well!


By the way, I've noticed that nobody else has been using the texture pack we were told we could use! I hope my map doesn't seem out of place with the new textures. **

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Took a quick look and it's pretty decent so far. Try adding some detail to the outer parts of the building, the bits with the red brick textures. It looks a little bland at the moment. :) Good to see you're using 1 tag competently too.

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Obsidian said:

Took a quick look and it's pretty decent so far. Try adding some detail to the outer parts of the building, the bits with the red brick textures. It looks a little bland at the moment. :) Good to see you're using 1 tag competently too.

More monsters? If you have my map later in re wad, I can make it harder.

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PhantomTMac said:

More monsters? If you have my map later in re wad, I can make it harder.

Hmm...maybe. Just a random idea, but try make it a little bit slaughterish. The scale of your map is pretty big and a decently large amount of monsters might give it some balance. Don't go too overboard though. =D Just a suggestion.

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Obsidian said:

Try adding some detail to the outer parts of the building, the bits with the red brick textures. It looks a little bland at the moment. :)

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Oops, forgot to type. Haha. What kind of detail? I mean, I could add some random pillars or columns or beams of metal, but I'm not sure what would look natural.

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PhantomTMac said:

Oops, forgot to type. Haha. What kind of detail? I mean, I could add some random pillars or columns or beams of metal, but I'm not sure what would look natural.

Maybe some missing bricks or some decoration on the windows. It's down to what you think looks good in the end.

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Obsidian said:

Maybe some missing bricks or some decoration on the windows. It's down to what you think looks good in the end.

All right. Any thoughts on how the map is currently structured, and is there something that you'd like to see implemented? I'm biased towards my own design, so I have no clue whether or not this map is enjoyable to other people.

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PhantomTMac said:

All right. Any thoughts on how the map is currently structured, and is there something that you'd like to see implemented? I'm biased towards my own design, so I have no clue whether or not this map is enjoyable to other people.

The bit with the bookshelves seemed a little out of place IMO. Maybe you could replace it with a room full of computer banks so it matches the rest of the map a little better.

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PhantomTMac said:

Quick thought. Is ArmouredBlood's map even supposed to be POSSIBLE?

Heh, apparently it is. I haven't been able to beat it either, but I'm pretty sure it's beatable.

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My map is almost done. Just need to add monsters to it.

Its based on my first ever map from July 1996. But I gave it a major facelift and tune up.

Edit: I am deciding I will release the map stand alone along with Urban Battle.

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pcorf said:

Edit: I am deciding I will release the map stand alone along with Urban Battle.


Should I take you off the list? I hope not.

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Obsidian said:


Should I take you off the list? I hope not.

The map has been uploaded to idgames. But you can also include it in the project if you want to so yeah feel free to include the map. Or I could make a new map later on in the year.

I have also uploaded the map to my website and can be downloaded from the following link: paulcorfiatis.com/pc_botro.zip

The map is named Botero's Mansion (Italian for Boat Man, mistakenly as Spanish in the text file :D)

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pcorf said:

The map has been uploaded to idgames. But you can also include it in the project if you want to so yeah feel free to include the map. Or I could make a new map later on in the year.

I have also uploaded the map to my website and can be downloaded from the following link: paulcorfiatis.com/pc_botro.zip

The map is named Botero's Mansion (Italian for Boat Man, mistakenly as Spanish in the text file :D)

Thanks. :) It's a pretty groovy map from what I just looked at, so I'd love to include it. Feel free to submit another map though if you like. =D

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Obsidian said:

Thanks. :) It's a pretty groovy map from what I just looked at, so I'd love to include it. Feel free to submit another map though if you like. =D

Cheers. It is a heavy tune-up of my very first ever map which I made in Doomcad 5.1 way back in 1996. The original unmolested map is the first secret level in The New Adventure, a jokewad I released back in March, 2006.

Yeah for sure I can whip up another map. This time it will be from scratch and using the texture wad as well. I will be away from Feb 25 to March 17.

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The more I play other maps, the more I feel my map needs to be more... I dunno... Playable, I guess. I like the way the structure looks, but it just seems so linear. I never could find that balance between realistic design and fun gameplay...

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PhantomTMac said:

The more I play other maps, the more I feel my map needs to be more... I dunno... Playable, I guess. I like the way the structure looks, but it just seems so linear. I never could find that balance between realistic design and fun gameplay...

Don't worry, I'm still trying to find it. :D

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