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Back to Saturn X E1: 1.1.6 bugfix

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Thank you for your work on this, I became aware of Back to Saturn X by watching UltraViolence playthroughs with Pandemonia on YouTube, and I decided to start playing it as well.

Anyway, I detected a small bug, but I don't know if it's a Pandemonia bug or a Back to Saturn X bug: Liquid Water becomes still (doesn't move) if playing Back to Saturn X with Pandemonia, but Liquid Acid works fine.
This problem can also be seen in UltraViolence playthroughs.


I've asked about this problem on the Pandemonia thread on the ZDoom forum, and ate0ate recommended me to use the Smooth Fluids mod from the following thread:


Smooth Fluids made the water move again :)


Edited by peido

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BTSX wasn't designed with mods in mind and can't be guaranteed to work with them. I'm not familiar with Pandemonia but it's probably doing something that overrides the default animations.

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If you're using the "PBR Liquids addon", then I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks BTSX's textures.


Due to the technical limitations of having to fit within vanilla Doom's capabilities, the animated textures in BTSX are set as replacement of the existing Doom textures (instead of as new textures with non-conflicting names, because vanilla Doom doesn't allow to define new animations). If you load a mod that changes vanilla texture animations, it'll change BTSX texture animations too.

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  • 10 months later...

I have done vanilla runs of Back to Saturn X in the past, but after finding out about the gameplay mod Final Doomer, I felt like replaying through the whole thing again with the BTSX-themed weaponset. I guess that unless someone makes a BTSX-themed bestiary, this is the closest Back to Saturn X can be made to feel like a stand-alone game... until Supplice gets released, that is! :P


Anyway, it was great fun! There is a bit of trial and error involved, but overall, it is a great mapset with a great soundtrack and great new art assets. I have mixed feelings about the length, though: on one hand, I think it is a bit of a shame that it is not a full-length megawad and that the "Get Out Of My Stations" maps are so empty and devoid of any interaction; on the other hand, the other maps are huge, complex and difficult, so it might be for the best that the mapset is only 22-maps long and does not overstay its welcome.


On to Episode II and hopefully Episode III soon!

Edited by Rudolph

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  • 10 months later...

   Like this campaign! Gameplay very close to vanilla, but with modern level design. It has some Quake II vibes, and it is not bad.

   Textures are something special! I`m just can`t understand why You decided to NOT contribute them to community. Obviously they are perfect same as Otex or Makkon, Just look how many outstanding projects already created based on it!

   Second episode much harder to proceed (I`m playing on HMP skill :)

Textures, hm... They are beautiful too! Doom should be scary! Outstanding! Please, contribute them too. It is more then ten years of development and support (omg!) Great work!

  --Please fix link to second Ep downloading--

There is a rumors about third Episode? It will be good!

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The plan has always been to release the resources to the public after finishing episode 3. It's just taken a lot longer to finish episode 3 than I thought it would.

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