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Alternative HUD for PrBoom+?


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I usually use GZDoom but lately have been playing around with GLBoom+ and like it a lot, especially the default brightness & gammer levels along with decent speed. But I hate the HUD with a passion. No translucency & quite an eyesore, IMO. Is there a mod that allows an Alternative HUD like the excellent one in GZDoom? Or can I at least configure the existing one by removing certain items or creating a smaller font so it's less obtrusive? Thanks.


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Do you mean you're using the default Doom HUD right now? If you press "+" twice (or whatever key it is to increase your screen size) you'll get the PrBoom+ alternate HUD. There's some degree of customization by changing the "hud_num" variable in your glboom-plus.cfg, I think there's up to a dozen choices or so.

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Phml said:

Do you mean you're using the default Doom HUD right now? If you press "+" twice (or whatever key it is to increase your screen size) you'll get the PrBoom+ alternate HUD. There's some degree of customization by changing the "hud_num" variable in your glboom-plus.cfg, I think there's up to a dozen choices or so.

Yes, I'm talking about the alternative HUD that comes built into PrBoom+. Just too big and gaudy & color-blasting on that lower left hand side for my tastes when compared to GZDooom's. Thanks, I'll look into the config file to see what I can do.

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cacomonkey said:

when compared to GZDoom

I'll admit, I hate the Street Fighter bars too, but that HUD is best for demo playback and not for playing in general.

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Just for your information. PrBoom+'s HUDs stored in prboom-plus.wad/-PRBHUD- lump. It is text based lump and you can try to add new or edit current huds by modifying prboom-plus.wad with Slade3 for example. HUD definition looks like this:

hud 7
tracers 2 167
medict_icon_big 4 -198
health_big 38 -198
ammo_icon -100 -198
ammo_big 105 -198
armor_icon_big -316 -198
armor_big -283 -198
weapon -316 2
gkeys -316 11
Also, there is hot key F5 for switching between HUDs in game.

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entryway said:

Just for your information. PrBoom+'s HUDs stored in prboom-plus.wad/-PRBHUD- lump. It is text based lump and you can try to add new or edit current huds by modifying prboom-plus.wad with Slade3 for example. HUD definition looks like this:

hud 7
tracers 2 167
medict_icon_big 4 -198
health_big 38 -198
ammo_icon -100 -198
ammo_big 105 -198
armor_icon_big -316 -198
armor_big -283 -198
weapon -316 2
gkeys -316 11
Also, there is hot key F5 for switching between HUDs in game.

Excellent. You've been helpful. I've used Slade 3 to edit the obnoxious torch sounds out of my favorite enhancement mod Particle Fire Enhancer which incidentally I wish I could use with GLBoom. But you can't always get what you want. At least I can play that old pwad GROVE now since it's no longer in near pitch darkness like it was with GZDoom.

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