Optimus Posted December 17, 2012 I found Playstation Doom TC v2.0 yesterday and said Final Doom/Master levels PSX edition? Hell yeah! At least twice, I was in a situation where I fired my shotgun on a zombie soldier and he exploded into gibs! I was like, WTF this can't happen. But I don't know if it happens on this mod because it's supposed to mimic original PSX gameplay or I found a glitch. Funny! p.s.Anything, like I shoot 5 imps with SSG, a soldier killed a Cybie or I found that strange glitch, or my cat jumped and scared me while I was playing. Anything that happened to you today or some older stories. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nomad Posted December 17, 2012 That's not a glitch. Anything killed with enough force will gib! SSG is almost guaranteed to gib zombiemen and imps. Direct hits from rockets usually gib enemies, and sometimes even splash damage will gib them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
PRIMEVAL Posted December 17, 2012 I've never gibbed a zombie* with a hitscan weapon. I thought it was supposed to be impossible as no single hitscan can dish out that amount of damage. *Not counting custom monsters like the Female Zombies which can gib from a pistol. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Optimus Posted December 17, 2012 Quote That's not a glitch. Anything killed with enough force will gib! SSG is almost guaranteed to gib zombiemen and imps. Direct hits from rockets usually gib enemies, and sometimes even splash damage will gib them. Expand Of course, but in the original doom or modern ports for years of playing, this could never happen. Plasma fire could certainly gib zombies sometimes but shotgun or SSG never. I guess, the enemy health and weapon damage in PSX TC has changed in such a way that it deems possible. Or, there is something else. The original shotgun and especially SSG force was more than enough combined to maybe gib, but if it fires 7 pellets and the first 1 or 2 is enough to bring the enemy down, the others don't add but hit the enemy behind. That could be different here. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BaronOfStuff Posted December 17, 2012 Nomad said: That's not a glitch. Anything killed with enough force will gib! SSG is almost guaranteed to gib zombiemen and imps. Direct hits from rockets usually gib enemies, and sometimes even splash damage will gib them. Expand No, never Imps. The maximum damage from any one hitscan is not enough to gib Imps, or even anything else tougher than a regular Zombieman. Optimus said: I guess, the enemy health and weapon damage in PSX TC has changed in such a way that it deems possible. Or, there is something else. The original shotgun and especially SSG force was more than enough combined to maybe gib, but if it fires 7 pellets and the first 1 or 2 is enough to bring the enemy down, the others don't add but hit the enemy behind. That could be different here. Expand Weapon behaviour is the same on a technical level. The only difference is that it most likely takes less damage to gib something in the PSX version as was eventually worked out and implemented in the TC. As for weird stuff on the PSX, I once killed a Hellknight with only two SSG blasts thanks to the tweaked damage output for hitscans. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phobus Posted December 17, 2012 PRIMEVAL said: I've never gibbed a zombie* with a hitscan weapon. Expand One of the first fixes Xaser put into Zen Dynamics was stopping the magnum from gibbing Zombiemen, IIRC. He'd obviously boosted the damage from each shot significantly to have that be a problem, but there's no part of the game logic that expressly forbids hitscans from gibbing... They just don't have the power to reduce zombiemen to -20 health usually. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Toenail Posted December 17, 2012 Yes, I remember gibbing a zombieman with the SSG on one of the ZDaemon Thursday Night Survivals... I didn't think it was even possible. Also recently witnessed a Spectre kill a Lost Soul, not very exciting I know but I've never seen it happen before. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted December 17, 2012 I have a still vivid memory of gibbing a zombie with the SSG in doom2.exe, but it could've been an unseen imp attack. I don't rule out some freakish engine bug, though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted December 17, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_Fqb8Gcp-I 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BaronOfStuff Posted December 17, 2012 Memfis said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_Fqb8Gcp-I Expand Oh that's fucking lousy! I hate that shitty blockmap bug! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Optimus Posted December 17, 2012 Quote BaronOfStuff said: Weapon behaviour is the same on a technical level. The only difference is that it most likely takes less damage to gib something in the PSX version as was eventually worked out and implemented in the TC. Expand Nice. I just realized I can easily recreate the effect in map 13 Central Processing in the room where many zombies appear. I go inside, let them shoot each other a little and then try the shotgun. I also realized, it maybe seems like the gib themselves too. Funny! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zahid Posted December 17, 2012 When i got chainsaw first time in doom i was so excited and rush into a group of monsters believing i will cut everything:P but Only cry i heard was my own player's:( Expectations ruined in funny way..... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted December 17, 2012 I died in zdoom, so I opened the console and repeated last command, intending to resurrect, but instead, I spawned a floor lamp in the middle of a tight passageway:/ (why is it named column btw, that's nonsense) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted December 18, 2012 I wish I've recorded demos of the crazy things I've done with revenant missiles. