40oz Posted December 7, 2012 What are your favorite maps that you made? What maps have you made that you are most proud of and how often do you replay them? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted December 7, 2012 None, I think. They're all fairly boring to play. Is it even possible to enjoy playing your maps that much? I mean, you know them so well, it's like playing a map for the thousandth time: not very exciting with the exception of a few masterpieces maybe. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dragonsbrethren Posted December 7, 2012 E3M7 from the guy above me's E3 project. What ever happened to that, anyway? Can't say I've replayed that one since I submitted it. Edit: ROCK-n-ZIMMER's nice, too. Not the map I initially set out to make, but fun anyway. Wish I got the ammo/monster balance a little better. Again, I haven't replayed it since I released the update. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted December 7, 2012 Hah! Out of the two maps i've released to the public so far, e3m3 for memfis's project would probably be my "favorite". ALthough not the broken version he had in the beta :p The other one (map04 for "doom 2 in name only") is slightly tainted in my mind because of people's general neutral-to-negative reactions towards a certain area in it, even though i think the area is perfectly fine. Although i never really play my maps outside of testing them. I might run through with cheats to remember some parts i liked but that doesn't count. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted December 7, 2012 I probably have the same issues with thinking most of my maps suck, i only have 2 releases (cbspeed and sparta) which I can't exactly say I replay at all after I finished them (the former only due to extending the episode into a full scale 3 episode megawad). If there was any maps I would be happy with is most likely my last edition into Doom 2 in name only (map21), though I blatantly used the same sort of style and atmosphere from Eternal's Map21 in Epic 2. It only took one day to make and I was very happy with the result looks and gameplay wise. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phml Posted December 7, 2012 Cat from SF2011 is my favorite personal map, but I don't replay it all that much due to its length. Phmlspd map06 and map08 are other favs, by now I must have played these a hundred times each. What about you, 40oz? You can't start a thread like this and not contribute. ;) Memfis said: Is it even possible to enjoy playing your maps that much? I mean, you know them so well, it's like playing a map for the thousandth time: not very exciting with the exception of a few masterpieces maybe. Expand Personally, I'm having more fun playing a great map a hundred times than a hundred average maps once. For the most part, what I enjoy in Doom is the gameplay, and something that plays well (and didn't just seem to due to novelty) is still going to play well, forever. It feels more repetitive to me to play a bunch of different maps with lackluster gameplay that comes down to going through the motions, because, well, it *is* going through the motions as opposed to actually play. It would probably feel just as repetitive if I played my favorite map multiple times in a row and daily, but I don't need to. There are many, many other good maps I can also play, and even average maps or bad maps can be fun, as long as it's not too many in a row. Obviously, different people are going to have different thresholds for repetiveness. Most would probably think it's weird to keep playing a game at all once you've beat the main campaign, as this is how statistics tell us most people play their SP games. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted December 7, 2012 Best map I've finished is Doom 2 In Name Only's MAP07. Why? Because it's the ONLY map I've made and finished so far. MAP22 for the same project - my second map - is en route to be a million times better though. Hopefully. EDIT: Quote antroid The other one (map04 for "doom 2 in name only") is slightly tainted in my mind because of people's general neutral-to-negative reactions towards a certain area in it, even though i think the area is perfectly fine. Expand What area? That whole map was fine, although MAP29 blows it out of the water. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
purist Posted December 7, 2012 Dead Planet, which is MAP29 of Hadephobia is my best level in terms of scale and effort. It's not easy to pick a favourite all round though. I don't think I've made it yet. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted December 7, 2012 Eris Falling said: What area? That whole map was fine, although MAP29 blows it out of the water. Expand The whole bright green area of the base between the canyon and the dark basement. Personally i love it, but the overpowering majority of players said it was boring or ugly, including my friend outside this forum who's actual job is a level designer. Honestly i would've felt better if i disliked the area too, but the fact that i simply can't get what's bad about it (or just disagree) leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted December 7, 2012 I haven't really replayed any of my old levels. I suppose I feel I've played them enough while I've been doing them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted December 7, 2012 Phml said: Personally, I'm having more fun playing a great map a hundred times than a hundred average maps once. For the most part, what I enjoy in Doom is the gameplay, and something that plays well (and didn't just seem to due to novelty) is still going to play well, forever. Expand Interesting thoughts. I think I just became so used to recording FDAs that exploring something new feels like an essential part of the game now. Maybe I should try replaying some stuff for a change. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted December 7, 2012 Memfis said: None, I think. They're all fairly boring to play. Is it even possible to enjoy playing your maps that much? I mean, you know them so well, it's like playing a map for the thousandth time: not very exciting with the exception of a few masterpieces maybe. Expand From the two megawads where I contributed with a map each, I almost always only play my own maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phobus Posted December 8, 2012 I think I've come out and said before that I'm quite a fan of my own maps due to them being about as close to my own preferred tastes as Doom can get (it's what used to motivate me to make them). So, out of the not-quite-80 maps I've released, favourites... MAP18 of Community Chest 3 always felt like a big acheivement to me, as it was my first map in a popular community megaWAD and seemed well-received. I'm also pretty proud of the perspective trick (egotistical though it was to have it display my username). E2M0 of ZPack is completely misplaced in that project due to being so different from the norm, but I really like how I got all of those weird and unusual ideas in, particularly the StarWing inspired conveyor belt section. Coils of the Twisted Tale is the closest I've ever come to making a ZDoom megaWAD of the style (continuous level progression with a "story") and quality (Scourge is closer to a megaWAD at 23 levels, but so very newbish...) that I'd ideally want to make before I'm done with Doom. All in one level too! And finally, Claws of the Enraged Beast for implementing the "two very distinct difficulties" idea into a big, non-linear layout with plenty of interesting architecure and decoration. Like with everything I've done, it could be better (the detail round the edge of the blue key room definitely was a bad idea and I've replaced the music for a theoretical repackaging), but it's probably one of my higher quality works. Honourable mention to Twisted Joke for allegedly being "Probably the best christmas wad ever made." (cheers, Anonymous reviewers!) I'd be more proud of that if the resources that lend the map it's cheesey charm had been something I'd made rather than have to credit to a '94 Xmas Doom 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
