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Doom Turns 19, It's One of "Those" Birthdays


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So what, we got a shit ton of maps to play. Sounds like an early christmas to me!

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40oz said:

So what, we got a shit ton of maps to play. Sounds like an early christmas to me!

Hell yes, a very merry christmas!

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Ralphis said:

Unlike the rest of you barbarians, I forgive Hobbs.

If he chose to host the Cacowards this year, he has a responsibility. Sure, if something serious has come along the way to hinder his duties, fine. But until he reveals his intentions/reasons for delaying this sacred ceremony, he will have a lot of snarling teeth directed at him (just look at my avatar =P ).

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Are the cacowards currently being worked on?

Mancubus II said:

but that was not recent enough to comfort one's worries.

When was this exactly?

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One more year, and DOOM will be two decades old! I can't wait! Wait, we're doomed on the 21st? :P

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ant said:

One more year, and DOOM will be two decades old! I can't wait! Wait, we're doomed on the 21st? :P

Bring your shotguns and rocket launchers. Mwhahahahaha

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LkMax said:

Bring your shotguns and rocket launchers. Mwhahahahaha

Frak those. I will bring my BFG! :P

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I'd like to request a new thread announcing the official plans for the 19th Cacowards, including who has been selected to create them and (about) when we can expect them. This would certainly calm my (our) nerves. As of now an official game plan is unclear. Maybe this has already happened and I missed it somehow. In that case please point me toward it and allow me to insert my foot into my mouth. :p

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Egregor said:

I'd like to request a new thread announcing the official plans for the 19th Cacowards, including who has been selected to create them and (about) when we can expect them. This would certainly calm my (our) nerves. As of now an official game plan is unclear. Maybe this has already happened and I missed it somehow. In that case please point me toward it and allow me to insert my foot into my mouth. :p

Here is where st. Alfonzo, Xaser and I were drafted to write them, which we are currently doing.

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Aye it should definitely be kept as a group effort from now on, then if one person can't/won't do it next year then it won't affect anything to a significant degree.

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kmxexii said:

Here is where st. Alfonzo, Xaser and I were drafted to write them, which we are currently doing.

Ah yes, I was part of that conversation, but it was never clear to me if that suggestion was going to be implemented. Glad to know it was. Between you three the Cacowards should be strong as ever.

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