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted December 18, 2012 40oz said: I wish I've recorded demos of the crazy things I've done with revenant missiles. Expand Oh yes. This. totally this. Or more specifically, the crazy things revenant missiles have done to me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ASD Posted December 18, 2012 I was playing coop with my friend in TNT Map05. I fought the barons and reves in the supercharge room and when I was dodging the missiles, one of them orbited and hit the back of a critically injured baron which died. It was so random and sudden that I laughed. A few days ago in Plutonia map29 coop, I was shooting a mancubus on the roof with the sg. A revenant went on my way so I started to kill him and when the last shot hit, it killed them both, on different heights with perfect angle. It was the original doom.exe so there weren't any mouselook and stuff. One time, I saw a demon killing an arachnotron with single bite (I damaged it first). Random demon/spectre vs [monster] infights never get old. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Snakes Posted December 18, 2012 In the second image, I finally learned why one should adjust settings on Zdoom before diving into a vanilla wad. Of course, this was before I actually decided I used use Prboom+ and what-not... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SFoZ911 Posted December 18, 2012 A hellknight gibbing an imp over a cliff, sending his corpse far away from the original position. Also, I've yet to encounter a hellknight/baronofhell gibbing a chaingun guy, even if it's quite possible. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted December 18, 2012 I once tried to make spectre and hell knight infight. After I made hk accidentally hit spectre with his plasma, he just continued fighting me not even knowing that the spectre pathetically biting the air actually wants to hurt him. It's also quite silly when co-oping players come to the big door simultaneously and then start opening and closing it repeatedly, unable to get in sync. And shooting dead monsters into teleports. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted December 18, 2012 In AV map08, I shot some rockets at one of the spiders in the towers behind the castle. I thought it died, and started shooting some other monsters there.. then suddenly the spider fell of the tower and sprayed me with plasma. I almost thought it actually decided to do that instead of being just random luck. Then just recently in that Back To Saturn X map23.. I was fighting the cyberdemons, I was just circling around them and shooting them with SSG. I killed one.. then the very next shot, I killed the other. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phobus Posted December 18, 2012 SFoZ911 said: Also, I've yet to encounter a hellknight/baronofhell gibbing a chaingun guy, even if it's quite possible. Expand Heavy Weapons Dude has 70 health, IIRC. The Hell Nobles only do 64 damage max (that's projectile or scratch), so you'll never get the -70 or lower health required for gibbing from them. A Revenant could theoretically do it in two hits (60 damage and then 80 from two rockets, for example) but the rockets you and Cyberdemons fire are the safest bets. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted December 18, 2012 Actually they do 10 - 80 with their scratch. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phobus Posted December 18, 2012 Ahh - well, in that case they can definitely gib a chaingunner in melee if the chaingunner takes an 80-damage hit at 10 health or less. Shows how often I get hit in melee by one of the goats :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted December 19, 2012 I mentioned this in another thread. Never, in hundreds of hours playing Doom and Final Doom on the PSX, Doom 64, all the PC versions of Doom plus hundreds, if not a couple of thousand, of custom maps, since 1995, did I gib ANYTHING with the shotgun or super shotgun until I played the PSX TC. Someone even said they gibbed a zombie with the pistol! Don't get me wrong, the TC is amazing and it's fun to gib something with a non-gibbing weapon. I find it very hard to believe this is something we have always been able to do. Unless the chance is < 0.0000000000000000000000000001 and there has to be a full moon. And the theme tune to Hallowe'en or The Exorcist had to be playing. That might explain why no-one could do it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Avoozl Posted December 20, 2012 From all the times I've played Doom, I've never gibbed any monster with a hitscan weapon (except the decorate weapon BFG10K), While I may be inclinded to believe the console versions (mainly the PSX version) might be possible to do this, I am still sceptacle of the PC version being able to do it except maybe by a possible source port glitch. I have seen a Baron/Knight using its melee attack gib a formerhuman one time but I can't remember if it happened in the plain PC version or the PSX Final Doom TC. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tristan Posted December 20, 2012 Avoozl said: I can't remember if it happened in the plain PC version or the PSX Final Doom TC. Expand It's possible in either, only -20 health is needed, and a Hell Knight/Baron's melee will do 10-80. From a full-health Zombieman, -60 health can be achieved in the claw attack. However, the zombie provoking the minotaur to use it's MELEE attack can't be too common. They must've been stood very close to each other (Command Centre?) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted December 20, 2012 In my first ever deathmatch on the PC, I was playing against my friend on the Sever The Wicked map which served so well on the PSX. We were playing with monsters on and couldn't get used to having monsters everywhere in a deathmatch. My friend was blasting monsters with the BFG on the ground to the left of the player start area. I was up in the tunnel above collecting the plasma gun. Neither of us knew the other was nearby. I dropped down in front of my friend just as he opened fire with the BFG, catching the blast full in the face and being exploded backwards. My friend said his brother fell off the chair laughing. My brother and this same friend were playing co-op on the PSX. My brother witnessed my friend chase a Lost Soul across his screen where they disappeared behind a wall. Moments later our friend came running back with a Lost Soul chasing him. In another game, my brother again saw his friend run behind a wall and immediately come exploding backwards. A Baron came around the wall; our friend had run straight into it and it had gibbed him in one. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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