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Doomed Duck Hunt - (Doom/Duck Hunt Mashup)

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Ehy cool videos man!

Anyway, i'll think the cam of the player must moves around in the stage for having much more similarity with the game....

eeew bad english is bad.

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Something like that would probably only work well with a Time Crisis style "get to cover" button. But it would be pretty fun :)

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Incomplete without a Shotgun shaped NES Zapper ;-) Also, needs more P_SpawnBlood :-p

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I remember seeing a duck hunt style arcade machine in Doom Centre with an orange zapper pistol. Good take on the duck hunt idea I must say.

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Hey Everyone. I'm glad that you all liked my video ;) I've never seen that Duck Hunt arcade game in Doom before, but I've sen a lot of these, "Doom Hunt" Type videos before, it just seemed like no one really made one right.... any ideas for my next video?

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I'm pretty sure Doom Center had a fully working Doom Hunt machine in the arcade building. Like, the entire game was rendered on a single texture on the side of an arcade machine - unlike many of the other interactive arcade machines present in the level, your viewpoint never left the arcade. Even had its own DECORATE weapon to interact with it with - an orange pistol to mimic the NES Zapper, which was remarkably accurate with regards to where, on the screen, you had fired. Really impressive stuff.

Actually, that YouTube video two posts above me is the exact same thing, but in a different WAD. Hmm.

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