joepallai Posted December 8, 2012 Favorite: E4M6 of 2002ADO-the atmosphere grabs me here the most and I love the faux 3D touches with the rooftops overlooking the courtyard with the Blur artifact. The pacing and level of fight intensity matches my own personal taste here. Proudest: Map23 of Plutonia2--This is the map that I didn't give up on; I swallowed my pride and redid this map that I had completed 8 years earlier to match the expectations of the new project leaders. I'd like to think that I succeeded here, as the map was given the 4th demo slot in the wad and player feedback has been very positive overall. Most loved: Probably TheGate.wad as it was the 1st map I ever completed ('96) but didn't upload until '99/00 The one if I have the chance to redo: Crosfire-the idea is solid but the implementation is a little weak. One of my early ones. (honestly, they're all my favorites as I won't release until I think it's ready) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
purist Posted December 8, 2012 The funny thing I noticed when thinking about this was that the maps I'm most fond of are the ones I most enjoyed working on rather than the ones the ended up being best. So while I think Dead Planet was the best achievement I have a nicer feeling about Terminus (MAP09, Hadephobia) and Starport Anomaly (MAP11, Doom 2 the Way I'd Did submission) because they were pretty painless to make and pretty much ended up how I intended straight away. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted December 8, 2012 I was really interested in the feedback. I anticipated that slaughterfest mappers would probably be the most vocal. And some answers I was surprised to see, especially Memfis'. I tend to replay the birthday maps I made for people a lot, just because they're short and easy. Although I haven't played much in the past few years, I invested A LOT of time replaying MAP06: Heresyte Machine from my first big release, Motornerve. It has a lot to do with the maps in that wad being designed for my own personal taste, and no real intention to impress people with them. I was excited to make it, which is why most of the maps are rather sloppy, but more importantly, I was really looking forward to playing it. The map I'm most proud of I think would have to be MAP04: Pyrolysis from UAC Ultra, because of the cool traps, shooting cacodemons into those giant crushing pillars, and later having to run across them to get to the exit. I'm also really proud of the maps I made for DTWiD. Even though some of them weren't very well received, I still feel the authenticity of feeling like a true Doom level when I play them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pottus Posted December 8, 2012 I'd have to say Cathedral Of The Damned It was really an engineering design milestone for myself. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted December 8, 2012 40oz said: And some answers I was surprised to see, especially Memfis'. Expand I guess I lied yesterday because I've just tried greenday.wad and kurogane.wad and they both were very cool even though disappointingly short. Probably after I make a map, some time have to pass so I can forget the painful memories of making it, and then I can enjoy playing it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
PRIMEVAL Posted December 8, 2012 I haven't made anything spectacular. A couple maps for Xodus which I like, some for Mors Aeterna are cool, and neither of which have been shown to the public greatly. Still WIP. The only map which is public is Map01 of Nova newbie project. That one I also like, heh. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Justince Posted December 8, 2012 (edited) r_init: getpostnumberforname: post not found! Edited July 28, 2017 by Justince 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xaser Posted December 8, 2012 Hmm... in terms of released stuff, PRCP MAP25 (Wicked Garden), I suppose. It was a random, unplanned, spur-of-the-moment map that ended up being better than my other, more serious map effort (Helix). :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DeathevokatioN Posted December 8, 2012 My favorite maps are still unreleased and haven't been seen by anyone except for friends... but out of the ones I have released I'd definitely have to go with "Where Serpents Ever Dwell" for Heretic, apart from being the only released map that I actually like, I really enjoy the layout, gameplay, ambiance, and the editing memories of it bring nostalgia instead of a headache! ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
esselfortium Posted December 8, 2012 40oz said: I'm also really proud of the maps I made for DTWiD. Even though some of them weren't very well received, I still feel the authenticity of feeling like a true Doom level when I play them. Expand Are you ever going to release them? ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pottus Posted December 8, 2012 I also forgot to metion Interception Map 24 I'm especially proud of, it was built in a short time period but ended up being a great layout. This is Doomworld's 1,100,001 post :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LexiMax Posted December 8, 2012 I don't think I'll ever be able to top CTF Anthology MAP08: "Something Epic": Click for big 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xaser Posted December 8, 2012 Interestingly, that's exactly the map I always imagine when I think of CTF in general. So... erm... success? :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
esselfortium Posted December 8, 2012 I'm not really exceptionally thrilled with many of the maps I've released to date. Well, not the single-player ones, especially. I'm pretty proud of my DM levels from SpaceDM9 and 32in24-10, 11, and 12, though -- my top priority with deathmatch levels nowadays is to make layouts that are open, vertically-focused, and enjoyable to run around aimlessly in, and I think I succeeded with those. My favorite single-player esselmaps haven't been released yet, but a couple of them might be coming out soon :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Impboy4 Posted December 8, 2012 My favorites that I made is Cursed Black Diamond, Map02 and Map05 of ZDione Attack, and probably D2IG19 from IGPack. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dew Posted December 8, 2012 uhm. i made a testmap where barrels blow you out of the map into the void. i'm expecting multiple cacowards. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Walter confetti Posted December 9, 2012 uhm... the 1994 tune-up and the heretic treasure chest are maps that i'm really proud of it... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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