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Back to Saturn X E1: 1.1.6 bugfix

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2 hours ago, esselfortium said:

Those two are from st.alfonzo and TalkToTransformer, respectively :p

I've been bamboozled! 

Edited by Edward850

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3 hours ago, esselfortium said:

I'm excited to announce that BTSX Episode 1 is now available as an downloabable addon from the official console Doom port!


But that's not all: We've heard your complaints about the strange map titles, and have replaced them with even stranger ones for this legally distinct console version. Despite this necessary change, all of your favorite BTSX E1 levels are still here just as you remember them, from "Runoff Fat From The Skygrill" to "Christmas Golf Asphyxiation".


3 hours ago, esselfortium said:

And for everyone else, here's a new bugfix version, 1.1.5: http://esselfortium.net/wasd/btsx_e1.zip

1.1.5 fixes an embarrassing oversight in the 1.x builds, where MAP22 had been accidentally reverted to an old version. This fix eliminates a visplane overflow and restores some missing visual updates from earlier releases of MAP22 (the forcefields and key displays, to be exact). Everything else is unchanged from 1.1.4.


Have fun!

Congratulations, Esselfortium!!!
And of course, all the team!!!

Finaly all your efforts are recognized properly and as you all deserve!


This open the door to more community projects :D

Edited by P41R47

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Congratulations, well deserved!


3 hours ago, esselfortium said:

And for everyone else, here's a new bugfix version, 1.1.5: http://esselfortium.net/wasd/btsx_e1.zip

1.1.5 fixes an embarrassing oversight in the 1.x builds, where MAP22 had been accidentally reverted to an old version. This fix eliminates a visplane overflow and restores some missing visual updates from earlier releases of MAP22 (the forcefields and key displays, to be exact). Everything else is unchanged from 1.1.4.


Have fun!

Will this version be uploaded to /idgames?

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8 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

Congratulations, well deserved!


Will this version be uploaded to /idgames?

Yes! I've uploaded the new version today, so hopefully it'll show up there soon :)

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Congratulations for the console release, but I'm worried how the other episodes will be handled. Isn't there a patch in the 2nd episode that makes the Icon of Sin die faster in map 15?

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42 minutes ago, Gothic said:

Isn't there a patch in the 2nd episode that makes the Icon of Sin die faster in map 15?

Ah, but that was before Doom Eternal. Now the Icon of Sin has stayed on Earth, so it is stronger.

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4 hours ago, Devalaous said:

Now go finish E2 properly so it can join it.


And then there's the matter of E3. ;)

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With E3 they can develop it now mindful of the fact it can be put on the official ports, so thats one thing made easier (and incentive to actually not leave it in beta for eons like the first two)

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Very impressive achievement, there! I shall have to revisit this and push through to the end, this time!

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I played up till Map 6 on stream for some friends, after putting it off for eons; figured this release and the resulting version upgrade was the ideal time to play though the first episode. Its been good stuff so far, seems to have native brightmap support on the GZDoom side too. Had to go without Doom Expanded as the palette changes conflict too much, and various flats stopped animating, but its perfectly fine without any of my aesthetic mods. Will play to the end in the coming weeks.

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This is awesome! I just finished it last week PC. Easily the best WAD I have ever played. Look forward to playing it on my Switch once I finish up Deathless.



Edited by Cross3yed0ni

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  • 1 month later...
13 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

Updated to 1.1.6 to fix a bug in which unearthing an ancient pharaoh's tomb inadvertently cursed one of map22's dummy sectors and caused the blue key status displays to only sometimes work.


Downloab from the usual URL: http://esselfortium.net/wasd/btsx_e1.zip

The issues really never end, do they? XD


Thanks for all your dedication and commitment to getting us the best possible version of this level set!

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1 minute ago, Faceman2000 said:

The issues really never end, do they? XD


Thanks for all your dedication and commitment to getting us the best possible version of this level set!

Alas. Although we have released BTSX, we will never be released from BTSX.

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On 8/13/2020 at 4:38 PM, esselfortium said:

Updated to 1.1.6 to fix a bug in which unearthing an ancient pharaoh's tomb inadvertently cursed one of map22's dummy sectors and caused the blue key status displays to only sometimes work.


Downloab from the usual URL: http://esselfortium.net/wasd/btsx_e1.zip


HI esselfortium, are this update to the bethesda unity games too ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi!  Just a quick (or what I hope would be quick) issue I noticed...unlike Episode 2, GZDoom doesn't autoload Episode 1 and doesn't have the unique splash label during the loading dialog.  Is there something that needs to be configured on my end for that to happen, or is it something that would need to be altered in the WAD file(s)?

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I'm very happy. I'm the 69th follower. To us 13 year olds, that's one of the biggest things you could achieve.

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  • 6 months later...

Highly rated series recognized as an official add-on to Doom II. Wad, in a some sense, continues the theme of technology bases, which was covered in Double Impact, which is also count as official add-on currently.


Settings and Features:


* GzDoom.

* Mod Complex Doom.

* The first episode consists of 27 levels, 2 of which are secret and 4 of which are not actually levels in the typical sense.

* Difficulty - "Ultra-Violence".

* E1M7 - Metal Mothers. There will be a large number of spiders and masterminds.

* E1M8, E1M16, E1M23, E1M25 - small hub maps without enemies and secrets.

* At the end of E1M24 a massacre awaits. In the cave location you will need to wait for the elevator to descend. Enemies will attack in waves. First will be cacodemons, then pinkies and imps, then mancubuses and at the very end - archs, two cyberdemons and some lighter demons.




Nowhere to hide... seems to. Essentially the only way to survive in the final stage is to get the archvil to throw you over the fence to where the cacodemon were spawning. If this trick succeeds then from there you can shoot demons with a rocket launcher / provoke them to attack each other / wait until the elevator reaches the floor, take invisibility and go into the teleport near by.




Secret levels.


E1M31. You can get here by E1M15. You will need to get the blue key from a small platform in the center of the map, and then, bypassing the secret passage, climb the hill which is located near the main exit. At the end a tough battle will take place - in locations of 1x2 meters you will need to consistently destroy 3 cyberdemons.


1. With the first I dealt with breaking through to the passage by telefrag, there was enough health points.

2. With the second there were obviously not enough of them. After a series of attempts I've blocked his attacks with a machine gun and then a plasma gun, until the passage opened and the solution, again, was a telefrag.

3. For the third case there were no more hp, no cartridges, only BFG remained from the applicable weapon. It took exactly 5 shots + 2-3 times carefully evade missiles to deal with the last one.




E1M32. The exit is in the south of E1M32 behind the acid waterfall. After you get to the end of the level you need to jump off and re-get to the tower, which is next to the mentioned element of the map.




+ Nice technogenic style. Separate remarkable thing - ventilation shafts, which can be found in both episodes and which, in some sort, recall Duke Nukem 3D and first "Die Hard" movie.

+ Retro soundtrack.




+ E1M12 - Underground Initiation. A combination of storage facilities and flooded locations. 500+ opponents. At the end, after going down by the elevator, a battle with revenants, imps, pinkies, 2 mankubuses and a cyberdemon awaits. If you go with Complex Doom then a flying spider can also be added to this company.

+ E1M13 - I'll Replace You With Machines.

+ E1M14 - Big Chief Chinese Restaurant.

+ E1M24 - Tough Skin River.

+ E1M25 - The Unsinkable Fats Domino.




- Some maps of first half are sort of mediocre one.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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