Enjay Posted December 21, 2012 I took this picture of my kids many years ago... Coop LAN game. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BaronOfStuff Posted December 21, 2012 ...and the first thing I notice is that they're on E1M2. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomUK Posted December 21, 2012 Anarkavre said:http://imgur.com/n9rlj Enjay said:http://members.lycos.co.uk/Enjay001/Images/coop.jpg Awww. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
hellothere231 Posted December 21, 2012 Yes. Do this. Stop Call of Duty and Halo plaguing the minds of young gamers. Let them play DOOM 1 and 2. You both get 10 internets. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The Ultimate DooMer Posted December 21, 2012 uncle i want to play halo 4 - i said: you should beat doom first This. It'd be quite amusing to see how many ppl would actually get to play Halo 4 (or any MMS/SGWW game) if they had to beat Doom first. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
GreyGhost Posted December 22, 2012 Enjay said:I took this picture of my kids many years ago...That was a long time ago, before PC manufacturers decided black was the new beige. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dragonsbrethren Posted December 22, 2012 The Ultimate DooMer said:This. It'd be quite amusing to see how many ppl would actually get to play Halo 4 (or any MMS/SGWW game) if they had to beat Doom first. I wonder the opposite. Been playing through Halo 4 on legendary. Doom on UV is easier. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted December 22, 2012 Yea Halo in the upper skill levels isn't exactly easy. Skill 4 is much easier than Legendary in Halo 3 at least 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Clonehunter Posted December 22, 2012 GreyGhost said:That was a long time ago, before PC manufacturers decided black was the new beige. Damn I love beige computers. Miss those fuckers like I miss the library copy of Dark Forces I always played and eventually shot to hell at a YMCA computer. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted December 22, 2012 And then I read the Reddit comments about the Uncle being worse than Hitler for forcing his nephew to play a shitty dinosaur game. Meanwhile all these fags are probably wearing a Mario 3 t-shirt "un-ironically." 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted December 22, 2012 Left handed mousing! That's what I noticed first... I tried it a few times, so weird, got through Q2. Well, if I ever get kids, I'll make them play Doom.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Enjay Posted December 22, 2012 Jimi said:Left handed mousing! That's what I noticed first... Funny thing is, he's not left handed. I am, however, and he used my computer so often that he is equally happy using a left or right anded mouse these days. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReX Posted December 22, 2012 Enjay said:Funny thing is, he's not left handed. I am, however, and he used my computer so often that he is equally happy using a left or right handed mouse these days. Funny thing is, I'm right-handed for the 'usual' things, such as writing, brushing teeth, playing guitar, and DooM editing. However, I play DooM (and other computer games) with a left-handed mouse. I also sight (e.g., rifles) with my left eye, and play drums as a left-hander (i.e., bass drum pedal on left foot, high-hat pedal on right foot). Go figure. Back on topic, if you want to get them young, teach them how to edit for DooM (scroll down to bottom of page). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Platinum Shell Posted December 22, 2012 Enjay said:Funny thing is, he's not left handed. I am, however, and he used my computer so often that he is equally happy using a left or right anded mouse these days. An ambidextrous Doomer eh? Probably not too many that I can think of. Is it just for mice or can he dual-operate/hold other things as well? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
purist Posted December 23, 2012 ReX said:Back on topic, if you want to get them young, teach them how to edit for DooM (scroll down to bottom of page). Done ;-) This reminds me. I said I'd compile and release his '6 year old' maps now that he's tunrned seven. This is a good place to mention that if you ever see anyone on ZDaemon acting like a lunatic under my name it's a good chance it's Dylan playing. He likes co-op but occasionally has a go at FFA. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Enjay Posted December 23, 2012 Platinum Shell said:An ambidextrous Doomer eh? Probably not too many that I can think of. Is it just for mice or can he dual-operate/hold other things as well? No, he is fully right handed. It's just that he spent so much time on my computer that the side of the mouse doesn't seem to bother him much. Although I consider myself to be left-handed, I am actually reasonably ambidextrous with a bias towards fine motor control tasks (eg mouse, writing etc) being better with my left hand and a slight bias towards strength based tasks being right handed. I have no "sidedness" for tasks in the middle (eg using a screwdriver, paintbrush) and can happily do them with whichever hand is the most convenient. And believe me, that can be very convenient at times (eg when working in a small space). As far as mouse use goes, I definitely favour the left hand. I can use a mouse right handed (I don't usually bother reversing the ones at work) but for tasks where speed and/or accuracy is required, there is definitely a difference. The best example I have is that I was deathmatching in UT with my son and he was wiping the floor with me (we are normally reasonably well matched with me usually have a slight edge). I was using the mouse in my right hand. I didn't feel that I was doing anything particularly clumsily but I just kept losing. So, I switched the mouse around and, again, although it didn't feel that much different, I started winning. Unfortunately, I'm carrying a long term arm injury ATM and it has forced me to use my right hand on the mouse. I do notice that, sometimes, my mouse clicks and accuracy when using a paint program or something is not quite as it should be and I am having to Doom on an easier setting than normal too. :/ purist said:Done ;-) 6 eh? That beats my son who was 12 when he released his first map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DeathevokatioN Posted December 24, 2012 You are an awesome father, Enjay! :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phobus Posted December 24, 2012 Ha, just to make you guys feel old, I was 6 when I'd made my first "map". Of course, it was an unplayable mess and I didn't properly release anything until I was 15, but still... As for the mouse-hand discussion: I use my mouse left-handed at work to cut down on the risk of RSI, as I'm normally right-handed. I'm pretty good with my left, but I'd not want to try graphics editing, Doom mapping or any of the other more precise stuff with it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Anarkavre Posted December 27, 2012 hellothere231 said:Yes. Do this. Stop Call of Duty and Halo plaguing the minds of young gamers. Let them play DOOM 1 and 2. You both get 10 internets. Thank you for the 10 internets, but I cannot take credit. My friend at work reads reddit and found the picture. He sent me the picture because he knows I love Doom. I shared with the forums because it was epic lulz. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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