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Looking for a code that adds more enemies in all modes


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There's supposed to be a code that adds in as many enemies as on ultra violence on whatever difficulty you're on, making the game still harder, but not as hard as ultra violence

Anyone know what said code is?


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I already explained this in your other thread (why did you post another one?). The enemy placement and item placement are the only differences at all between skills 2, 3, and 4. If you want the Ultra Violence enemy placement, play on Ultra Violence. There's no other changes in difficulty.

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I've actually used this code before, on all of Episode 1 actually, so I'm quite aware of its existence.

So yeah, this exists, I just can't remember the code.

I do have the skill to play on max violence, so I know that I didn't play through all of episodes one on max violence, just with its enemy placement.

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Re-read what you said. I apologize for misunderstanding. Thank you.

BTW, anyone know why the site would log me out whenever I try to delete a post I've made? I can't even close this topic.

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Again sorry the now triple post, but this board really does not like me.

Anyways, are you 100% positive that Ultra Violence doesn't give enemies more health than when on HEY, NOT TOO ROUGH?

Because I seem to notice a huge difference.

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Completely positive. No difference.


On a side-note, this is one of the things I love about Doom and other early FPS's. Can't stand the trend of "higher difficulty just means you get less health" these days. Makes things less fun. :(

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Completely positive. No difference.

Also, use the Edit button instead of double-posting :P


I'd love to, but first this site has to stop logging me out every time I try to edit a message.

BTW, this means that I beat E1 (and about half of E2) on the next to hardest setting. That makes me feel pretty badass actually.

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Completely positive. No difference.


Well I may as well contribute this list of enemy health values
For reference, a shotgun blast can hit a maximum of 105.

In order of appearance...

Zombieman - 20
Shotgun Guy - 30
Imp - 60
Demon - 150
Spectre - 150
Baron of Hell - 1000
Lost Soul - 100
Cacodemon - 400
Cyberdemon - 4000
Spider Mastermind - 3000


Heavy Weapon Dude - 70
Hell Knight - 500
Revenant - 300
Mancubus - 600
Arachnotron - 500
Pain Elemental - 400
Arch-Vile - 700
Final Boss - 250

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  Xaser said:

Can't stand the trend of "higher difficulty just means you get less health" these days. Makes things less fun. :(


Yes, or making the player character less powerful. It's really the cheapest, laziest way to make a game harder... ahem Fallout.

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  Blue Shadow said:

True, but it's extremely rare you'd get that number (105)


Not only rare (1:256), but actually impossible to deal to a monster due to the way the aiming and damage calculation code works.

Yeah, I invite everyone to read that one big-ass thread ;-)

However, it's possible to deal a round 100 HP of damage to monsters with better than 1:256 chances. 4:256 to be exact. Also, the minimum dealable damage is 50 HP (if all pellets connect), again due to how the aiming & damage calculation code works, and the whims of the Random Number God of Doom ;-)

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  Ragnor said:

Theres always playing coop mode in singleplayer, with its extra enemies.


This is what I figured OP meant, but then I can't recall any command-line parameter that enables MP monsters in a SP game. Maybe OP in confusing this mythical code with the Fast Monsters parameter or something?

Or maybe he's using a port that does allow this. Whatever.

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Or with respawning monsters, you can have all the monsters your heart desires.

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